Your Head Would Mean so Much to Me


We'd been patrolling for hours now, looking for a new kill. I heard Rochester had some shitty-ass horrible people around. "Sara! Rochester, now. I just remembered this one douchebag I was told about." She asks to be filled in but I deny, beginning the walk to Rochester. Thankfully, we killed people with serious money. Ilegitmately, evilly gained money. We're such smart killers! Hey would a bloodthirsty rapist druggie-dealer be missed, family disowned him? Yeah. No. "Ok we'll stop here for the night...Holiday Inn. I think we may just get some taxis...>xD" Sara puts her hair up, but lets her bangs cover half her face. She follows me in and I book our hotel rooms for the night.

"I hope to GOD no one notices us here. I might just have to use the anesthesia supply I stole." Whoa what? "Sara you stole that? Damn, you surprise me. Now, you'll surprise me more later when I'm not sick & tired, ok? Haha. >xD" I'm surprised our weapons & shit got in. Then again, we're both wearing long dark black trenchcoats. Everything's off and hidden away, lights go out and we fall asleep. I can't wait to go after this Jordan bitch. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'll make it look like he pissed off a bloodthirsty rapist. >=) I do have some friends who do that shit, to show how horrible what these criminals do is for their victims & their lives.

*FF to morning*

Ugh, my neck hurts and the light is killing me! Hissing, I fling my fingers at the window blinds then they cover up the window and stop the light coming in. "Well no damned wonder my neck hurts. I'm in a strange hotel room. Interesting. Not so much. Not really. No. WHAT THE FU- Oh yeahh. Lack of killing lately that's gotten me mad wacko. Lust for murder is like my desire for more tattoos." I hear laughter from the other side of the hotel room, along with words making fun of me. "Dude you're wacko! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! >xD" Oh hell no, she's not calling me wacko. "Girl you could've attracted mega super attention before you killed Chance. Amazing work, by the way." She acts as if her greatest idol complimented her work by squealing and hopping.

"Thanks! :D It means a lot coming from you! Heh. We're both media hunted killers. Wicked cool!" She is right..."Hun, no it's not. But yes we are media hu-" Furious pounding on our door interrupts me. "OPEN UP! POLICE!" "-nted killers. Say, how about we flee the fuck out of here, take showers somewhere else, steal some money from someone and find somewhere else to rest? ." We laugh nervously.

"I'd say, Nemuri, you have a fucking mind. Now let's go!!!!" We quickly pack our things and put our coats on, stealing drinks & snacks for later and put them in our separate bags. "Leave a message?" We leave our signature emblems, my flaming bloody heart phoenix and her headless victim falling to the ground in blood, on the hotel window. "Jump out? It's only 4 stories and there's grass & dirt." She jumps after I'm done, making me grunt in frustration. I follow, landing right next to my standing companion on the grass. "FLEE BITCH!" We run for behind a dark alleyway near this park, using our coats to hide us.

After 15 minutes of searching this alley, the cops leave to search some other building saying they have proof of our residence in New York. "They gone?" I tell her to be quiet and use my mind power to wack one of the cops in the head, scaring him and the others away. "Ugh GOD do we have a long way to Rochester. We're in Gloversville, right?" She nods yes. "So how far is Rochester?" We hear the maniacal laughter of 5 men and a woman across the street behind the dumpster in THAT alley. "....we'll go after we kill those guys." And like hell, the two of us ran to the stoplights at the traffic intersection and I change the light to red. The cars stop rapidly then Sara and I run across the road to see 5 men their pants and shoes off, ready to gang-rape this innocent civilian. The woman's shirt is already completely off.

