Sequel: Broken Hearted
Status: Active

Will You Be There for Me?

Chapter Ten

“Alison, truth or dare?” Mason asked.

Shaun, Mason, Zane, Chris, Jake, Scotty, and I were all at the local skate park in Portland. We were all sitting on the half pipe, our feet dangling and we had all decided to take a short break, which turned into more of an hour-long break of us just talking.

“Truth.” I replied, playing with the whole on the side of my pants that I had recently created.

“That’s a first, she always chooses dare.” Zane laughed.

“Shut up, I don’t feel like getting up and doing whatever dare you might possibly want me to do.” I replied.

“Are you a virgin?” Mason asked, his question kind of catching me off guard and everyone’s eyes fell on me.

“Yes.” Chris replied for me.

“No.” I replied a mere second after him.

“What? I thought you said you were.” Jake asked, the same shocked expression lying on his face as it was on Chris and Zane’s.

“I lied.” I replied, slightly embarrassed.

“To who? When?”

“Do you really want to know?” I asked, kinda dumbfounded that they asked.

I looked over at Shaun who was sitting next to me and he looked a little down from knowing I wasn’t a virgin, but I shook it off.

“Yes I want to know. You’ve been telling us for years you’re a virgin.”

“And I’ve been lying since the 10th grade. I lost it to Nick on my birthday.”

“Birthday sex for the win!” Scotty laughed.

“Dude, why him? Especially since he fucking hates you now.” Chris stated.

“Because at the time he didn’t hate me, and at the time I wasn’t exactly sober.” I replied, still playing with my jeans as to avoid any eye contact with anybody.

“Good job Alison, I’m proud to call you my friend.” Jake replied, and I knew from his tone of voice he was rolling his eyes.

“I’m truly sorry, but when you’re drunk off of several different types of alcohol and slightly high, keeping it in your pants isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to do. And at least it’s a burden I no longer have to carry.” I replied with a smug grin, “Plus it’s not like any of you guys are virgins either. You all lost yours to the biggest bitches to ever grace the Earth.” I replied rolling my eyes.

“Not true!” They all said simultaneously.

“Are you serious? Jake, you lost yours to a chick that was cheating on you during your whole relationship. Zane, your girlfriend treated everyone like shit, even you. And Chris, yours was just a bitch. She slept around with everyone and tried to get us to never talk or hangout anymore.”

“New conversation! Alison, your turn!” Mason shouted, to keep us from fighting.

“Scotty, truth or dare?”

“Dare.” Scotty smiled triumphantly.

“I dare you to make out with Mason for a good 10 seconds.” I smiled slyly.

“No fucking way, Black.” He snarled.

“Too bad, it’s a dare, you have to do it.”

“I don’t want to make out with him either!” Mason exclaimed.

“Too bad, get to it you two!” I smiled and Shaun gave me a high five.

“I hate you so fucking much.” Mason growled.

They hesitantly closed the space in between them before moving away quickly, “Can we just, like, kiss?” Scotty asked.

“Fine.” I sighed rolling my eyes, “Pussies.” I murmured under my breath.

“What?” Mason asked.

“Nothing, just kiss already.” I replied and smiled when the finally kissed.

It was honestly one of the most awkward things I had ever seen, yet the most hilarious. Their faces both went red when they pulled away and I couldn’t help but stifle a laugh.

“What’s so funny, Black?” Scotty asked.

“Your faces.” I smiled.

He flipped me off and rolled his eyes before turning to Shaun, “Truth or dare Shaun?”

“Dare.” He smiled.

“Good, kiss Alison.” He smiled.

“Dude, you can’t ask them to do that.” Mason shot back as Shaun and I looked at him in disbelief.

“And why the fuck not?”

“It’s complicated and I’ll explain it to you later, but you can’t ask them to do that.” Mason replied calmly.

“Well I’m asking them to anyway.” Scotty urged.

“Scotty, stop it already.” Jake replied angrily.

“Fine, then I don’t have a dare for him.” Scotty pouted.

“Too bad.” Shaun smiled, “So, Jake, truth or dare?”

“Truth, I don’t want to kiss a dude.” He laughed.

“Last girl you kissed.”

“Alison.” Jake laughed, “She got this crazy idea in her head from these two, that I liked her so she kissed me. I didn’t like her and it was just awkward.” He laughed.

“If any of you guys could date a celebrity who would it be?” Zane asked suddenly.

“Megan Fox.” Scotty and Jake replied simultaneously.

“Megan is hot and all, but she’s a boring hot. I prefer Jessica Alba.” Chris smiled.

“Megan Fox has toe thumbs.” I chuckled, causing the guys to look at me oddly.

“Then who would you chose?” Scotty asked.

“Oliver Sykes.” I smiled.

“Who’s that?”

“Her celebrity crush since the fucking 9th grade.” Zane laughed.

“Still don’t know him.”

“He’s the lead singer for Bring Me The Horizon.” I smiled.

“Dude, the last thing I would call him is a singer.” Jake replied rolling his eyes.

“Screaming, growling and pig squealing is still singing, dude. And he’s a fucking beast at it.”

“You’re weird. He’s not event hat attractive. With all those tattoos and piercings.” Zane replied in disgust.

“You’re also a dude, but he’s a babe.”

“You’re still weird, but I’d choose Hayley Williams.” He smiled.

“And you would, she’s not extremely pretty either. She’s bland.” I replied.

“Your opinion, Shaun, who’d you chose?”

Shaun looked like he was a deer caught in the headlights when he was called on but he quickly recovered, “I don’t know. I don’t find any of the celebs right now attractive. I can’t answer. They’re all ugly. And even if they were pretty, I wouldn’t want to date them.”

“Except Alison.” Chris chuckled.

“So that’s why I couldn’t dare them to kiss.” Scotty laughed.

“Not entirely, I’ll explain everything later dude, which reminds me, we should head back to the bus, it’s starting to get late, and we need to leave for Salt Lake City tomorrow.” Mason stated, standing up and sliding down the half pipe.

We all followed suit, grabbing our board if we had one and started walking back to the buses.

“So you’re not a virgin?” Shaun asked as we trailed behind.

“Nope. I regret it to. I really wish I had waited.” I replied with a frown.

“If you did wait, whom would you have given it to?”

I shrugged my shoulders. I wanted to say Shaun, but I was afraid that would creep him out, and I wasn’t even sure if that was true.

“I don’t know, but once I know, you’ll be the first to know.” I smiled.

“Why don’t you just become one of those born again virgins?” He laughed.

“I guess I could, but that’s a mind set y’know? I guess I kinda am one though, ‘cause after Nick I told myself I’d only have sex with the one person who I thought deserved it. I never had sex with Gavin because of that.” I smiled, “And what about you White.”

“Lost it to some girl that I wish I hadn’t lost it to. I haven’t had sex in, like, three years since I lost it. No girl has really been worth it, y’know?” He laughed.

“Totally do.” I smiled as we made our way back to our buses. “Anyway, I gotta go, I’ll see you tomorrow, ya?” I asked.

“You know it.” He smiled whole-heartedly.

“Alright, until then, aurevoir.” I smiled, kissing him on the cheek and running to go catch up with Zane, Jake and Chris and board the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay!!! Another part up! haha :)

I know this was a MAJOR filler, but I didn't know what to do for this chapter, so I did a nice little truth or dare and sex rant haha :P Also, I really do believe Oliver Sykes is a hot piece of ass, and that Megan Fox is a boring hot with toe thumbs :) lol