Status: On-Going

Love gets Tired

Another Subject

Andrea’s POV

Oh My God. After three years, Paul is coming back to my life?! Oh please. All this time, I was never used to being friends with strangers. I mean, I’m not that cheap to have someone I call my friend, to think that I never met him personally. I don’t even know what he looks like! I ignored him before and now he comes back to my life!

“Yeah Right. I’ll send him a mail when I get home. But nothing special, I’ll just ask how he’s doing.” I said to Nicole while we were heading to her tutor house.

“We won’t force you, Andrea. If it bothers you sending mails to Paul then I command you to stop it as early as now.” Nicole suggested.

I just nodded generalizing my thoughts.
I really don’t like Paul. But how rude am I not to mind those mails from him. I think I’ll try replying to him once and I could explain that I won’t be able to send another one back ever again. It’s worth the try, I think.

My dad always arrives at school at 4:00 pm and my class ends at 4:35 pm. My group’s routine every afternoon never changes its cycle. We got to have the chance to visit our lockers just after we leave our rooms, we get out of the school campus and I hangout for a second to Nicole’s tutor house before I head to my car.

“Nicole, Claire, Abbey. I’ll see you tomorrow at P.E.!” I called out waving my last goodbye for the long, tiring day.

“Yeah! Bye! I’ll be here at 6:40 am.” Claire answered.
“I’ll be here at 7:00 am” chorus of both Nicole and abbey. Both of them arrives at the same time the most.

I headed for my car where my father’s waiting for me.
The road was peaceful and we arrive at home earlier than I was expecting.
I went directly to my room and grabbed my laptop and hit ‘on’ without bothering to change my clothes.

“So slow. Please work a little faster please.” I asked my laptop. Sometimes, I apologize for my craziness. Begging my stuffs to function the way I want them is the craziest thing I ever done my whole life!

The window finally popped. I hit my account and typed my password.
I opened my windows live messenger and grab the opportunity to be online after a week.

Ugh. I hate leaving my live messenger offline for more than two days. It’s now flowing with offline messages and now I needed to reply for it one by one.
‘5 e-mail messages unread’ says the pop up window.
I clicked on the ‘read’ button and go over the senders names.
I got an invoice message from an online shop I ordered CD from, got some multiply updates, some live journal news and two messages from a person I know. One was from a distant friend, Junko, that is living in Japan and the other one was from Paul.

I read Junko’s e-mail first and deleted both multiply and live journal updates. My ordered CD is now shipped from Hongkong. I felt better now; I’ll finally get those CDs that complete my life! Nothing else to reply on so I clicked on Paul’s message.

The E-mail says:

“Hi Andrea! how’s everything? It’s been years since the last time you sent an email back. I wonder if everything’s fine with you. I was able to talk with Claire last night and was glad to know from her that you’re doing great with school. I hope I could hear from you soon! –Paul “

I hit the ‘reply’ button and started typing:

“Hello!Thank you for sending an email, I really appreciate It. I’m doing fine and thanks for asking though.Sending an email back is really what I’m planning years ago. But now, I’m really busy and I hope you understand. I couldn’t send an email back to you anymore. I hope we’ll never forget each other and I’m glad we’ve met. – Andrea”

OK. That was the worst. It took me 10 minutes to fix everything up on my head and finally made another reply. This time, something better.

“Hello! Thanks for sending an e-mail. I’m doing fine and thanks for asking. I’ve been very busy with school for the past two years and I am still now. I hope you understand that I won’t be able to promise you that I could reply as constant as you can. Oh yeah, How are things with Mary? – Andrea”

That’s better. I hit the ‘send’ button.

I updated my blog and turned off the laptop.
It was really a tiring day.
I grabbed my school bag and looked for my iPod.
I got it and started to listen to my most favorite Japanese singing group, KAT-TUN.
I jump on my bed and stared at my ceiling overflowing with posters of KAT-TUN.

Before I knew it. I fell asleep with my school uniform on while listening to the heavenly voices of the Japanese boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for posting chapter three so late.
I lost internet connection that long.:'(

But, I hope this chapter is worth your wait...^^