Quidditch Mania

A joint story: 3 OCs travel to Hogwarts chaos ensues, falling in love, quidditch, school work, magic and a cat...
  1. King's Cross
    On the way to Hogwarts what will happen??
  2. Pirates Of The Hogwarts Express
    Shnanigans and mischief while travelling to Hogwarts
  3. Pirates of the Hogwarts Express continued
    what's going to happen with Flint? And what's Charlie up to?
  4. Sorting, Feast And I've Never...?
    The gang finally arrive at Hogwarts and the sorting can begin
  5. First day back
    classes resume what happens to the gang?
  6. Hospital Wing Oh Noes!
  7. Plan In Action Muhahahaha!
  8. Quidditch Trials And Scrabble
  9. Must Be Love, Love, Love
  10. Hospital Wing Again? And Smoking!
  11. I Am A Gryffindor