Status: Mikayla here! A very special thank you to Halloweenlover!!! Se was the very first to comment on this story! *gives cookies*

The Average Adventures of the MiRiKi Household

The Bet

“This is so yummy!” Kisa exclaimed from the kitchen.

“What is?” Toshiro asked walking in.

“These!” Kisa said, holding up a package of Jelly Beans.

“Not those again,” Rin complained from her chair.

“That’s all you’ve been talking about for days,” Mink put in.

“I bet you couldn’t go without it for a week,” Yoshiro challenged.
Kisa looked up at him with determination. “Fin, but then you can’t drink your coffee in the morning.”

“What? That’s not what I, “Yoshiro stammered.

“Nuh-uh, you challenged me and I’m going to win!” Kisa stood up and threw the Jelly Beans across the room, looking after them sadly.

“Alright, alright. Winner buys dinner?”

“You’re on!”

“This is going to be bad,” Mink said worriedly.
“Are you kidding Mink!? This is gonna be fun!” Rin yelled jumping out of her chair.

~Two Days Later~

“Yoshiro?” Mink asked as she walked in from work. “What are you doing just lying around? Where’s Kisa?”

“So tired, no coffee,” was all he could say.

“At this rate he’s going to lose,” Mink thought as she entered the kitchen where she saw Kisa laying her head on the table staring at a bag of Jelly Beans.

“Now really Kisa. They’re just Jelly Beans,” Mink said in astonishment.

“But they’re just so good!” she yelled grabbing the bag.

“Ha! I win!” Yoshiro cheered.

“NO! I haven’t eaten them yet!” Kisa yelled just as Rin walked in.

“But it’s only a matter of time,” he coxed.

Look what I have,” Rin said, making the two glance over at her. “I have coffee Yoshiro and it’s so yummy.”

“Can’t lose,” Yoshiro said inching towards the coffee.

“And look at this. What goes better with coffee than Jelly Beans!?”

“Rin that doesn’t make any sense,” Mink said from the fridge.

“Rin, don’t,” Kisa said also inching towards Rin.

She continued waving them in their face when finally both of them snapped. “Give me that!” both yelled towards Rin.

“Oh no,” Rin yelled as the two started their attack, trying to get their item.

Yoshiro grabbed the coffee and Kisa took the Jelly Beans. Within moments both were gone.

“Who caved first?” they yelled looking towards Mink. Rin helpless on the floor.

“You both,” Mink said plainly, walking away. “I knew this was a stupid idea,” she mumbling as she passed.

“I guess you’ll have to split it, “Rin said getting back up off the floor.

“I couldn’t even go one week!” Kisa yelled eating another Jelly Bean.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kisa here!
This is based on a true story,
Exept it was with Rin and her boyfriend? Not sure if they're technically going out yet but anyways yeah it happend.
Rin with coffee
Him with ice cream (I thought Jelly Beans would be better for Kisa)
And he caved two hours before she did
She was victorious!
I hope you liked it 'cause I had fun writting it.