Status: Mikayla here! A very special thank you to Halloweenlover!!! Se was the very first to comment on this story! *gives cookies*

The Average Adventures of the MiRiKi Household

Mamoru comes for dinner.

Kisa and Rin silently watched as Mink scurried about the house, cleaning every inch she could reach.

“Why do you suppose she’s cleaning so much?” Kisa asked.

“Dunno.” Rin shrugged. “Are we having a party tonight?”

“Should we hide the breakable things?” Kisa asked.

“Yo! Mink!” Rin yelled over the roaring of the vacuum.

Mink swiftly shut off the vacuum and looked over at them. “Yes?” she asked calmly.

“Why are you cleaning so much?!” Rin yelled, not realizing the vacuum had been shut off.

“Are we having a party tonight?!” Kisa joined in.

“Why are you yelling!?” Mink yelled at them.

“Oh Mink,” Rin said slyly, “I think the real question here is; Why are YOU yelling?”

Mink narrowed her eyes and swiftly turned the vacuum on and continued to clean.

“Wait!” Kisa yelled. “You never answered our question!”

“I’m yelling because you two were yell-” Mink stopped herself and switched the vacuum off. “Yes, I told you about this. Mamoru is coming over for dinner tonight.”

“Who’s Mamoru?” Rin asked.

“What are you talking about?” Mink asked. “You’ve met him before.”

“Yeah! Like a thousand times!” Kisa added.

Rin stared at them “What are YOU talking abo-”

“Stop with that!” Mink snapped.

“Okay, okay.” Rin sighed. “But seriously, who is he?”


The doorbell rang loudly through the house. Mink ran to answer it but was tackled by Kisa, who dragged her into the kitchen. Rin laughed- her plan was a success! She darted to answer the door.

“HELLO THERE OFFICER!!” She loudly greeted Mamoru as she swung the door open.

“Uh… hey Rin.” Mamoru said.

“Please, come inside.” Rin said politely as she stepped aside, allowing a path for him to walk in.

Rin swiftly slammed the door shut behind him.

“Well, well, well.” Rin loudly spoke from a few feet away. “What do we have here?”

“It’s good to see you again Miss. Soniko.” Mamoru said with a smile.

“How the hell do you know my name?” Rin suddenly snapped.

“Rin, we’ve met.” Mamoru said. “Multiple times.”

“What are you talking about slick?” Rin snapped, cautiously walking around him. “You’re acting really suspicious for a cop ya know. I know Mink may like you, but I don’t know exactly yet if I can trust ya with her.” she roughly grabbed his shirt coller. “If you know what I mean.”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.” Mamoru said. “And I have something for you.”

Rin‘s eyes lit up. “A present?!”

“Well, you left this at the station last week.” Mamoru said, handing Rin a bottle of Sake. Rin stared at it with wide eyes. “I thought you’d want it back.”

“Yes…” Rin said softly, her mouth drooling slightly as she grabbed the bottle from his hands. “Kisa! Allow the stiff to be freed!” She suddenly called.

“Sir yes Sir!” Kisa called from the kitchen, where she had Mink tied up in the corner behind the fridge.


“Mama!” Momo ran up the stairs and into the dining room. “Mama! Mama!”

“Yes?” Rin asked; but to everyone’s surprise Momo ran straight passed her mother and over to Mamoru.

“Mama! Look!” Momo laughed as she held up a flower.

“Uhh… it’s pretty.” Mamoru said nervously; trying to avoid Rin’s narrowed glare. Momo happily ran off down the stairs after leaving the flower with Mamoru.

“What was that about?” Kisa asked.

“Momo probably can’t pronounce Mamoru’s name…” Mink said softly. “Wait… Rin… what are you doing?”

All three silently watched as Rin walked around the table to Mamoru. He stared up at her nervously.

“Rin… look…its not a big deal…right?” he asked nervously.

Rin swiftly lifted her hand and punched Mamoru in the face; he fell back against his chair, knocking it back onto the ground.

“RIN!” Mink yelled.

“I am Momo’s MAMA.” Rin snapped.

“Rin! You just assaulted a police officer!” Kisa yelled.

“He’s not on duty!” Rin yelled.

Mamoru suddenly tackled Rin onto the ground; trapping her in a choke hold. Rin stared up at Mink and Kisa with wide eyes.

“Calm down Rin.” Mamoru said.

“Mink…” Rin said softly.

“Yes?” Mink asked.

“I approve!” Rin said with a large smile.

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