Status: Mikayla here! A very special thank you to Halloweenlover!!! Se was the very first to comment on this story! *gives cookies*

The Average Adventures of the MiRiKi Household

What Really Happened At Alphonzo's Taco Shack

Many readers have asked "What happened at Alphonzo's Taco Shack on the night Yoshiro first came to dinner?".

That, my friends, is an excellent question. This is the untold story of what went down with Rin and Momo that night.

"If anyone asks we weren't at Alphonzo's Taco Shack!!"

(Earlier That Evening...)

"Whee!!!" Yelled Momo from her car seat. She bounced up and down in laughter as Rin ran another red light and made a sharp left. "Mama!"

"Yes Momo?" Rin looked back at Momo with a big grin. Momo giggled.


"No, not again Momo." Rin said with a solemn face. "Because we're here!!" She yelled happily. Her daughter squealed in delight. Rin got Momo out of the seat and they walked up to a building made to look like a sombrero. As soon as they walked in, a loud alarm went off as bright lights flashed and confetti rained down from the ceiling.

"I didn't do it!" Rin yelled. She put her hands up.

"You did nothing wrong!" Yelled an employee. "You are today's 1000Th customer here at Alphonzo's Taco Shack! Congratulations!"

"Oh really? Cool! What did we win?" Rin asked. The Manager came over to shake Rin's hand.

"You've won a free water gun! And a tour of our facility!"

"But I don't have to pee right now." Rin said confusedly. All the employees looked at her strangely. Only the Manager kept up the cheerful act.

"No worries! We'll give you a tour of our kitchen instead!"


A few minutes later, Momo had a brand-new squirt gun in her hand, filled to the brim. She was having fun shooting randomly at the employees and giggling as she and Rin were led through the kitchen of Alphonzo's.

"And this is our state-of-the-art Taco Preparation Station!" Said the Manager. On said station sat six or seven different kinds of tacos, just waiting to be eaten.

"Do we get free tacos?" Rin asked. She was hoping to score some to bring home.

"I'm sorry Miss, but we can't give you free tacos." Said the Manager apologetically. Rin sighed and closed her eyes. There was a moment of complete silence, during which Momo fiddled with buttons by the fryers.

And then...

"WHAT BULLSHIT IS THAT?!" Rin screamed. She towered over the Manager in rage. "YOU GIVE US A TOUR AND A FREE WATER GUN, BUT YOU CAN'T SPARE A FEW TACOS?!" The Manager cowered in a corner.

"I-I'm sorry Ma'am! I-I simply c-can't!" Rin was silent for a moment.


"I do not want your apologies." She said in a deadly voice. "I. Want. Tacos... AND I WANT THEM NOW!!!" She roared. The manager screamed like a little girl.

Suddenly there was a loud WHOOSH!

"M-manager!!" called an employee. "There's a fire in the fryers!"

"What?!" yelled the Manager. He ran to the front where the fryers were located. "How did this happen?!"

"We don't know sir! The temperature dials are all messed up!" A small giggle came from behind the Manager.

"Mama, Mama! Fire!" Momo said as she jumped up into Rin's arms, water gun still in hand. Rin cuddled her daughter and smiled.

"I see that Momo. It's pretty, isn't it?" She cooed. Momo giggled again.

"I put it out!" The little girl said. She took aim with her water gun, and fired at the fryers. The fire blew out into a full-fledged inferno. Everyone hit the deck as it blazed.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" The Manager yelled.

"Don't you yell at MY daughter!" Rin yelled back. "Pay attention to your burning store, idiot!" The Manager shot her a dirty look an announced that everyone bail through the drive-thru window. Why they didn't go through the back door, Rin couldn't figure out.

"Time to go Momo!" She said happily. On her way out, Rin stopped by the Taco Preparation Station and put all the tacos in a bag. "Dinner is served." And with that, she ran out the back door with Momo, making a speedy getaway in the car.


“Earlier this evening, Alphonzo’s Taco Shack caught fire after there was an accident in the kitchen. No one was hurt but there is serious damage to the store,” the news anchor spoke from the T.V.

Kisa and Mink looked over at Rin. Rin glanced back at them.

“We don’t talk about this, ever!”

♠ ♠ ♠
The idea just came to me.
Mink here :)
For anyone wondering what really happened at Alphonzo's Taco Shack that night.

Hope you enjoyed!