Sequel: Broken Hearted
Status: Active

Will You Be There for Me?

Chapter Seventeen

“Dude, you fucked up.” Mason re-established for me as I explained all of last nights events.

“Thank you, I had no fucking idea.” I snarled as we sat patiently on the ski lift.

“Why did you do that?”

“I don’t know.” I sighed, tapping my fingers on the bar that kept us on the chair. “But I think he absolutely hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you, he’s upset and frustrated with you, but he doesn’t hate you.” Mason replied. “Look, you need to find him, today, and apologize and just go out wit him. Put everything aside and don’t think about it, just tell him you’re ready. You already love him, and that’s what scared you most wasn’t it? So just suck it up and date him already.”

I sighed heavily, because I knew he was right, I just had to suck it up and push everything I was scared of aside, because there truly was nothing to be scared of, I was just making up excuses now to not be happy.

“I don’t understand why you make up excuses though, like, you’re in love with the kid and shit, yet you make up excuses not to be with him?” Mason asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, “If I knew why I did such things, Shaun and I would’ve gotten together last night.” I replied.

“And you should’ve, and you’re going to get together today, no if’s and’s or but’s, you’re getting together, even if Scotty and I have to lock you in your room.” Mason laughed.

“Alright, when we reach the bottom of the mountain I’ll go look for him.” I laughed.

“He’s in his room, Scotty is keeping him hostage until you get there to sort things out, he’s super upset with you, by the way.” Mason stated as we lifted the bar over our heads to get ready to get off the lift.

“Alrighty then.” I replied just before we got off the lift and made our way to the start of the double black diamond.

“I’ll race you to the bottom, Black.” Mason challenged me as I covered my mouth with my bandana and lowered my goggles.

“Oh you’re on Aguirre.” I smirked from underneath my bandana before we started heading down the mountain.

We each pulled off as many tricks as we could; we were neck to neck for the whole race, until Mason narrowly crashed into someone else and landed flat on his face as he attempted to regain his balance.

I laughed at him as I gained more speed and made my way down the mountain with ease, beating him by a good few seconds.

I took off my helmet and goggles before sticking my tongue out at him, “Shut up Black, I would’ve beat you if it weren’t for that stupid ass skier.” Mason huffed.

“Sure thing Aguirre, you’re just jealous.” I laughed as I got off my board.

“Whatever, get out of my face and go talk to Shaun, I’m sure Scotty can’t keep him cooped up in his room any longer.” Mason laughed outstretching his already full hands to take my things.

I happily obliged to give him my gear as I made my way over to the hotel, quickly making my way over to his room on the third floor.

I took a deep breath, staring at his door and trying to think of what I should tell him before I slowly and hesitantly knocked on his door.

All my feelings came rushing through my body and I could feel myself start to shake just slightly from being nervous.

The door opened up slowly, almost as if taunting me, and Scotty stood in front of me with a weird smile, yet upset, look on his face as he literally dragged me into Shaun’s room.

“Shaun, you two are going to talk, and that’s it. Goodbye.” Scotty stated bluntly as he exited the room.

“What the fuck do you want?” Shaun asked rudely, completely catching me off guard.

The Shaun I knew, even if he were angry with me, would’ve never said that, he was nice to everyone, even if he was upset with the person.

“I just wanted to say sorry, and that I’m really fucking stupid and you were right.” I replied quietly.

Shaun just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, clearly pissed off and irritated with me, “Whatever, I don’t care anymore.” He replied bitterly.

“No, I know you care, because if you didn’t you wouldn’t be acting so difficult right now.” I replied angrily, getting pissed off with his current mood.

“I’m being difficult? I fucking tell you I love you and you fucking blow me off! You keep getting my hopes up to push me away with this stupid sob story that you need more fucking time and that I need to fucking wait for you!” He replied angrily.

“That’s just it though! You don’t need to wait anymore! I’m through with being scared and I’m through with making you wait!” I exclaimed, taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

Shaun just looked at me quietly, no expression on his face, not even a sign of a smile appearing on his face anytime soon.

He placed his hands on top of his head after raking them through his hair and he started pacing back in forth.

“Dude… I don’t know what to say.” Shaun replied quietly.

“Well say or do something!”

“But I can’t! After last night I thought nothing was ever going to happen between us, I didn’t want to be led on anymore, so I kinda, sorta, moved on a little bit.” He replied quietly.

I felt my heart drop and my breathing became shallow, “W-what do you mean you moved on? You were in love with me not even 24 hours ago, and now you’re not?” I asked shakily as I tried not to keep myself from crying in front of him.

“I still love you, a lot, I don’t think I’ll ever not love you, but I kinda moved on, I found someone else, we have a date tonight, if I had known you would’ve gotten over everything this quickly, I would’ve waited.”

