Your Head Would Mean so Much to Me


As we sat there watching and rewatching that fuck head get raped, i had a urge to go check my email and text messages. so i abruptly stood up and walked over to the computer. As i waited for it to boot up, Tony pulled a chair up and sat next to me. Yahoo mail popped up on my laptop screen finally, and i signed in, then almost imediently I saw that i had 2 new picture messages and chat messages. i decided to read the chat messeges first, although i didnt recognize the user.

XxCCKxX:Who is this?

-JJK-: someone you once knew

XxCCKxX: what do you mean? i never stay in one place long enough to get to know people....

-JJK-: oh you know me very well Crazed Criminal Killer, weve met once.

XxCCKxX: okay nut job. idk who this crazed criminal killer is, but if i ever meet them, ill make sure you said HI. now BYE.

and with that i signd off my chat, but stayed signed into the mail, the pictures where from that guy that i was just messaging, and i thought of deleting them, but something told me to look at them

so i opend up the photos and gasped in horror, he was my frist boyfriend, and the first victim, but HOW THE HELL CAN HE BE ALIVE?!

i was so scared, but i checked the other picture, it was him bloody when i left him, and another, was him standing over a dead girls body, wait..... id notice that blue hair anywhere.....AMY?! HE FUCKING KILLED AMY?!
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sorry this is such a filler, but i had this urge to write about her finding her best friend murderd by a supposed to be deal victiim