Sequel: Second Impressions

First Impressions


"We're going on a camping trip." Trev concludes out of nowhere. Everyone looks at him with raised eyebrows. Then, after the pause, everyone starts talking about it with each other.

"We could go this Saturday."

"I got two tents."

"We could even roast marshmallows!"

"I've got to work." Tash says glumly. Shelby nods.

"Me too." I raise an eyebrow at this. I never knew Shelby worked.

"Shelby? Where do you work?" I ask, wondering if I could get some sort of discount. She looks over at me with a small grin.

"Victoria's Secret."

Well, that just shot down my discount. I sigh, turning to look at Trev.

"Well, I'm not going either." Then, almost as if I just said I was going to fly off a cliff, everyone turns to me silently. I shift uncomfortably.

"What's your excuse?" Trev asks, jutting his chin out at me. I giggle nervously, not knowing if I want to share this information.


No share?


No share?

"Well, every time I go camping, I always get poison ivy on my face." I start slowly. "I've gone camping five times and I always get it right on my face. And it's not very pretty. I look like a retarded balloon."

"Come on, Autum! You can't leave me with these two idiots alone!" Shale whines, gesturing towards Brad and Trev. I eye her.

"You'd rather risk this pretty face getting poison ivy? I don't think so." I cross my arms and shake my head. "You don't know how much I had to suffer at school as a balloon faced freak."

"How do you know it'll even happen this time?" Trev asks.

"Because I am cursed, therefore, it shall remain." I snort. Brad rolls his eyes at my behavior.

"Just come."

I shake my head with one jerk.

"Nothing you do or say will make me risk swelling up like a bull frog."

"I hate you all and I hope you all die a very painful death." I mutter from under my pillow. Someone jumps on my bed, making me sail through the air before landing again. "Go away and let me sleep."

I burrow even further under my covers and pillows, trying to wish away the annoying people in my room. Someone shoves their ice cold hand under my covers and places it on my bare back, making screech and jump up on my bed. I glare daggers at the only person who was standing at my bedside: Brad. When he smirks, my glare darkens before I jump on him, smacking him repeatedly where ever my hand would land.

"Don't ever do that again!" I shriek with each hit.

"Oh my God, Autum!" Shale groans, covering her eyes and looking away. I give her a look, stopping my next hit in mid air.

"What are you moaning about? You're not the one who just got-"

"I love your sleeping attire." Trev says lowly. I look down, catching Brad still smirking, before looking back at Trev.

"Oh please, it's nothing you haven't seen before." I get up, searching for my shirt without any care. Honestly, guys act like they've never seen boobs before. I know that Trev gets those stupid porn magazines and Brad, well; he's already seen this anyways so it doesn't really matter. "It was hot last night so I just took it off. At least I still got shorts on, Shale."

She looks back over at me when I slip my shirt back on.

"Don't you at least wear a bra?" I pull a face. "Then I wouldn't have to see that." She motions to my chest. I roll my eyes.

"I don't wear a bra half of the time, why would I wear one to bed?" I inquire, searching for a bag to put my stuff in. I notice the room has silenced so I look up. "What?"

"You don't even wear a bra to school?" Trev asks in awe. I shrug.

"Not really. They're so uncomfortable." I find my bag and head over to my closet, shoving anything in it-specifically jeans and long sleeved shirts. I'll do anything to keep the poison ivy away from me. "Besides, I only own like, what, two bras?"

"Oh my God, I think I just found my soul mate." Trev coos, fluttering his eyelashes and putting a hand on his heart. I scoff.

"I think not." I pull a couple undershirts out of my drawer and stuff them in the bag before taking one to wear. "Besides, Brad already knows that modesty isn't really my thing."

I toss my shirt off and slip on my undershirt, pulling an army green, long sleeved shift over my head, letting it fall across my torso loosely. I shed my shorts and pull on a pair of ripped up jeans, buckling my belt as well.

"I mean, we either have it or we're going to see it anyways, so what's the point?" I ask, completely oblivious to hyperventilating Trev and wide eyed Shale. I look at Brad, who looks completely calm. "Am I forgetting anything?"

"Socks, shoes, tooth brush, and hair brush." He lists off.

"Right." I shove some socks in my bag before walking across the hall into my bathroom. Dannit follows me in, wagging his tail happily. I grab my tooth brush and my hair brush, before taking a glance and walking back out, Dannit following me again. "Ok, so socks, underwear, shirts, tooth brush, hair brush, jeans, anything else?"

I slip on my combat boots and start tying them up.

"Nope, I think that's it." Trev confirms.

"Wait, no." I reply quickly, a question flashing in my head. "What about food?"

"Brad and I have that covered." Trev says, waving me off. I look at Shale for an answer.

"They're fishing." She mutters. I can't help but giggle at the thought.

"Somehow, I just can't picture you two fishing at all." I giggle before choking up a snort. I stand up after tying my shoes, hoisting the bag onto my shoulder. "I think I'll bring some snacks, just incase fishing doesn't go as planned."

Shale walks downstairs and into the kitchen with me while Trev fumes at the lack of trust I have in him with a fishing pole. As I open the pantry door, I notice Shale sigh. I look over at her with raised eyebrows.

"What's up?" I ask, pulling a packet of Chips Ahoy cookies out. She just shakes her head sadly.

"Trev doesn't notice me." I almost drop the bag of Doritos I was holding. But she doesn't notice. "I mean, with all those things he was saying about you he doesn't even say anything like that to me."

"It's nice to know that I'm treated like an object." I say sarcastically while grabbing a jar of peanut butter.

"I mean, the only physical contact I've had with him is a handshake." She whines. I arch one eyebrow even though my back is to her, reaching for some giant marshmallows.

"So, you like Trev?" I draw out. I hear her sigh again.


"You want to hear something that'll cheer you up?" I ask cheekily. She grunts a yes just as I pull down some candy.

"He likes you too." I say simply. When there's no response, I glance over at her to see a shaking head.

"No he doesn't, you're just saying that."

Wow, pretty and dense.

"Ok, who's his best friend?" I ask, leaning on the counter.


I sigh.




"Who el-"

"Me! Jeeze. And, he told that he likes you." I grin. She stares at me, searching my face to see if I'm lying, before squealing like a little girl. I crouch down and cover my ears, trying to muffle the sound, but sadly, my eardrums rattled against their will anyways.

"What is going on in here? Did you see a spider or something?" A voice comes from the doorway. Shale continues screeching, but jumps out of her chair and runs towards me, dragging me up and hopping up and down. Then she hugs me and shakes me against my better judgment, making me look like a bobble head doll.

"Help me." I squeak at Brad and Trev, who are still watching us from the doorway. Shale screeches in my ear again and I push her away, grabbing her firmly by the arms. "Ok, if you ever expect me to tell you something like that again, don't do that."

She nods her head, still grinning like no tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
AH HA!! I'm putting my poison ivy experience to use!! Sometimes I just love my stupidity.

Comments guys! :D