Dark Days, Bright Nights

Torn Tapestry

Ravir Sangre waited upside-down in a dark alleyway for an unsuspecting victim to stroll past. He was concealed well because of his small bat disguise. He stirred as something caught his eye, fluttering down and joining him, clinging on the guttering of the rickety apartment. It was his twin sister Elena Sangre, who had come in search of him to warn him when the first beams of sunlight lifted the dark clouds off the horizon. Luckily, it was only eleven p.m., so he didn't have to worry about that right now. 'Annoying sister! She comes to watch over me like a mother, when she was born but one minute and thirteen seconds before me!' He thought irritably.

"Ravir, I didn't know where you were! You almost scared me to life!" she spoke, in her hushed bat voice of strange squeaks and clicks.

"I don't need you following me, you'll just distract me from my dinner! Shhh, here comes someone now!" he whispered back. A lost woman of about twenty years of age strolled into the hiding place. As quickly as his victims usually ran, and as quietly as when they could no longer move, Ravir flew behind the large bin and transformed into his handsome human form. Pulling his long black hair into a ponytail that finished at his shoulder blades, smoothing his waistcoat and fixing his long cape, he walked up to the pretty young lady.

"Excuse me, madam, are you lost?" He asked, in his heavy Romanian accent, his gold eyes almost glowing in the darkness

"Why, yes! Do you know the way to the nearest inn?" She replied politely "My name is Patricia."

"Very please to eat- I mean MEET- you, Patricia. I am Ravir Sangre, son of Sarniess and Victor Sangre," He said, bowing low and taking her hand. She was expecting him to kiss it but instead, he sank his teeth into it, draining blood. He cringed as she fell lifeless on the pavement.

"And grandson of Count Dracula." He finished, bandaging her hand. Being a vampire had its good parts, but he hated having to snatch lives from particularly attractive victims.

"Good, you've finished. Let us head back to the castle before daybreak." Elena squeaked, flying towards the castle that lay on top of a very large hill, almost a mountain.

When he arrived, his sister was in her human form, pacing the corridor. Her silky, waist-length black hair hung loose, and the chiffon on her long-sleeved black gown billowed behind her with the help of the wind blowing from the open window that Ravir had just entered through. Her red eyes burned with anger, standing out against her white skin.

"Anything wrong, dear sister?" Ravir asked, changing back into a human and closing the window.

"Yes, we have trouble." She replied, in the same heavy Romanian accent that her brother spoke in. They were both born in Transylvania, so it was predictable. "The vampire hunter has been again. Look!" She pointed to a tapestry that hung from the wall. It had once show an excellent portrait of the twins, but now slashes on the delicately woven masterpiece were clearly visible. Ravir howled in rage and despair, running over and placing his hands on it. As he ran his fingers over the fabric, he noticed that they seemed to spell out something. He stood back to observe them, and read aloud.

"Surrender, or you will have the same fate as your parents! Carlos Bella"