The Black Parade

Chapter 3- The Mistake

Finally! There went the bell. All manner of students raced out the big glass doors and swarmed on to the streets. But today, no one walked with Kye. He tried hard to get with his friends, but they just ignored him. He walked around, trying to spot out at least someone who would walk with him. Suddenly Tina brushed his arm as she hurried past.

"Ahh, there we go," Kye whispered to himself as he homed in on Tina. She looked back and noticed Kye following her, getting closer. She picked up the pace from walk to a quick walk. So did Kye. Then she spen up to slight jog. Kye the same. Then sped up to jog, then run, then sprint.

She hurried down the street, Kye hot on her trail. Suddenly she stopped and spun round, making Kye slide to a stop.

"Stop following me!" she demanded.

"But babe--"

"Don't 'babe' me! What you did today was awful! I can't see why even those Goths bothered to talk to you today!" she yelled. Her blonde hair whipped behind her, making Kye not notice what she was saying, only what she looked like.

"God, you're beautiful," he said trying to change the subject while going in for a kiss. Tina slapped his face. Kye held his face in agony as he felt a welt appearing across his cheek.

"Is that all I mean to you? Looks?" she whispered in disappointment. She raised her hand to signal the conversation was over, then walked off down the street. Kye sighed and walked off towards his house.

He got home and deposited his bag in his room. He wall was covered in semi-naked girls, famous punk bands, and just cool looking posters with attitude. He went back into the kitchen and poured himself an icy glass of orange juice fresh out of the fridge.

"Mom, I'm home!" Kye called out. He took his first sip of orange juice. The smooth texture soothed his parched throat.

Suddenly, in came a short women with straight, red hair, pale skin, and jade eyes from the master bedroom. She gave Kye a hug and a kiss to greet him. Although her eyes were a beutiful shade of green, they were spoilt by rings and bags.

"Hi, honey. How was school?" she asked in a tired tone.

"Eh, can't complain," he replied with no guilt. She looked at him with apologetic eyes.

"Honey, I'm just going for a lie down. Is that okay?" she asked. Although she sounded calm, she was desperate for sleep, or at least some relaxation time. Kye nodded.

"I'm glad you said that. You look run-down, Mom," he answered worridly. "So I'm just going out so I won't be in your way," he added. She knew that he was using the 'won't be in your way' sentence as an easy excuse to get out of the house. But yet, she smiled and nodded. She then wondered back to the bedroom and shut the door behind her. Kye dragged his fist down in excitement and ran into the bathroom.

He peered into the mirror. The welt burnt and was now red with purple marks within. So he turned on the tap, gathered a small amount of cold water in his 'hand' made cup and splashed it on his face. The welt no longer burnt, and the marking was no longer obvious.
Now for his hair. He twirled open the lid on his jar of gel. Then took and handful of the gel and smeared it through his red-streaked, blonde hair, forming fashionable spiked upon his head. Everything else was perfect.

"If I was any better looking, I'd marry myself," sniggered Kye to himself.

He grabbed his wallet and headed out the door...for the final time.