The Softer Side of Unbearable


The story of how I came to be is a long and tangled one.

Like any child, I often wondered how my parents met. Unlike other children, my curiosity was sparked by a magazine article. Over the years, I read it enough that I could quote it forwards and backwards. After a time, I heard the entire story enough times that I feel confident enough to retell it now.

Please forgive any errors or mistakes I may make; this is, after all, only a secondhand knowledge of the events contained within this tale.

The following is the story of my parents. For the purpose of explaining this to complete and utter strangers, I'll try to remember to always use their real names. But I may slip up from time to time and refer to them as Mom and Dad. It's only natural; it's all I've ever known them as.

As with any great romance, this story has elements of comedy, tragedy, and of course a few good friends. And it ends with me.

I think it would be appropriate to start with Mom. Or, rather, Bailey. Her story is crucial to the remains of the plot. A moment of your time is all that's necessery before I can introduce Dad.

This is the recollection that I have been told time and time again. It starts well before the world forgot about a small-time band.

It starts on a cold November evening.