Sequel: Broken Hearted
Status: Active

Will You Be There for Me?

Chapter Eighteen

“Will you go out with me?” He asked me, for the millionth time.

I wish I could say it was my favorite ginger asking me out for the millionth time, but that would be a lie.

No, this kid asking me out was Nick. I had met him up in the mountains when I left Vermont two months ago. He was definitely an up and coming snowboarder and had some serious skills, but remained unsponsored.

When I met him we almost instantly hit it off, even with the current events that had occurred with Shaun and me not even 24 hours before. Nonetheless, Nick was nice, sweet, genuine, an all around nice guy. He dressed a lot like I did, skinny black jeans, band tee’s, just the overall ‘emo’ look.

Although he was nice, I never saw him as a guy I wanted to go out with, he was always one of those best buds kinda guy for me, like Zane, Jake and Chris, I didn’t see anything romantic with the kid, but it was probably because I was still hung up on Shaun.

Shaun was still dating that girl from Vermont; he has been for the past two months. She was a typical snow bunny, if you will. She had long blonder hair, piercing blue eyes, toned body, naturally tanned skin, perfectly white teeth, curvaceous figure, she had everything every guy wanted, although she sucked major dick at snowboarding, or any extreme sport for that matter.

Yet, Shaun was happy with her. They hung out constantly, you couldn’t find one without the other, and it was sickening to say the least. They could never keep their hands off of each other, I was surprised they were still alive from the amount of make out sessions they had a day, I’m sure nay normal human being would’ve died from lack of oxygen or carbon dioxide intake if they were in Shaun and Ashley’s shoes.

Shaun and I were still friends though, that was a plus. He was always there for me like he promised, but that meant dragging Ashley along with him to every competition, every award ceremony, every everything, she was there.

Now, Ashley was nice, she really was, she was a sweet heart, and angel, I don’t think there’s a single mean bone in her body, but I absolutely hated her, I despised her. Yet I was so jealous of her, I wanted to be in her position, to be so close with Shaun and have that kind of relationship with him, I wanted that so badly, but I blew it, and he moved on.

I still never moved on, I was still stuck being absolutely in love with Shaun, and it killed to watch him put his hands all over Ashley, it made me want to strangle the both of them.

Mason and Scotty still tried their best to try and separate them, they hated Ashley just as much as I did, and she just didn’t fit into our clique too well. She didn’t skate, didn’t board, didn’t surf, she couldn’t do anything. Sure she was nice, but she was a real girl, she nagged constantly.

When I didn’t ride with a shirt, she nagged at me until I put one on, saying I was acting like a lady. She constantly tried to put me into dresses and skirts, constantly buying me those kinds of clothes as if I’d take the hint. Whenever I burped, or any of the guys did, all she did was scold us until we apologized, she complained when we skated for more than an hour, or played videogames for an hour. All she could do was complain, because all she wanted to do was shop, or go out.

“Well?” Nick asked, bringing me back to reality and the task at hand.

I had to get over Shaun somehow right?

I sighed heavily, “Fine, I’ll give you a chance.” I replied with a fake smile.

Nick smiled back at me before hugging me and kissing my cheek.

My heart sunk, if only he knew I was just using him to get over Shaun.

“Bitches! We have arrived!” Scotty proclaimed as he barged into my backyard, followed by Mason, Jake, Chris, Zane, Shaun, and of course, Ashley.

“Scotty! That was highly unnecessary!” Ashley scolded.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

“Come on up pussies.” I laughed.

“Alison!” Ashley screeched; I shivered.

“Ashley!” I replied in the same tone. “Fucking Jesus Christ.” I mumbled under my breath, causing Nick to laugh.

“That was rude.” She mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

I raised an eyebrow at her remark and sighed heavily before the boys made their way over to the top of the half pipe to give me a hug.

“You know what I adore about California?” Ashley spoke up, her voice instantly making me want to punch her in the throat, again, she was nice, but she talked far too much for her own good.

“What’s that Ashley?” Mason replied in an irritated tone.

“How there’s sun in the middle of January.” She laughed.

“Ya, that’s California for ya.” I replied, slightly irritated.

“Dude, chill.” Scotty laughed as he rubbed my back.

“Dude, I want to punch her so fucking hard in the throat, then rip out her voice box and eat it for sustenance.” I replied, clearly ticked off with her presence.

“Ooh, that was a little dark and morbid, I like it.” Scotty laughed.

“Aren’t you a vegetarian?” Mason laughed.

“For Ashley, I’d make an exception.” I laughed.

“So that’s Nick, huh?” Shaun asked, as he came up to me.

Shaun and I were still best friends, but things between us were still awkward from time to time.

“Um, yeah, he’s pretty chills. Got some skills in the whole skateboarding and snowboarding thing.” I laughed.

Shaun smiled lightly, “He seems nice. So, have you decided if you’re going to let Burton sponsor you or not?” Shaun asked, referring to the sponsorship Burton had offered me for snowboarding.

Element was encouraging me to take it, since they didn’t make snowboards and had been trying their very best to help me out.

“I think I’m going to take it, they seem pretty solid.” I smiled.

“You’d better, it’d be wild to have my best friend on my team.” He smiled.

“Well, if it’ll make you happy, then I suppose I’ll join.” I joked.

