Your Head Would Mean so Much to Me

Shine My Blade

"...Well that wasnt exactly my definition of fun. My head hurts like a fucking BITCH. Something just occurred to me: THIS ISN'T MY ROOM! What the hell, man! I was on a roll with killing those fuckhead douchebags. Goddamn it!" I hear heels clicking right behind me, I take out my dagger from the sheath on my arm. "Who's there?" The dagger flies out of my hand into the palm of a girl right in front of me standing in fishnets, black leather, waist-length black hair and high heeled converse boots. "Crazed Criminal Killer." I never thought I'd meet this psycho bitch, but whatever! Her torture/murder methods are THE best! "I never actually thought I'd be sitting- or even BREATHING- in your presence. So why am I here? Not that I'm not ridiculously thrilled or anything." She starts to tie her hair up in a bun/tail type combination, sits down next to me. "I saw you were in trouble. Boy, you've got skill and I think we'd do awesome ridding this world of dirtbags and shitfucking assholes."

I must be deaf, blind and drugged. "Hold up. YOU, Crazed Criminal Killer, want to hunt with me? Am I drugged?" 5 minutes of dead silence, we both start cracking up hysterically. "Yes, we should. Think! People hear of us, crime rates go ridiculously down in all areas! Everywhere! People would fear Crazed Criminal Cousins!" I like the way she thinks. "Hell.To the.Fuck.Yes! We can be like undercover spies! Hahaha!" We start putting together our weapons and disguises, things like that. Knives in our boot sheath-things and a little crossbow in each of our hoodie pockets. "I say we patrol Rochester's alleys. I hear people there are satanic fuckheaded monsterfools. You in?" The people there ARE ridiculously mean. Yes!

"I'm so in!" I can't wait. "I want to put my knives and such where they're supposed to go and then take a shower. Be right back." I interrupt her before leaving. "HEY! Mind telling me where we go and everything? You did kinda sorta take my unconscious body here." Her face blushes crimson red, she laughs and tells me she'll find me. "Go anywhere you want. I'll call & find you, don't worry." Slightly creepy, but hey! I have a gothic phoenix tattoo on the back of my neck I got at 16. It pays off to have befriended Aeric & to have my first tattoo done by him. "Let's do this shit."

There's some people in New York I kinda want harmed, if not DEAD. Jordan & Sage I am coming for you. Your blood will shine my blade.
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I hope Tasha gets the character I put in here! She knows him! =)