Status: This will be back up and running. I am asking everyone who contributed to repost their chapters. Don't give up.

Things I Hate About Myself


I hate how my body looks. I am so skinny that I'm embarrassed to tell my weight.
It's not something I can control, and no, I don't have a disease like anorexia or bulimia. I'm just incapable of gaining weight.

I hate it when people come up to me and say: Oh my God, you're so skinny. I can see your ribs through your shirt. Look at those arms! Don't you ever eat?

Do people ever go up to a chubby person and say: Oh my God, you're so fat. I can see your ass cheeks hanging out of those shorts. Look at that belly! Why do you eat so much?
No. Never. You wouldn't do that. That would be insulting. Well guess what, I get comments about my weight everyday.

People just don't think it hurts. Well it does. But I've learned to fight it off – not live with it, but fight it off my mind and shut these people up.
I've promised myself something. I've promised, that for every tiny comment or look I got for how I looked, I was going to hit them right back.

So when people come up to me and give me a whole speech, thinking they're pushing some wisdom into my head about what 'normal' looks like, I look them straight in the eye and I give them this:

”Yes, I am skinny. My ribs and and limbs are visible for you all to see, and if you don't like it, don't look. Get your fucking hands off me, do I grab your belly and sing out to the world about how I can't reach around it? No. I may be skinny, but I can still kick your ass. So shut the fuck up, and leave me alone.
Spread the word, by the way. I don't care what you lot have to say about me.”