"Sara, you get the woman to safety? I'll handle the fucks." I remember my crossbow and shoot one guy in his- yeah you get it- enjoying his screams of pain. "*whistles* Yeah hi. You bitches recognize me? I'm the one who blew up that one guy's head for abusing his daughter last month. Ah what the hell. Suck on this, dirtfucks!" I shoot them all in random spots and run over there. "Aww man! I got all of them in the neck. Good aim, I compliment myself on that, but I wanted to break some bones. Ah well." I turn to see Sara trying to calm the woman down after giving the nearly raped victim a new shirt. "Hey you both ok!?" They both scream, I feel someone clamp their hand over my mouth and arm around my stomach. Tightly. THEY'RE going to try & rape ME? "Shut up and follow our demands then you'll be fine." He un-does his pants and boxes, forcing me to my knees. "Suck." Ugh. "Ok I'm bored." I whip out a hunting knife and stab the guy's thigh, hop up in near lightning speed and grab his neck. "Do not ever try and force yourself on me. I dont know why I bother to warn you." I stab him in the chest and take out my knife, kicking the bleeding-to-death man to the ground.

"I don't swing your way, boy." The woman goes to the nearest hotel with the money Sara gave her and some smoke bombs to use when she's ambushed again by more guys or people in general. "We have to get to New York before I lose my lust for murder." Sara looks at me like I'm crazy. "Ok that shit's not gon' happen. At all. Ever. In this lifetime. Now can we go? We can call a taxi or you can steal a car. Yeah, you can drive so you go then we'll switch if needed, ok?"

*FF Hour and a half*

After we had gotten directions to a hotel we picked out in Rochester off some random person's house, we randomly left and took their car. I'm sitting passenger and already asleep, listening to one of my top 5 favorite musicians: the Swedish death metal band Arch Enemy, listening to their hit track My Apocalypse. "I have no clue how Arch Enemy puts you to sleep...>xD Haha!"


After a few more hours we arrive at our destination: Some random motel, name of which escapes me. "Let's go explore. I put this motel name, address and directions into my phone so we can come back later. It's nearing 10 PM now, so criminals are out." We rest in our stolen car for 15 minutes, we wake and I'm FULLY energized. "I feel as if I can take out Blade the Daywalker now! Let's go!"

*FF a couple hours*

"I can't fucking find Jorda-Hello, mama Satanica. Look who showed up. Mr.Watson, you are as good as gone. >:)" I begin to follow him. I've heard of this guy and what he's done to my friend is UNFORGIVABLE BY ALL STANDARDS. "Hey." I'm leaning against the wall with my hair down and a smile on my face, knife behind my back. "Hello...?" I walk towards him after sneaking the knife up my coat sleeve. "Hey. Your name...Jordan?" With a freaked out look on his face, he nods yes. "So have you done anything you're proud of?" Going from freaked-out to smirking, Jordan exclaims that he's fucked up a girl's life good. "Oh really now. Mind telling me who?"

"This selfish bitch living near me named Gabby. GOD I hate her. She needs and should want only ME-" I heard enough! I drop the knife to the ground, pick it up and fling it at his shoulder. "I've heard about you, Mr. Watson. I know you're doing bad horrible things to her. Consider this payback." I take the knife slightly out of the gushing hole in his shoulder and shove it forcefully back in for 5 minutes. "Ya know? I hate you too fucking much to even look at you. I know what will happen." I stab Jordan in the lower back and knock him out. "Time for a prison."


I did not know where the fuck a prison was around here. But we finally found a locked one with several, brute demonic-like inmates. Sweet. Hopefully they deal with this bastard. I sneak into a cell after yanking open a (shockingly) unlocked cell. Throwing the unconscious, slowly bleeding dirtfuck in the cell, Sara locks it and we leave a bug-camera to record the events for our amusement.
*Jordan* head hurts. Wait, I'm bleeding from my shoulders in a prison cell. What the fuck? And there's several smirking men staring at me, demonic looking eyes. Oh shit. "Boys, we're gonna have fun tonight!" 2 of them start taking their jumpsuits off while the other 3 from other unlocked cells sneak in and hold me tightly. "Hmm. He's a skinny bitch. Oh well. LET'S FUCK!" They had ripped everything off my body and took off their clothes.

Jordan had been raped 5 times in every way humanly possible that night. He had taken so many up the back door, dealt so many forced blowjobs. He was left bleeding, naked and leaking various bodily fluids and located on the floor of his cell. The guards come and laugh. "Another one burns in dust".
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Next 2 chapters are fricking on Sara, man. >xDD My chest hurts like fuck and is almost burning AND I possess a wicked headache from stress, procrastination and my homework. So sorry. >xD