The Black Parade

Chapter 1- Enter Kye Javes and his pranks

"GOTCHA!" screamed Kye excitedly. There went another one of his pranks. A flour bomb had been planted in the new kid's locker, falling straight on to his face. The new kid was now covered in white powder. Kye was nnow laughing hysterically rolling on the floor, clutching his sides.

"Kye, sorry dude, but that was seriously not cool. In fact it was lame as hell," exclaimed Miles, Kye's best friend as he put his books back into his locker. But Kye wasn't listening. He was too busy laughing. The new kid, even though he wore glasses, was now blinded with flour. He had dropped all his books and was looking for a way to get to the bathroom. He put his hands out in front of him, trying not to bump into anyone or anything. Usually the whole school would be laughing and pointing and making fun of the geek, but not now. Kye had gone too far this time. It wasn't funny anymore. In fact, it was cruelty. The kid stepped on a book and slid backwards into the lockers, banging his head. This made Kye laugh even more. His face was now the same color red as his hair. The kid pushed himself up. There was suddenly a sound of glass crinkling.

"Oh, no," moaned the kid. There went his glasses, his foot crushing the lens and frame of his glasses.

"Kye, you little shit!" yelled a girl with blonde hair as she burst through the crowd of sympathetic students. Kye's laughing suddenly stopped. He recognized that voice too well.

"Tina! Come on, it was just a little harmless fun!" complained Kye, trying to catch his breath.

"You call THIS harmful?" she squeaked in anger as she wiped the back of the boy's head and exposing his blood on her hand. He stared, then smirked.

"Well that's a scar he can tell his grandkids!" he chuckled. Tina glared at him. Her deep, green eyes staring right into his sweet, blue eyes with hatred.

"Consider our 'relationship'!" she announced as she guided the new guy to the bathroom. Kye stared at her in confusion as she marched down the corridor. What had he done. It was funny, wasn't it?

"Smoothe, real smoothe, Kye!" called some guy with black hair that passed him.

"Prick," whispered another girl with auburn hair as she passed him too. Kye did the padlock up on his locker and gradually walked down the corridor. Other students sneered and glared at him. He walked until he met an intersection in the locker filled hallway. There stood Kye's first victim. A fifteen-year old named Josh, who came to the school a geek, had now transformed into an antisocial emo. Josh glared at Kye then shook his head. Josh stormed past Kye, but Kye just smiled. What could a little emo do to him. He was the coolest, the cutest, and the most poular in the whole school. He was untouchable!