‹ Prequel: Madman
Status: activeee [:

When Somebody Loved Me

everything was beautiful

"Carter Marley Scott...."

"...back after a year."

"...finally back home."

"...last year...."

"...had a huge mental breakdown."

"...hated her career."

"Will she come back?"

I sighed, turning off the TV. I'm all the talk in the news right now. All saying the same.

That last year, I had a mental breakdown, that I hate my career, Ieft for a year, and I'm finally back.

Fun stuff, huh?


"$3.45, miss." The cashier at Starbucks said.

I nodded, giving him the money and taking my drink. I sat at a table in the corner, and stared at my drink, thinking about yesterday.

Of course I miss him. And I just...let him down....

"So, the rumors are true, then, huh?" I heard someone say. "Carter Marley Scott is back."

I raised and eyebrow, looking up. "Who wants to know-Andy?"

My old manager smiled at me. "You haven't changed a bit, Carter."

I got up and hugged him tightly. "How are ya, Andy?"

"Good! And you?"

"Can't complain." I shrugged.

"So...I hear you don't want to be famous anymore...." He said sadly.

I smiled. "Of course I still want to be famous!"

"That's not what I heard last year...."

I sighed. "That's a long story."

"Come to my office. We can...swap stories there."


"And as you can see, I still want to be famous." I said, finishing my story.

Andy nodded, folding his hands. He took a deep breath. "Carter...there's one way I can make you as famous as you were-"

"I'll do it."

"Let me finish. You have to tour with someone. Or...someones, rather. They're looking for a tour mate for their tour in a month."

"You don't mean...?"

He nodded. "It's the only way."

"Can't I tour with Lady Gaga or something?"

"Booked. Everyone is, except them."

"...they hate me...." I whispered, playing with the slinky he had in his desk.

"They don't hate you-"

"Yes, they do. I...let them down." I said quietly, letting the end of the slinky fall in my hand.

He took a deep breath. "You love what to do, correct?"

I nodded.

"You'd do anything to get it back, right?" I nodded once more. "Then it's the only way."

"It's not like I have my band or anything." I shook my head. "They've hated me ever since that night. Just like everyone else."

"I wouldn't say that." But it wasn't Andy who said that. No. It was a new voice. A voice I knew so well.

I whipped around, seeing my four best friends standing there, looking at me. "Guys?"

"Besides...those late night hotel sleepovers wouldn't be the same without you."

I grinned widely, running over to them. They squished me into a tight hug. I started crying.

"I'm so sorry you guys! I don't know what I was thinking! I was stupid, and immature, and unfaithful!" I bawled. "Please don't hate me!"

"Marley! Marley!" Derek chuckled softly, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. "Sh. It's okay. We could never hate you!"

"R-Really?" I sniffled.

"Come on, Mar." Drake said. "We were mad, but we could never HATE you."

"Yeah! I mean, you're our best friend!" Jake said.

"Yeah! Practically our sister!" Aiden smiled.

I smiled through my tears. "I love you guys." I pulled them into another hug.

"We love you too, Marley." Derek smiled.


"So it's settled? In one month The Scene tours with the Jonas Brothers?" Andy asked, signing the last of the papers.

I nodded, squeezing Jake's hand. "Yeah."

"Don't we have to like, ask them though?" Aiden asked.

Andy shook his head. "Since they were so desperate to get a tour mate this late in the year, they said I could sign anyone who was good enough, no matter who they were."

Derek laughed. "Well, they won't be expecting us."

"No one will! Who knew Marley would come back after all this time?" Drake laughed, ruffling my hair.

"Hey!" I complained, trying to fix it, causing everyone to laugh.

Andy chuckled. “Very true. But you have a lot to do in one month. You need to promote yourselves, and make an album-”

“Actually, I can help with the album. I had a lot of time on my hands on the island….” I blushed, raising my a little.

“Yeah, and I have a song or two, too.” Derek nodded.

“And I have the music for it.” Aiden added.

“Great! It’s settled! We have to start immediately.”
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Marley's Outfit
