Sequel: It's Been a Bad Year
Status: Finished!

I'll Hide My Make Up Smeared Eyes

Layla is the introverted girl who has a secret. Everyone does right? But, what if she can't talk about it in fear of breaking down? Caleb is the only boy that cares enough to try to get to her. But, he soon finds out he's bitten off more than he can chew with Layla. But, he's determined to make her feel safe and alright.

Can he do it? Or will he fail miserably and lose someone for the first time?

I don't own Caleb Turman or Forever the Sickest Kids...though I will someday once I perfect my kidnapping plan. Stockholm Syndrom will then take hold and I'll marry all six of them! Hahahah! Kidding...
The story title goes to Automatic Loveletter: Make Up Smeared Eyes.
The chapter titles will be from Bon Jovi: Superman Tonight.
Love that song, so cute!