The Black Parade

Chapter 8- The Truth Hurts

Kye had now been walking with Marie, the followers and this band for nearly half hour. His legs ached, his head throbbed, and confusion mixed with frustration still grasped his mind.

"So, what's going to happen now?" Kye asked Marie after having a long, awakward silence for the last ten minutes.
Marie stared at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" she replied.

"I mean, what's going to happen to me, you, everyone?" he asked desperately.

"We are judged to see whether we go to Heaven or Hell. Or if we're unlucky, stay here for another few years, doing absolutely nothing," Marie explained. A shot of fear struck Kye right in the pit of his heart.

"WHAT? YOU MEAN WE'RE DOOMED TO STAY HERE AND DO COMPLETELY NOTHING. EITHER THAT OR GO TO HEAVEN OR HELL?" Kye screamed his eyes nearly shot out of his head. Marie jumped with fright.

"Yeah, surprising isn't it?" Marie said calmly but with a sence of uncomfort in her tone.

"SURPRISING? I'M A FUCKING ATHIEST!" Kye screamed again. He bolted towards the front of the line and stood in front of the giant float.

"STOP!" he demanded. Silence spread across the plains. The band glared at him, evily, from top of the float.

"Um, excuse me, but you just screwed up our performance," growled the lead singer.

"Um, does it look like I care?" Kye responded sarcastically. The lead singer jumped down and cracked his knuckles.

"Move," he demanded.

"Not until I am allowed to go home!" Kye replied. Sweat was now running down his face from fear.

"That's not going to happen kid," snarled the man.

"What about my life, my home, the one's I love?" Kye paused. "My mom?" he whispered. He gazed at the lead singer. "I WANT TO GO HOME! I MISS MY LIFE!" Kye scremed in agony. Tears rolled down his cheeks ucontrolably. Suddenly, a gust of wind picked up the ashes and blew around the parade of people.

"Well, well, well. Look at this. Surprising, don't you think?" said a cold, but familiar voice from behind. Kye turned around slowly. Behind him stood the fallen angel. Her gaze was dark and insulting. She stood tall looking like she was untouchable.

"Wh- what do you mean?" Kye sniffed.

"I mean, look at you, at what you've done! And now we find you crying, and screaming you have a life!" she growled. "And d you know what's even more pathetic? Is that YOU, Kye Javes, is crying for his mommy!" she continued. At just the mention of the word 'mommy' made Kye's heart swell with emptiness.

"That's enough, Rajani!" called Marie from behind. The angel fixed her gaze on Marie. She glared evily.

"Why? This pathetic waste of blod and bone deserves nothing except what was coming to him from the start! I can't see how you can defend him!" replied Rajani.

"What has he done?" Marie demanded.

"Came to be a burden in people's lives!"
Marie stopped. Se was shocked. Someone who seemed so nice sounded so inhumain.

"How?" she asked. Rajani smiled.

"Ask him yourself. In the meantime, the only thing I have to say to you, Kye, is:
'See you in hell!'"