Status: Mikayla here! A very special thank you to Halloweenlover!!! Se was the very first to comment on this story! *gives cookies*

The Average Adventures of the MiRiKi Household

We Didn't Start the Fire!

Kisa walked into the living room where Mink sat, reading a book. Rin watched her nervously from the kitchen.

"Hey Mink?" Said Kisa.

"Hm?" Mink stayed focused on her book.

"I have a question."


"Well let's just say, hypothetically, that the toaster started on fire. What should we do?"

Mink looked up from her book. Rin froze in the kitchen doorway.

"Kisa, do I want to know?" Mink asked. Kisa shook her head. Mink sighed. "Put it out. That's what you do with fires."

Rin breathed a sigh of relief as Kisa scurried back into the kitchen. They both looked at the slightly smoking toaster. It'd be fine right? A little smoke is nothing to worry about, they thought.

><><><><>10 Minutes Later<><><><><

Mink smelled something odd. Not the usual odd, but a very different odd. She sniffed the air again. Smoke?

"Quick!" Mink heard Kisa yell from the kitchen, "Put it out!"

"I'm trying!" yelled Rin. Then there was a SPLASH!
Silence for a few seconds...


Mink scrambled up and ran into the kitchen, where a waiting toaster fire greeted her.

"What did you two do?!" She yelled, "I thought you were speaking hypothetically!"

"And you believed us!" yelled Kisa.

"I tried putting it out with water!" exclaimed Rin, "But it just got bigger!"

"That's what she said!" said Kisa, suddenly cheerful. Mink bonked her on the head.

"You're not supposed to put water on it!" Mink said, "It's an electrical fire! You have to pull out the plug!"

"Well then pull it out! Quick!" said Kisa again.

"That's what she said!" THWACK! Rin was also bonked on the head by Mink as she made her way to the counter. Soon, the fire was out and only smoke lingered.

Enter: Slave-driver Mink. She cracked her knuckles menacingly and her eyes gleamed. "You two are so-"

"Yeah, yeah we know," interrupted Rin cheerfully, "We'll clean it up. Go and pick up the kids. We'll have it done by the time you get back!"

Deflated and deprived of a chance to kick some butt, Mink just nodded solemnly and walked out. Rin and Kisa watched her warily as she gathered her shoes and coat. And then she was gone.

"Kisa," Rin said, "call Merry Maids, quick!"

♠ ♠ ♠
Mink here!
I have been very lazy with posting when I have the notebook.
I'm sorry.
I was very busy this weekend, I guess.
I will post more when I have the notebook again!