The Black Parade

Chapter 4- The Attack

Kye looked up at the sky. The clouds were dark and looked to bring storms. He started to walk down the deserted street. It was slowly getting darker, but Kye was never afraid of the dark. He passed the school and shops. Everything was a whole lot quieter. It made Kye just a little bit paranoid. He felt a presence behind him, so close it felt as though they were breathing down his neck. Kye quickly spun on his heel, ready to attack, but there was no one there. He sighed. The streets had never been this deserted before. Kye felt the presence again, but each time he turned around, no one. A cold sweat broke out, chills running up his spine.

The clouds were now darker than ever. Lightning brightened the sky with deep sounds of thunder following. It was now beggining to rain, quite heavily too. Kye folded the collar up on his red jumper around his neck. Even though the collar was around his neck, it did not stop the shivers that ran up and down his spine.

He had now reached the 'Dead Zone'; a dark, eerie part of the city where junkies, alcoholics and a manner of other people dwelled There was the feeling of the presence again. There was no point ignoring it. Kye slowly turned around. There stood a one of the Goths from school, black markings running down his ghostly-white cheeks, for he was wearing a hoodie.

"Boo," the Goth said quietly. Kye's eyes widened. He bolted down the pavement, where he ran to, he didn't care.

The thunder rumbled as he ran for his life. Kye looked behind. The Goth wearing the black hoodie was closing in on him, fast! He looked up ahead again and noticed another hooded Goth was waiting for him up ahead. He stood between an alley and a way out. But as soon as Kye headed for the escape route, three more hooded emoes or Goth were coming across the street, cutting off a safe escape. The only option now was the alley. Oh shit! Kye had no other choice. It was the alley or torture. He bloted down the alley only to greet a dead end, accompanied by a group of three other hooded Goths. He skidded to a stop. There was no turning back now as the five chasers headed down the alley towards him, hoods still up, disguising their faces.

Kye looked around desperately for a way out, but it was no use. Not a ladder, not anything. He was suddenly tripped from behind, causing him to fall on to his hands and knees. He looked up at the leader.

"Go for it," he whispered. Kye suddenly felt a kick to his ribs and stomache, then a pain to his spine, then his other set of ribs. He then started to feel two jabs of pain at once. Hang on! Two pains at once? That meant there was more than one attacker torturing him! Either way the attack continued. Repeating over and over. Different places being attacked each time. Kye started to feel blood trickling from his nose and lips. He was being murdered!

Suddenly the beating stopped. And his head was wrenched back by his hair. A line of hooded Goths stood before him.

"Remember us?" asked one of the slyly. They each pulled back their hoodies, each revealing a familiar face. Except for one.

"We're are your victims of torment. Including our recent arrival...Kez," annouced another as she slid back the final member's hood. It revealed the new kid. The geek. Kye was too weak to laugh, or do anything. The first Goth suddnely punched Kye across the face making him spit blood onto the drenched ground.

"The only respect you'l be getting from respect for the dead," sneered the leader as he handed a revolver with a silencer to Kez. Kez slipped his finger on to the trigger.

"You deserve nothing," snarled Kez.

The final vision of Kye's life was a slight smile from the new kid and a bullet in the shot at his head. The Goths stood over Kye's motionless body and spat. The rain washing both the saliva and blood away from the scene.

"See you in Halfway."