‹ Prequel: Madman
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When Somebody Loved Me

and when I was sad

“You honestly think I’m actually going to watch a show after what happened last week?” I asked Derek, shocked.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair.  “Marley…please? For me?”

“Why? What’s so important about this one show? They’re just going to do the same thing they do every night.” I said in a ‘duh’ tone as I straightened my hair.

He groaned.  “Just do it, Marley!”

“I’ll think about it.” I sighed, wondering why the hell everyone wants me to go to this show so badly.


“You need to stop straitening your hair, missy!” My hair dresser, Donny, said, smacking me lightly on the head.

“Ow! Why?” I asked.

“It’s damaging your hair.” He said, starting to straightening my hair.

“But you’re doing it right now.”

“Only I can do it.  You hold the flat iron on your hair too long.  You burn it.” 

I groaned, crossing my arms.  “Fine.”


“Wow, Donny, I look…really good!” I smiled, looking at myself in the mirror.  

“Darling, you always look good when I’m done with you!” He smiled.

I laughed.  “I look better than usual.  What’s the occasion?’

“What, I can’t make you look fabulous for one concert?” He said.

I shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I guess it just…shocked me. I look amazing.  Thanks.” I smiled.

“No problem, hon.” He said, hugging me, and then went to work on someone else.

I walked over to the side of the stage, grabbing a water bottle in the process, and stood between Derek and Aiden.  Aiden put his arm around my shoulders.

“You look good.” he smiled.

“Thanks.” I blushed.  “So do you. I don’t know why Donny went all out tonight.”

He shrugged.  “Who knows? Donny is…Donny.”

I laughed, nodding.  “True. Donny has a tendency of being himself.”

He chuckled, causing me to laugh along.


“Alright, well, I’m going to bed.  See ya tomorrow.” I said, waving to my band as I walked past them.

“NO!” They screamed, jumping.


“You need to stay here.” Aiden said quickly.


“Because…because I want to watch the show with you.  I haven’t watched the guys’ performance with you in a long time.   Please?” Drake said, giving me the infamous puppy dog face that everyone knows I can’t resist on any guy.

I sighed.  “Fine.”

“YES!” They grinned.

I raised my eyebrow at then, purely confused, but shrugged it off anyways. "Come on then, Drake. They've already started."

Drake and I walked to the side of the stage silently, just walking next to each other. 

I don't know why he wants to watch the concert with him. It's not like he watched it with me all the time or something.

"Okay, I'm going to the bus. This is getting really boring." I said to Drake. We just stood there for half the concert, not even talking or doing anything. We just stood there.

But, I did entertain myself through the amount if concert we watched. I watched Nick. 

He bounced around the stage, singing and playing guitar, catching everyone's eye and stealing their heart as he smiled or did something cute. Which was basically every minute. 

He definitely had stolen my heart. How could he not? 

His eyes...his chocolate brown eyes...they're breath-taking. You can get lost in them so easily as he looked at you in the eyes. And when you see them, everything around you disappears, and you're in complete bliss.

His hair...his amazingly curly hair. They're perefect curls ontop of his perfect head.

His whole face was absolutely perfect. They're just...perfect.... 

But nothing matched measures up to his heart. His heart was pure gold, so dedicated to everything he loves, his music, family, friends. He's so passionate about everything, so kind and caring towards everyone. He's never mean to anything. I don't think I've heard him once say he hated someone and actually MEAN it.

So, how could he NOT steal your heart? 

"No! You can't leave!" Drake said, wide-eyed.

"Why? You're not even talking to me, and I'm getting bored." I complained.

"Just...stay a little longer, please?" He said, another puppy-dog face.

I groaned, crossing my arms as I continued to watch the boys perform. "I hate when you do that...."

"Okay...so this next song...it's a song you all know so well. It's from our first self-titled album." Joe said, making the girls in the audience yell out in excitement.

"So...tonight...the reason we're singing it, it's for someone special my brothers know and love." Nick said, causing my stomach to tighten.

'Oh gosh...he's going to sing Move On to me', I thought, my eyes forming a layer if water in my eyes, threatening to fall. "I can't watch this." I whispered, starting to turn around and leave. I bumped into someone, causing me to look up.

"Just watch." Jake said in a stern voice, turning me around. He pushed me to my previous spot, forcing me to watch.

"But...I don't think she knows that...I still love her too...." Nick said, sighing.

"What...?" I whispered, stepping forward a little.

"And even though we had a...rough spot...I still...well, this song will explain it." Nick said, and the music started.

My hand covered my mouth as I heard the boys sing to their old song 'Still In Love With You.'

Tears fell slowly as I stepped forward unconsiously. 

He still loves me.
He still loves me.
He still loves me.
He still loves me.


Everyone started cheering loudly, causing me to yank my eyes from Nick, and over to the crowd. I went wide-eyed, gulping. I was on stage, in front of everyone. 
♠ ♠ ♠
:O!!! ;) loll. that was fun to write :) it was killing me to have Nick hate her.

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