Status: Mikayla here! A very special thank you to Halloweenlover!!! Se was the very first to comment on this story! *gives cookies*

The Average Adventures of the MiRiKi Household

A Family Visit

Three tall men loudly walked into the MiRiKi house. The middle one, with the longer black hair, looked around.

“Where are ya squirt?” he yelled.

“Ryusuke, shut up.” The blonde man snapped at his brother.

Momo suddenly darted out from the basement and ran passed them. Sora quickly ran after her; but was stopped by Ryusuke.

“Hey,” he grabbed her arm. “Where’s Rin?”

Sora stared up at him nervously.

“Ryusuke, you’re scaring her.” the shortest one said.

“Shut up Riichi.” Ryusuke snapped. Reiji grabbed Ryusuke’s arm.

“Seriously. You’re going to give her a heart attack.” He said.

Ryusuke silently released Sora’s arm.

Reiji knelt down in front of the little girl. “Do you know where Rin is?” he asked nicely. Sora shook her head. “It’s okay to tell us. We’re her older brothers. We’re here to visit.”

Sora stared at them silently for a moment, debating whether or not to trust them. Momo suddenly ran passed her and landed on the couch, screaming happily.

“What the hell is that?” Ryusuke asked.

“You’re niece.” Rin spoke from the doorway of the basement. Everyone looked over at her. Rin looked over at her daughter. “Momo,”

Momo looked at her with a smile.

“Sit down.” Rin said.

Momo silently plopped down on the couch, still staring at them.

“Hey squirt.” Ryusuke walked over to her and playfully ruffled her hair. “Where ya been?”

“Me?” Rin laughed. “Where have YOU been?” she teased. “You guys never visit me!”

“Well, we decided that we’d surprise you.” Reiji smiled at her. “Look, even Riichi’s here!” He playfully pulled his younger brother forward. Rin smiled widely before hugging Riichi tightly.

“Ahhhh…!” Kisa huffed as Mink led her up the stairs. “Working out sucks!”

“Yeah…” Mink sighed. “It does…”

Rin looked over at them and smiled. “Hey lazy bums. Check out who’s here!”

The two girls looked up at Rin’s three brothers.

“Hey.” Ryusuke smirked at them.

“When did they get here?” Mink asked.

“I dunno. A few minutes ago I guess.” Rin shrugged. She suddenly thought of something and turned to her brothers. “Hey, where are you guys staying?”

“What do you mean?” Ryusuke asked. “We’re staying here.”

Mink’s eyes widened. “For…how long?” she asked, a bit afraid of the answer.

“I dunno.” Ryusuke shrugged. “A few days.”

Mink’s face fell white. She silently stared at the group; mouth a-jar.

One Soniko in the house was enough. Now she was stuck with three more!? For the next few days!

“Oh well…what could go wrong?” Mink sighed.

“Hey what’s this?” Ryusuke asked, reaching out to a ceramic plate hanging on the wall.


Ryusuke looked over at them with a childish smile. “Oops.”

♠ ♠ ♠
There will be more sightings of Rin's brothers.
And more mayhem.
oh yes...
much more mayhem.