Status: Mikayla here! A very special thank you to Halloweenlover!!! Se was the very first to comment on this story! *gives cookies*

The Average Adventures of the MiRiKi Household


“Well Mink,” said Kisa. She stood from the couch and yawned. “I’m going to bed. If Rin happens to come home drunk again, lock my door. I don’t feel like getting my chest squeezed again.”

Mink laughed at the memory of the last time Rin came home drunk. If only she had gotten it on video… “Gotcha. Lock the door. Bonne nuit Kis. ”

“Night,” Kisa managed through another yawn. Mink listened for a minute until she heard Kisa’s door close.

“Good, now I can get everything cleaned up.” Mink said to herself. She was just walking into when the phone rang.

“MiRiKi residence, Mink speaking. ” She listened for a moment. “Yes, she’s my roommate… AGAIN?!.... She what?!.... A chihuahua?.... Oh dear, is it alright?.... Yes, one of us will be right there, thank you very much. ” She hung up the phone and sighed.

A few minutes later, Mink was knocking on Kisa’s room door. It opened to reveal a disgruntled looking Kisa with messy hair.


“One of us has to go get Rin. She’s drunk and in lockup.” Mink said. Kisa groaned.

“Can’t you go get her? I got her last time.” She said.

“There’s an easy way to settle this, Kisa.” Mink raised her fist. Kisa raised an eyebrow and
raised hers as well.

“ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!” Both brought their fists down.

“HA. Paper beats rock.” Kisa said happily. “I’m going back to bed. Have fun handling Rin!”
She happily turned around and shut the door. Mink sighed and went downstairs.


About fifteen minutes later, Mink had arrived at the police station. As she walked in, the desk clerk looked up.

“Hello again Miss Sugisaki,” He said, smiling. Mink beamed back at him.

“Hello Mamoru. You know you can call me Mink now, right? Kisa and I stop in more than enough,” She said. The officer chuckled.

“Of course, Miss Sugisaki. How is your little one?”

“Sora? She’s great. She can’t wait for school to start again.” Mink laughed lightly. She was proud of her daughter for taking interest in her studies. “How’s the girlfriend? Michiko, right?”

Mamoru looked down, somewhat embarrassed. “Uh, we sort of broke up last week.” He mumbled. Now it was Minks’ turn to be embarrassed.

“Oh! I’m sorry Mamoru. Are you okay?” She asked.

“I’m alright. It was a mutual breakup. We just weren’t right for each other.”

“Well if there’s anything you need, let me know, okay?”

“Gotcha” Mamoru smiled. There was an awkward silence.

“So,” Mink said, avoiding eye contact, “care to take me to the resident jailbait- I mean, jailbird?”

The officer and Mink shared a laugh at Rins’ expense.

“Right this way,” Mamoru said. Mink followed him through a series of halls to the temporary lockup. In the only occupied cell was none other than Rin Soniko. A very drunk Rin Sonkio. She was clinging to the bars of her cell, belting out a very…interesting rendition of “Don’t Stop Believin’”. When she saw Mink, she stopped and smiled widely.

“Minky-poo!” Rin said loudly, “You’ve came to join the party! C’mon, let’s get out of here!” Mink sighed.

“Rin, we’re done partying for the night,” She said gently, the way she would speak to a child. “I’ve come to take you home, where you’ll go to sleep.”

“You mean, in my bed? With a blankie?” Rin’s eyes shined.

“Mmhmm. And an extra-fluffy pillow.”

“Get me out of here!” Mink looked at Officer Mamoru and nodded. He just chuckled and started drawing his key ring from his pocket.

“Hey Mink?” asked Rin.

“Yes Rin?”

“I want a hug,” She said pathetically. She held her arms out through the bars of her cell. Mink sighed and reached in to hug Rin. Unexpectedly, Rin tightened her grip so that Mink’s whole body was flush against the bars of the cell.

“Ack, Rin, too tight,” Mink gasped out. Rin however, did not let go. She had a very contented smile, snuggling her head into Mink’s -*ahem*-bosom.

“So warm and comfy,” Rin sighed.

“Hey! Rin, get out of there!” Mink yelled, and tried to pull away, but to no avail. “Mamoru! Help!”

“Ah! Right!” Mamoru said, startled. He was rather confused by the spectacle. He opened Rin’s cell door and grabbed her by her arms. Well, the little bit of arm that was still in the cell. He tugged and Rin resisted.

“Let me goooo,” She whined loudly from Mink’s chest. “I’m sleeeepy.”

“Get off me Rin!” Mink yelled, slightly panicked.

“I’m sorry Miss Soniko, but it’s time for you to go home.” Said Mamoru, tugging a few more times. Again, it was no use. The tugging only squashed Mink more against the bars.

“It’s not working Mamoru,” Mink said. “Maybe if uh,” she blushed lightly, “maybe if you tried pulling me instead…”

“Err, right.” Mamoru walked around to the outside of the cell. He grabbed on to Mink’s shoulders and pulled. As he pulled, Mink leaned her head down and bit Rin’s arm.

“OW!” Rin yelled, pulling her arms to herself. “What was that for?”

“You were in my boobs!”

“But they were so squishy!” Rin exclaimed, reaching out a hand. Mink swatted it away and glared.

“It’s time to go home Rin, NOW.” Mink looked at Mamoru. “Could you take us home in the cruiser? I walked here…” Mamoru smiled at her and said yes, of course he would.

Rin dashed out of her cell, calling out “Shotgun!”

“No Rin!” Mink called after her, “You’re the convict! You stay in the back!”


Once Mamoru and Mink had gotten Rin into the police car, they were in front of the MiRiKi house in no time. Rin had long since fallen asleep in the back of the cruiser. Mink, with the help of the Officer, brought Rin inside and dumped her on the couch.

“Well, thank you for your help Mamoru.” Mink said at the door. He glanced sideways at her and smiled.

“No problem Miss Sugisaki.” He looked right at Mink, and she was taken aback by the softness of his eyes. “If there’s anything you need, let me know. I mean it.” Mink smiled warmly.

“I will Mamoru, goodnight.”

“Goodnight Mink.”

In the end, Mink felt slightly warmer and fuzzier inside than she had at the beginning of the evening. Kisa, upon hearing what happened, never stopped laughing until threatened with death or maiming. Sora and Momo slept through the night, and had no idea of Mink and Rin’s little adventure.

And Rin? Well, Rin remembered nothing of what happened, which was probably for the best.

Justice, in Mink’s mind, came in the form of Rin’s killer hangover.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mink here!
I wrote this last night. It was very fun.
Very, very fun. Especially at 2 am.
Hope you liked it!
-P.S: This is not the last you will see of Mamoru. ;D