“Alison! I’m going to take one of your boards from your room, Scotty too!” Mason shouted as they descended the ramp.

“No problem!” I smiled, in case I hadn’t mentioned, Shaun, Jake, Chris, Zane, Nick, and I had taken a lot of time teaching them how to skate, let’s just say it didn’t come to them as naturally as snowboarding did.

“Alison! You wanna teach me the Mute Air? I can’t land it.” Jake frowned.

“No, no I don’t wanna teach it to you.” I smiled.

“Dude, you suck.” Jake replied.

“I do not! I’m so fucking fabulous, I piss glitter!” I laughed.

“Alison!” Ashley screeched once again, probably due to my lack of ‘ladiness’.

“What did I do this time Ashley?” I sighed.

“Was the swearing necessary? I mean, that was funny and all, but far from lady like.”

“Dude, I never claimed to be a lady, or claimed I wanted to be a lady, chillax.” I replied, rolling my eyes before I took off my shirt to reveal my new Volcom bikini top. “No, I’m not going to put my shirt back on.” I smiled at Ashley before I dropped into the half pipe.

I knew Ashley was glaring at me hardcore, I could feel her eyes boring into me, but luckily my friends had my back, and basically gave her the middle finger when they all decided to skate without their shirts on, even Shaun was apart of it, surprisingly, because lately he had been on Ashley’s side more than anyone else’s.

“So, we’re gone for two minutes and everyone decides to take off their shirts?” Mason laughed.

“Ya, sorry, we all kinda had a huge orgy, sorry.” I replied sarcastically after I had finished my quick run.

“That was rather inappropriate.” Ashley whispered.

“Ashley, are you, like, a republican or some shit, or just really conservative?” I asked seriously.

“I’m not a republican nor am I conservative.” She slightly snapped.

“Never would’ve guessed.”

“I’m not a republican or conservative either!” Jake exclaimed jokingly. “Marijuana party all the way.” He laughed, hi-fiving Zane.

“You two are such stoners.” I laughed.

“We are? Ok, let’s go back in time and try to remember who first got us high in the 10th grade… oh wait! That was you!” Zane laughed.

I rolled my eyes and leaned up against the guardrail.

“You two are losers.” I pouted.

“Aw, you hurt the stoners feelings.” Scotty fake frowned towards Zane as he ruffled my hair.

“Alison, were you raised to be this way, or did you just decide on defying the rules the government and your parents set up for a reason?” Ashley asked.

“Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are? Screw the fucking government; I could give two shits about their fucking laws. And what in the fuck did you mean by ‘was I raised this way’?” I asked, getting pissed off with her incompetence and her frequent nagging and telling me what to do.

“Did your parents lack in the parenting skill area?” She asked slowly.

“I’m not fucking retarded, and no they were good parents, why the fuck would you even say that?” I asked tossing my board down the ramp and sliding down.

“I was just wondering, because you swear a lot, skate half naked and smoke pot. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think your parents didn’t raise you right, I’m just concerned about your well-being is all. I wouldn’t want to see you on the news or anything because you were found dead form some drug overdose.” She smiled; truly thinking what she was saying wasn’t in the slightest bit bitchy.

“Weed isn’t a big deal hun, you’re stupid if you think so. My parents raised me perfectly fine, I swear because I get sick and tired of being surrounded by incompetent bitches like you all the time, and you really shouldn’t be worrying about my well being, you should be worrying about your own.” I snarled.

“Alison! Don’t you even dare!” Zane yelled, and I could hear him drop his board and slide down the ramp.

“Excuse me?” She asked, completely baffled as to what she had done, she really had no idea she was being rude and pissing me off simultaneously, she was so naïve.

“You fucking heard me.” I replied angrily getting ready to punch her square in the face before Zane ran up to me and held me back.

“Alison, calm the fuck down, she doesn’t know what she’s saying.” Zane said, trying to calm me down.

“Then what better way to get her to realize than a good old black eye?” I snarled.

“That’s not going to teach her anything, that’ll just end up in a stupid fucking law suit that you don’t need.”

“Fine, but I don’t want her in my fucking house ever again or anywhere fucking near me!” I shouted, loud enough for Ashley to hear.

“Why not?” Ashley asked, it was clear she truly had no idea what was going on.

She’s a nice kid, she really is, well for the most part, but she’s really naïve. She doesn’t realize that half the things she says are really rude and hurtful.

“I. Don’t. Want. You. Around. I don’t need you telling me what to do, how to dress, how to talk and how to act. It’s pissing me right the fuck off. So you can jet, I don’t want you around. You’re stressful, a nag, and a real drag and mood killer. And if you don’t understand that, let me put it in a more ‘stoner’ lingo that you'll probably understand. You are harshing my mellow.”

Ashley looked completely taken aback, she had nothing to say, yet I knew she was one of those girls that wasn’t going to cry, not in front of this many people, because she really is a strong chick, and I almost immediately felt sick to my stomach, but I knew I couldn’t show it, it wasn’t in my personality to show it I suppose.

“Alison, you’re a real bitch sometimes, y’know that?” Shaun replied, venom coating every word as he shoved past me to go soothe his precious little girlfriend before they both left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, third chapter today!!! :D Woot woot!!

Thank you again for all those AMAZING comments, there nothing for me to really say but keep it up and I'll keep updating :)