The Black Parade

Chapter 2- The Warning

Kye strolled casualyy through the corridors and out into the eating area. The chattering between the students suddenly ceased as he came into their presence. They glared at him evily, the look of revenge dwelled in their eyes. He walked slowly to the table where he and his friends sat each break. The courtyard was silent.

"Hey, dudes!" he called as he walked over to a green, wooden bench that was positioned right in the shade of a tree. There was no reply, just a look from each of the five teenaged boys.

"What you did today was cruel, Kye," said one of the boys named Jeremy in a quiet tone.

"I agree. It was funny to begin with, but now, it's just over the top. It's just gone on too long," continued Miles with his hazel eyes giving a diappointed look towards Kye.

"Come on. It gets a laugh," replied Kye hoping that they would agree.

"Look around, Kye. Is anyone else laughing?" asked another boy called CJ. Kye looked around. Everyone was gazing at him, like they were ready to kill him.

Suddenly the new kid walked out into the courtyard, talking with Tina. He noticed Kye and froze, turning pale with fright. Tina bent down and began to whisper in his ear. Kye burst out a laugh.

"Tina, you can't be serious you're hanging out with THIS guy, are you?" Kye asked in a joking kind of voice. Tina looked up at him and glared.

"Well now that you mention it, yes I am!" she replied. Kye's smile suddenly faded. How could SHE the coolest of all babes be hanging out with the new geek? What did she see in him.

Kye marched past them both and headed back towards the lockers. A group of Goths and emoes hung around his locker, talking in low tones.

"Out of my way, freaks!" Kye ordered, barging one out of the way with his shoulder. The Goth was knocked to the ground. Another Goth got down on her hands and knees to help him up.

"I'd watch myself if I were you Kye," warned one of the Goths, with his fringe settling just above his brow.

"Why? Will some of your supernatural beings that you worship come out and kill me?" Kye scoffed, as he jiggled the lock on his locker.

"Not beings that we worship, but ordinary people," he replied. Kye stopped and looked at the Goth. Ordinary people? Who would want to kill Kye?

"Yes, people you have hurt, mentally and physically. Like Josh here," continued a girl of the group, pushing forward the boy that wore dark clothing to express his emotions. He, like all the others, glared at him evily too.

"We are here to warn you that if you carry on with this cruelty, you will be sent to 'Halfway'; a meeting place for the recently dead," explained the first Goth.

"Halfway? What a pathetic name!" he smirked.

"Do not judge where we have been. We have seen horrors beyond your wildest dreams," warned one.

"But we happened to be the unlucky ones," added another.

"Why are you freaks telling me this?" asked Kye in a now more nervous tone.

"Because, we all are victims of your doing. Once geeks, are now emoes and Goths."

"You reminded us that there is no point in living, but only in one chance."

"And alot of our friends have died thinking that their chance will never come."

Kye broke into a cold sweat. He was now slightly frightened. What were these people trying to do. Still, he wiped his brow and stood up tall. He set his jaw firmly.

"If this is just a way you crazed lunitics are trying to spoil my fun, well it's not working. I am an athiest, do you hear me? I do not believe in Heaven, Hell or any other superstition you people believe in. These kids deserve to know that I'm the king of this school, and if anyone trys to dis that, they should know who they're messing with!" yelled Kye. He stomped off. Where he was going not even he knew. Just go where ever his feet took him. The group stared after him.

"Your time is coming, so watch your back!" called the first Goth.

But Kye wasn't listening.