“You promised me you’d wait! You said you’d wait for as long as it’d take!” I replied, tears threatening to spill down my face.

“And I waited as long as I could! I waited 6, 7 months for you! I didn’t think anything would happen so I moved on to keep myself from getting hurt! I thought last night was going to be a for sure kinda thing, and nothing happened. So I moved on!”

“How could you have moved on so fucking quickly! Especially if you claimed to ‘love’ me.” I replied, putting air quotations around ‘love’.

“I do love you! I met her in the lobby last night after I left your room, she was nice and sweet so I asked her out to get over you.”

“I can’t fucking believe you. You promised you’d… never mind. I’m done. I’m done with all this shit! This is exactly what I was scared of, you promised you wouldn’t hurt me and in the end you did.” I replied quietly.

“And you didn’t hurt me?” He asked angrily.

“I didn’t intentionally hurt you! You kissed me! Remember that, you fucking kissed me! I said I loved you, but I never said I was ready! So you have fun fucking your new girlfriend or whatever the fuck she is.” I replied angrily, barging out of his room to find Scotty and Mason talking in the middle of the hallway.

I roughly pushed myself through them, ignoring their calls for me, as I made my way to my room.

“What’s wrong dude? What happened?” Scotty asked as they followed me into my room.

“I’m going back to California, I’m going to go board there instead, I can’t fucking be here anymore.” I replied as I started shoving all of my clothes back into my suitcase.

“Why? What the fuck happened?” Mason asked.

“He got himself a fucking girlfriend is what fucking happened.” I snarled, grabbing some more clothes and putting it into my suitcase.

“What do you mean he got himself a girlfriend?” Mason asked, baffled by what I had clearly just said.

“After last night, he went to the lobby, found a girl with a pretty face and now they have a date. He got over me and moved on.” I replied, now making my way into the bathroom to grab whatever necessities I had in there.

“So what are you going to do now?” Mason asked calmly as Scotty turned around and left my room, no doubt going to go talk to Shaun.

“As I said before, I’m going to call my coach, and I’m going back to California to go train there instead, and like Shaun, I’m going to move on.” I replied calmly as I finished packing everything and tried to zip up my suitcase.

“Mason, sit.” I commanded him, pointing to my suitcase.

He sighed heavily before obliging and sitting on top of my suitcase so I could zip it up.

“What do I tell Shaun when his best friend isn’t here?”

“Tell him I left, and if he wants to feel better about the whole situation that he should go chill with his girlfriend, or whatever the fuck she is.” I replied bitterly as I made my way across the room to retrieve my cell phone.

“You know he’s going to be devastated to know you left, you know that right?” Mason asked, slightly disappointed with my current actions.

“Now he knows how I feel.” I mumbled as I went through my contact list before finding my coach’s number.

I let the phone ring, waiting for him to pick up, “Hello?”

“Hey coach, I want to go back to California, train there instead.” I replied calmly.

“Why?” He asked, slightly baffled.

“I don’t like the mountains here, I prefer the ones out in California, plus I’ll be able to stay in class and see everyone, y’know?” I lied; I knew he’d automatically say no if I said it was because of Shaun.

“Um, fine, when do you want to leave?” He sighed.

“What time is it right now? 4.00? Is there a flight back at 6.00?”

“Um, give me a second.” He replied, I could hear him clicking and typing on his computer, “The next one is at 5.45, we can leave now and make it for that flight.”

“Alright, let’s go then.” I smiled.

“Alright, see you in a few minutes.” He replied before hanging up.

“I’m leaving in 30 minutes.” I replied bluntly as I shoved my phone in my front pocket.

“Please don’t leave because Shaun is a douche.” Mason fake frowned.

“I think it’d be best if I did, it’d kill me to see him with her.” I replied in a disgusted tone.

“Alright, but I swear to God Alison, we’ll knock some sense into the ginger.” Mason half laughed as he exited my room.

I quickly got my jacket on and grabbed my board in one hand and my suitcase in another before making my way down the hall and into the elevator to wait for my coach in the lobby.

“Huh, you’re here early.” My coach laughed after I had waited five minutes for him.

“Ya, when I called I had already packed everything.” I laughed.

“Well then, let’s get a move on shall we?” He urged with a smile.

I smiled back at him whole-heartedly, absolutely excited to leave Shaun behind, even though I knew I’d run into him soon enough.
♠ ♠ ♠
</3 :'( I know, oh so sad!!

Have i ever told you how much I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR COMMENTS?!?! :D Seriously guys, thank you so much! haha, I love seeing i have, like, 4 new comments haha :D Thank you! More comments would be lovely though ;) haha oh, and thanks for the 10 STARS!!!!!!!