‹ Prequel: Madman
Status: activeee [:

When Somebody Loved Me

so was I

I peeked around the corner of the old garbage can, holding my gun close to my chest, my heart pounding. There was not a sound around me. "Marley, where are you?" I heard Drake ask in my ear.

"Behind a garbage can on the south side; near the haystacks." I answered, looking around to see Drake anywhere in sight.

"Okay, I'll be right there. I'm at the edge of the forest. Make sure my path is clear."

I looked to the edge of the trees, seeing no one in sight. "You're good."

Next thing I knew, Drake emerged from the forest, running towards me.

I went wide-eyed, seeing someone behind a tree, ready to shoot at Drake. "Watch your back." I said to Drake, aiming for the guy. It looked like John Taylor. I pulled the trigger, and in less than a second, John Taylor screamed out after being pelted with the tiny ball of paint.

"I'll kill you, Marley!" He yelled, holding up his gun, then proceeded to yell 'Deadman!' as he walked out of the field.

When Drake finally reached me, he crouched on his ankles. "Thanks for that."

"No problem." I said. "Come on, let's go behind that haystack." We checked our path, then sprinted over to the haystack.

We leaned against it, taking our helmets and goggles off.

"What a hell of a game." Drake chuckled.

I laughed. "You should see it when I'm in a tournament."

Drake opened his mouth to say something, but I covered his mouth.

"Sh. Do you hear that?" I whispered, straining my ears for the sound I just heard. Drake shook his head. "Put your stuff back on. It's against the rules anyways."

We quickly put our helmets and masks on, and Nick reloaded his gun. "I didn't hear anything-OW!" Drake screamed.

I whipped around, seeing a splatter of green paint on Drake back. What looked like Garbo, was standing about two hundred feet away from us.

I went wide-eyed, shooting my purple paintball towards

He yelled, falling to his knees. "Damn you, Marley!"

"Marley...it's only you and Nick left." Aiden said in my ear.

I nodded to myself, taking a deep breath. I looked around, seeing no one is sight, and ran for the forest.


After twenty minutes of looking around the forest, I heard a snap of a twig, so I quickly climbed up the nearest tree and his as best as I could.

A minute later, Nick came running towards the tree, and stopped in front of it about two hundred feet from it, looking around for me.

I grinned sickly, aiming at him. Piece of cake....

"Champion...." I smiled, and pulled the trigger. It was on automatic, so each purple paintball bolting towards my curly-haired boyfriend flew towards him in only two seconds.

He screamed out in pain, falling to his knees. “MARLEY!”

I laughed, swinging effortlessly from the branch I was sitting on and landing on my feet. “CHAMPION AGAIN!” I yelled happily.

Nick stomped off the field, causing me to laugh, and I followed him to everyone else.

It was my band-Derek, Drake, me, Aiden, and Jake-against the boy’s band-Nick, Jack, Joe, Kevin, John Taylor, and Garbo. Even though Nick and them still had an extra player, we still creamed them.

“Awesome job, Marley!” Aiden grinned, highfiving me.

I grinned happily. “Thanks, Aid.”

Nick groaned, crossing his arms, and rolling his eyes. I could just hear his thoughts. ‘I cannot believe I just lost! Nick Jonas does not lose!’

I laughed, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around him. “Sorry, Nick.”

He grunted, not looking at me. Stubborn!

I smirked, turning around as I shrugged. “Fine. Be that way, baby. Come on guys, let’s go. I’m starving.”

We all started walking away, tired and in pain-except me-from the game, and we heard Nick groan and run up to us.
♠ ♠ ♠
filler much??
