Status: BEGIN!

The Secret Lives of Fangirls

There are those annoying fangirls on the internet you see post like so, "ZOMG I'M MRS. EDWARD CULLEN!"

But did you ever wonder what ever happens in these girls' real lives? I bet you didn't.

Take a peek into the lives of fangirls of things like My Chemical Romance, Aiden, and yes, sadly, Twilight.

All are in a hopeless quest for romance. Just let them be as we sit back and laugh at them.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not really trying to enforce any stereotype of fangirls, emos, scenes, etc. I'm just poking innocent satirical fun at these type of people. And I'm more so poking fun at myself, since I was a fangirl once, and there was a certain way I would act as a fangirl. No harm intended. If any feelings are hurt, I'm sorry. Don't like it, don't read it.
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