My Last Hope

Chapter 1/1


A fox leapt up and was shot with a jet of green light. It lay on the ground, dead. Bella used her toe to turn the animal over, feeling no pity whatsoever.

“Just a fox. I thought perhaps an Auror – Cissy, wait!”

Narcissa went on her way, ignoring her sister. She knew what she was there to do, and didn’t intend to let her sister’s pleas stop her.

“Cissy – Narcissa – listen to me -” Bella grabbed her arm

“Go back, Bella!”

“You must listen to me!”

“I’ve listened already. I’ve made my decision. Leave me alone!”

Bella followed Narcissa to the top of the bank, where a line of old railings separated a cobbled street from the river and all of the rest of nature. The sisters stood at each other’s side, looking across the road at the dreary and unsightly windows of the brick houses. Bella looked nearly shocked at their current location.

“He lives here? Here? In this muggle dunghill? We must be the first of our kind to ever set foot -”

Narcissa continued on, ignoring her sister’s somewhat prejudiced talk. Did Narcissa really care about where he lived? She had traveled to see him about one thing, and one thing only. Her son.

Now that Lucius has gone to Azkaban she felt even more protective of Draco. Narcissa always agreed with the Dark Lord, but not anymore. She was just like any other mother. She cared for her son very much. And the Dark Lord was punishing Draco for Lucius’s mistake. She could feel it. She was a mother first, and following Voldemort was one of the last things on her mind at the moment.

Bella caught hold of her sister’s arm.

“Cissy, you must not do this, you can’t trust him-”

“The Dark Lord trusts him, doesn’t he?” Not that Narcissa even cared, but she knew Bella did.

“The Dark Lord is… I believe… mistaken,” Bella glanced under her hood to check for someone, aurors perhaps. “In any case, we were told not to speak of the plan to anyone. This is betrayal of the Dark Lord’s-”

“Let go, Bella!” Narcissa snarled taking her wand from beneath her cloak. That of course made her sister laugh.

“Cissy, your own sister? You wouldn’t-”

“There is nothing I wouldn’t do anymore!” Narcissa brought down her wand like a knife and struck her sister’s hand. Her only son was in trouble; she was going to get help no matter what the cost. Bella let go at once.


Narcissa continued to her destination. Bella continued to follow, but at a distance, rubbing her hand. Narcissa picked up her pace and reached Spinner’s End. The cobbles caused her footsteps to echo as she neared the last house. Narcissa knocked on the door and Bella soon stood beside her. It was only moments until the door cracked open a bit. A sallow faced man with long, black hair parted in curtains nearly covering his black eyes stood and peered out the door. Narcissa flung back her hood showing her pale skin and long blonde hair.

“Narcissa! What a pleasant surprise!” The man opened the door a bit more as he spoke.

“Severus. May I speak with you? It’s urgent.”
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Not my best story, but I wanted to get my contest entry in on time.