‹ Prequel: Madman
Status: activeee [:

When Somebody Loved Me

when somebody loved me

“Ma’am.” I heard someone say as they lightly shook me awake.

I opened my eyes, squinting from the brightness. “I’m in California.”

She smiled at me. “Welcome to LAX.”


I put my sunglasses on the top of my head as I walked through the terminal.

Damn. I forgot how busy the airports can get. I grabbed my suitcases and began walking to my awaited limo.

Gosh. California is still the same. Crowded with tourists, trying to catch a glimpse of some celebrity, and freaking out if they see a limo.


As the limo pulled up to Jake’s new house in Hollywood, I smiled, seeing my father-in-law standing in the middle of the insanely huge front yard.

I stepped out and closed the door behind me. I walked over to Jake, and stopped a few feet before him.

There were a few moments of silence as we looked at each other. His hands were shoved in his pockets.

"Jake...." I whispered, smiling.

"You know, when someone leaves to an island, they usually send a postcard or something...." He said, a smile in his voice.

I smiled apologetically at him. "Sorry."

"Well...at least you called." He shrugged, staring at me. He sighed dramatically. "Did you at least bring me back a t-shirt?"

I grinned and ran over to him. I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around him as I squeezed the life out of him. I haven't seen him in a year. I missed him. A lot.

"I missed you!" He chuckled.

"I missed you, too!" I smiled.

He set me down. "Come on, I'll take you out to dinner and you can tell me about everything."


"Carter Marley Scott?!" I heard someone yell as I was walking down the carpet to get to the hottest celebrity restaurant in LA. Paparazzi swarmed around the sides, taking pictures of every celebrity that walked by.

Everyone turned around, looking at me, shocked.

I gave a little wave.

Next thing I knew, everyone was taking pictures, asking me questions about my outburst last year, where I went, and why. But I just ignored them and walked in the restaurant.

Paris, the host, recognized me in a second. "Miss Scott! So good to see you! I missed you, sunshine!" He yelled in his heavy French accent.

I grinned. "Paris! Good to see you again!" I gave him a tight hug.

"Table for two? Booth?" He smiled.

I nodded. "Booth would be good."

"Bon! Bon! Follow me!" He smiled, and I followed him into the restaurant, which was packed.

It was Friday night and every celebrity was out tonight.

So, heads turned as I walked past their tables, and they whispered violently to their partners about me. I did my best to ignore them.

Finally, not soon enough, we were at our table.


"So, it was fun. Very relaxing." I smiled, finishing my story as I finished my dinner.

Jake smiled, nodding. "So, everyone seems to be shocked of Carter Scott's return."

I laughed lightly. "You noticed that, huh? Yeah, I have a feeling I'll be on the news tonight. I can see the headlines now: Carter Scott returns to the States!"

Jake chuckled. "Well, it's good publicity."

"But remember, they think I don't want to be a star anymore."

He nodded. "True. Do you still want to?"

I nodded. "Of course! You know that. I was just...mad that day...and said the first thing that came to my mind. Sure, and the time, I DID mean it. But I never mean forever. I just needed a break. I love what I do...or well, what I DID. And I plan on continuing it. But I'll have to find a new band...."

"You never know, they might forgive you. People don't hold grudges like that for so long."

I smiled slightly. "You didn't see their faces.... They were so...disappointed."

"They were just shocked you would do something lime that. And Nick-"

"Please don't say his name." I whispered.

"Carter, the only way to get over him is to let it go." He said quietly. We paid the bill and left.

But we didn't go home, we went to the park, paparazzi still following us, but staying behind a few yards.

"I can never get over him, Jake. As much and hard as I try...o can never move on. He was...special."

"You loved him?"

I nodded, a thin layer of water forming on my eyes, ready to fall once I blinked.

"Do you still love him?"

My chin quivered. I nodded. "Yes. Of course I still love him!" I started crying. "He was everything to me! He was so amazing and I let him slip through my fingers! How could I do that to him, Jake?! How could I kiss another guy when I knew I loved him?! I let him slip through my fingers! He was the only guy who actually understood me! And I...I cheated on him!"

Jake pulled me into a hug. "Carter...."

"Let's just go home. I'm exhausted." I mumbled, pulling back and wiping away my tears.
♠ ♠ ♠
Marley's Outfit

yayy [:

that was CHAPTER ONE of the new storyyyy!!!!!
