Sequel: So Wrong, It's Right
Status: Completed =) (I apologize for the bad grammar in this and I will fix it whenever I can get the time :])

When I Get Home, You're So Dead


"Alex Gaskarth, what the fuck are you doing in my house?" Those were the only words I could even think of at that moment.

What was he doing in my house?! Sitting on my couch?!

"Where the fuck is my dad?"

"You tell me. I assume they're at a motel 8 fucking right now...If you know what I mean." Alex sighed as my mouth dropped.

"What are you talking about?! And get your dirty ass converses off of me and my dad's coffee table!" I yelled out, pushing his feet off the coffee table as he smirked and put his hands behind his head and stretching.

"Just relax....They said they won't be home for another thirty minutes. They said I could come and talk to you...So, Mae. Grab some beers, sit down. Let's talk." He said in a husky voice, raising up and patting his hand hard on the couch next to him as I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen.

I'll be damned if I have a conversation with him!

Me and Alex Gaskarth are total opposites! I am the sun he is the god damn moon! I am champagne he is beer! Get the picture?

"Come on! I know you have a beer around this place." Alex smirked leaning in the doorway as I leaned on the island and stared at him.

"How did you even get in here anyway?" I asked him as he smiled.

"Under the welcome sign where I found a pretty little key." He said, making his brown eyes pop as I sighed.

"Can you explain why you're in my house? And define they for me...please." I said as he nibbled his lip.

"My mom is dating your rich ass dad. Deal with the facts little rich girl. They're dead set on each other. I know, I hate it too. At least you will have me." He laughed, hopping up on the island as my mouth fell open.

"What are you talking about? My dad isn't dating anyone! He would've told me!" I shouted out in shock.

"You didn't know?" Alex asked, taken by surprise.

"No, I didn't..." I whispered looking down at the floor and then I looked up at him in his brown eyes.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"My mom tells me everything...I found her on the couch last weekend with your dad when I came home late...Were you at Kara's house party last weekend?" He asked as I gave him a pathetic look.

"No one knows me." I said as Alex chuckled.

"I know. I just wanted to make you feel bad." He laughed as I rolled my eyes and turned around getting ready to head out of the kitchen before he caught my wrist and I turned back around.

"Hey! Hey! I'm playin' around. Easy, Mae. Were cool right?" He smirked hopping down off my island as he held out his hand and I stared up at his face and then back down at his hand.

I shook it.

"Fine." I muttered.

"I still hate you." I whispered.

"I love you too. Damn. What did I ever do to you?" He smirked coming closer to my face as I backed away.

"It's not me...It's what you've done to all those girls." I said as he cocked his eyebrow.

"What have I done to them?" He chuckled.

"Slept with them...and then treat them like shit a day after wards. I have seen you in the hallways, Alex. You're nothing but a player." I said looking him in the eyes as I walked out of the kitchen and to the living room.

"Mae, what about you?" He smirked sitting down on the couch by me as I folded my arms across my chest.

"What about me?" I muttered.

"You sure are hot. You're telling me you haven't slept with any-." I cut him off.

"I am saving my virginity for someone special! Shut the fuck up and stop trying to get with me!" I yelled as he laughed.

"Damn! Feisty now are we?" He smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"How did your mom and my dad meet up anyway?" I asked in complete shock.

"How would any other old ass adult meet up?" He shrugged as I looked at him with a confused look.

"Eharmony of course!" He laughed as I frowned and he continued to laugh.

"It's a joke...They met up at a old bistro on Thames street." He said as I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"And how do you know this?" I asked.

"My mom tells me everything." He smirked.

"Do you tell her everything?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"She doesn't need to know about what I do in my free time." He smirked as my mouth parted slightly.

"What about-." We were cut off as the door opened and my dad came in with Alex's mom...


"Mae! This is Isobel...Alex's mom. I-." My dad was cut off by Isobel.

"We're getting married!" She yelled out as me and Alex's mouth dropped and we looked at each other.

"WHAT?!" Me and him both yelled at the same time.


"I HAVE MY TOUR, MOM! YOU KNOW THAT!" Alex yelled standing up as I stood up beside him.


"I'M IN A BAND, MOM! A FUCKING BAND!" Alex yelled as everything turned silent.

"Watch your language." Isobel muttered as Alex rolled his brown eyes.

"How come you never told me about her, dad?" I asked looking at my dad as Isobel gave me a look of sympathy and Alex continued to look at his mom in complete shock.

Who gives a fuck about his band! How come I didn't know about any of this?!

"I was going to, Mae...but this was a last minute thing and-." I cut him off.

"Really, dad? I could you do this behind my back?" I asked as he shook his head and looked at Isobel.

"Mae, it is time I move on with my life! Our life! Mom would want us to do that." My dad said as Alex looked at me.

Tears filled my eyes.

"Whatever." I whispered trying not to cry.

"And Alex and Isobel are moving in with us...Can Alex share your room with you since we don't have any guest rooms?" My dad asked as I looked at Alex who smirked

You have got to be fucking kidding me...
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Blah that sucked =/