The Black Parade

Chapter 5- Welcome to Halfway

A big, black portal had opened in Kye's mind, sucking huge amounts of air at one time. Kye reached out a hand to the portal. Suddenly a huge, dark figure stepped from the portal's mouth. The outline of the figure showed obviously that it had huge wings coming from its back.

"Help me," pleaded Kye quietly. The figure outstreched its hand willingly to take Kye's. Kye struggled to reach his fingertips to the figure. Only a tiny bit to you! As Kye's fingertips touched the figure, memories of his life flashed through his mind ranging from happy days with both his parents, to his dad dying, to that day.

Kye screamed in agony as his soul released itself from his body and stood by the figure. And there lay the, now, lifeless body of Kye Javes. Kye's soul looked up at the tall, dark figure as it turned around. There was the portal. Kye stared into its eternal darkness. The figure outstreched its hand to the portal, gesturing to step through. Kye nodded. He lifted his leg and stepped on to the base of the portal, his hair being dragged through by the sucking. He was suddenly pushed and made to feel as if he was falling through an ifinate supply of darkness. Down he fell, nothing but emptyness on either side. But what, a light? It was true what they say, that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

The light was getting closer and closer until...

Kye stumbled out landing on his hands and knees, coughing, spluttering and gasping for air. He looked up. The area was deserted and desolate. Smoke filled the air. The only real object in sight was a distant city which had burnt. Kye stood up. He was confused, dazed. He had just seen himself die.

Suddenly, the figure landed beside him. But now the its shape was easier to recognise. It was a tall girl at the age of about seventeen. Her skin what a ghostly white shade, with shiny, jet-black hair that flew behind her. Her eyes were masked by large amounts of black eyeliner and grey eyeshadow. She wore a short, black skirt, a grey t-shirt that hid beneath her giant, black, leather jacket. All of this was accompanied by black, knee-high boots, fishnet sleeves and stockings and a giant pair of black, feather wings sprouting through the jacket.

The terrain he walked on was miles and miles of cold ash. A few dead trees were scattered around the place too.

"It shouldn't be too long now," whispered the angel. And with that, her figure was whispped out of the air like smoke. Kye stood there, scared.

What was to happen now?