Your Head Would Mean so Much to Me


I'd been doing my job for ages now. Ever since my parents were killed in my eyes and I had nearly been raped three times, I'd been accomplishing my work: Killing the dirtbags of society, rapists, muggers- yada yada you get the clue. Not a soul will miss them. They ruined my life. Now I'm going after the dirtbags who killed my family, and saving others in my situation. I think I could work with Crazed Criminal Killer. Though, beheading is would I say it- old school? I'd prefer a more MODERN approach. Something involving guns or throwing knives. Phoenix has competition. Haha! I have to find this homicidal fuckface girl trying to take my turf away. She let her name and herself in general reach global exposure! I kill in secret and with a mask on.

Hmpf! Hun, prepare to meet your maker. I will steal back my crown of blood, bitch, and your fugly ass can so very BEYOND not stop ME. Killing is MY turf and belongs to ALL male killers. Girls can just be, I don't know, PLOYS or traps. Myeh. They're no good fighters anyway. I wonder what weapon I'll be taking with me tonight. Machete? No. Sawbladed sword? No. Revolver? Nein. Pirate-era pistol? No. Crossbow? Myeh. I'll just take two of my hunting knives & put them in the secret sheathes on my boots, a crossbow, a hammer & some "potions" drugs I'd been experimenting on. Hehehehe. Tonight's going to fucking ROCK! Criminals beware..

*FF 2 Hours*

I actually let my dreads down to my waist today. My equipment is hidden by my long trenchcoat that I swiped from the corpse of some douchebag I killed after school last year because of my anger issues and his asshole nature. I sense that someone's behind me & it seems to be a mafia member after me. Ugh. These bitches need to learn their master...he grabs my arm and leads me to an alleyway, sounds approaching that sound like heavy boots on the sidewalk. "Down on your knees & suck Italian cock." Oh god. "You'll have to try & kill me first. Better yet-" I stand up, whip out one of my knives and stab the guy in the back...literally. "YOU GUYS DON'T BACK THE FUCK UP, SIR REGINAL-FUCKBAG HERE GETS IT. NOW!" The gang starts to move slowly backwards, eventually reaching the sidewalk in time for me to put me to re-adjust the sheath for my knives on my boots.

While I'm down on my knees someone eventually comes and kicks me in the head. Before I fall unconscious to the ground, I see the bodies of the gang members being chopped to bits by this female shadow I can barely understand. "Kill them all." I faint, not hearing her speak. "With pleasure!" The girl flings her sword at the chest of the guy who knocked out Arrian/Phoenix "Now let's get you out of here, man. Dangerous part you're in...and hell-o! A tattoo on his neck- A BLOODY PHOENIX SURROUNDED BY FLAMES, SWORDS & TOMBSTONES!?! Dude, you're my inspiration! Ok control yourself, girl. Gotta get him to safety. Come on, big boy!" She tries to lift up the unconscious figure but calls in her bodyguards who support her position Criminal Killer (they also erase evidence of her by either neutralizing & sending witnesses/attack survivors into amnesia) to help carry the body to her car.

"Your head would mean so much to me, babies. But now..." adds new line to her signature phrase "New doom await your imminent death shall come when you least expect by phoenix! *picture of a roaring demonic phoenix bird* I like, I like- Focus girl! Car. Now." I wonder what my killing inspiration is like...I know he conceals knives in his boots, which is fucking sicknasty awesome! I'm so picking his brain for his ideas. Maybe we could team up.

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Haha. I love this idea very much. Sara's got idea skills!!!!! This is my exact tough alterego and the tattoo idea I created for him may just be modified to be my first one.