The Black Parade

Chapter 7- Haunting Memories

A/N: Hey dudes, sorry about not submitting for a while, but my internet failed at first, then tests at school and other crap. Another thing, if yoou notice double or triple of a letter in a word that shoudn't be there, it's because my keyboard is KAHH! :-)

Kye stared at the small girl in confusion.

"The Black Parade?" he asked. She smiled and nodded.

"It's practically what we live for here in Halfway," she giggled still marching behind the others. He looked up the long line of dark figures as they seemed to walk without a purpose. He looked back at the girl.

She's beautiful, thought Kye. He swallowed, trying to think of what to say to strike up a conversation.

"So, er, what's your name?" he asked nervously. She looked up at him and smiled, baring all her shiny, white teeth.

"Marie. Marie Tawny. You?" she replied.

"Kye. Kye Javes," he responded a little more comfotably holding out a hand to shake. Marie took his hand and shook. The band was still playing as loud as it did to start off with.

Kye looked around. The sky was still dark and covered in cloud and smog, and the terrain was still ashes.

"So, how did you end up here?" asked Marie breaking into Kye's thoughts. He looked at her suddenly. He was still slightly dazed.

"Um, I was given a shot to the head by a group of emoes and Goths," he replied in shame. Her smile was a little bleaker than when it was earlier.

"My dad killed me, and Mom," Marie mumbled quietly looking down at the ground. Kye gasped in shock.

"When, why, how?" he stuttered angrily. Marie looked at him with no requirements of sympathy in her eyes.

"It was in World War 2. Dad had been blackmailed by Nazi troops. They offered him everything, all for him to do one thing," Marie described.

"To kill the one's he loved," continued Kye with a sympathetic tone. She nodded and sighed.

"I can still remeber the tears in his eyes as he raised his gun to me," she choked. Kye lay a comforting hand upon her shoulder. She looked up with a single tear rolling down her pale cheek. Kye smiled. She gave a slight smile back.

The band sounded like it was just ending it song.

"We'll carry on!"