Sequel: Broken Hearted
Status: Active

Will You Be There for Me?

Chapter One

The Summer X Games have just rolled in and I had already completed my second run. I was currently in second place, only behind by .3 points.

I was waiting with my best friends, Jake, Chris, and Zane for my final score. The waiting was intense, my heart was racing but it felt like it had stopped.

As soon as the score went up reading I had earned a 96.12 my heart literally stopped. That was the highest score a girl has ever earned in Women’s HalfPipe.

My friends embraced me in a tight hug as the crowd cheered for me. Everything I had worked for had lead up to this event and I couldn’t have been anymore excited to earn yet another gold medal.

I had already accomplished so much at 17 and I couldn’t be happier with where I was. Constantly on tour, seeing the world, meeting amazing people, still having time to spend time with my friends, and doing what I love and getting paid for it, my life was perfect. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

A reporter pulled me away from my friend’s and family and shoved a microphone in my face.

“You’ve just won another gold at the X Games, what’s next for you?” The lady asked with a smile.

“I don’t know dude. It’s surreal; not only did I get another gold, but I got the highest score ever earned in Women’s Halfpipe, I don’t know what’s next. I could always go for Women’s Superpipe though.” I laughed. “Get a gold y’know? I’ve never gotten one for snowboarding, so I think that’s where I’m headed next.” I smiled.

“Seeing yourself in the Olympics?”

I laughed, “Nah dude. I’m not that good for Olympics yet. I mean, I’m good, but not so good it’s like, I could qualify, I don’t know. The future is a mystery so it might happen y’know? But, I’m not banking on it.” I smiled before I went back to my friends and family.

“You have to go on the podium dude.” Zane smiled taking my skateboard and helmet as I made my way over to the Gold position and taking my gold medal.

I held it up high and proud as pictures were taken and then we gave each other a congratulatory hug.

I got off the podium and went back to my friends and let them see my medal when someone tapped me on my shoulder.

I turned around to come face to face with a man with wavy orange hair and I knew exactly whom he was.

“Nice run there.” Shaun smiled.

“Thanks dude, I do what I can.” I smiled triumphantly.

“Those your friends there?” He laughed pointing at them.

I turned around to see them pushing and shoving each other to look at my gold medal and I couldn’t help but laugh at them.

“Been my best friends since the second grade. They’re the reason I got this far. They’re like my brother’s.”

“As if you won again dude! You’re badass!” Chris practically shouted giving me a huge hug.

“I can see the supportiveness.” Shaun laughed.

“Ya, everyone is supportive of what I do,”

“Everyone but Gavin.” Jake said bitterly.

“Gavin is supportive of anything she does, you know that. If she’s not around him he’s not gonna be supportive.” Zane replied.

“Who’s Gavin?” Shaun asked, clearly feeling out of the loop.

“The asshole she’s dating. I don’t even know why you date him, he’s a douche.” Jake stated.

“’Cause he doesn’t act like a douche around me?” I replied with a question more than an answer.

“He fucking tells you what to do.” Chris replied, rolling his eyes.

“I’m not having this conversation here.” I replied sharply, turning back to Shaun to see his smile had slightly faltered.

“We should skate sometime, teach me some things and I’ll teach you some other stuff.” Shaun smiled.

“I’d like that, you could teach me some tricks on the snowboard too, and God knows I need to learn more.” I laughed.

“Snowboarder too?” he laughed.

“Gone pro dude!” Zane replied for me.

“Almost went pro for surfing but turned it down.” Chris laughed.

“Why would you do that?”

“Wanted my friends here to have some sort of a chance to beat me in something.” I laughed.

“For the boys who introduced to this sport ten years ago, you sure don’t give us enough credit.” Jake laughed.

“Anyway, I gotta go, my mom is kinda wanting to go home, I can sense it.” I laughed to turn around and see my mom tapping her wristwatch, signaling she wants to go home.

“Let me get your number first, y’know, so we can skate or whatever.” He explained quietly, a tint of red reaching his cheeks.

“No problem.” I smiled taking my phone from Zane and handing it over to him as he handed me his own phone.

I quickly put my number in his phone and handed it back to him before taking my phone back and I gave him a small wave before leaving with my mom.

“Ooh, someone’s got an admirer!” Zane sang.

“Shut up Zane.” I mumbled, blushing lightly.

“He’s gonna ask you out and you’re gonna say yes ‘cause you like him back!” Chris teased.

“Shut up guys!” I replied.

Yes he was cute, very cute, and extremely cute. He was fucking gorgeous, but I have a boyfriend, and I’m not a cheater.

“But it’s true!” Zane replied.

“I have a boyfriend guys, and we’re only going to skate together, not go out.” I replied.

“Oh right, Gavin.” Jake said with disgust, venom dripping from when he said Gavin’s name.

Out of everyone in the group, Jake had to hate Gavin the most, and I’m not sure why. He just seemed to hate him the most. Zane, Chris and I used to have a theory that he liked me and that’s why he hated him the most, but that was proven to be false when I confronted him and even tried to kiss him, which was extremely awkward for the both of us for about a week, then everything went back to normal like nothing ever happened.

“Maybe she’ll open her eyes since Shaun is in the picture and dump Gavin, then live happily ever after with Shaun.” Zane laughed.

“Guys I’m right here.” I replied as I put my stuff into the trunk of car and went over to sit in the passenger’s seat.

“We know, we’re hoping this will get it into your thick skull.” Zane laughed.

I sighed heavily and ignored them for the rest of the 30 minute car ride until I reached my house, which was conveniently located a block away from a local skate park, not that I needed one, considering I had a huge skate park in my own backyard, courtesy of Element. It was one of the things they gave me back when I was ten years old so I could keep training.

I felt a small buzz in my pocket signaling I had received a text.

I fished out my phone feeling myself smile thinking I had gotten a text from Shaun, and my smile fell when I read Gavin’s name on my phone.

‘Where the fuck were you today? I stopped by your place!’

He was angry and I could tell, so I decided against calling him at all or replying, I would deal with his drama later.

“Did Shaun already text you? Desperate much?” Jake laughed.

“No, it’s Gavin, he wanted to know where I was and he’s clearly angry, so I’m not replying, I don’t want to deal with him.” I replied just in time to have my phone go off in my hand, my screen reading ‘Shaun of Shaunalot <3’.

I laughed before answering and putting him on speakerphone.

“Hello Shaun of Shaunalot.” I laughed.

Shaun laughed lightly as all of my friends stared at me oddly as we made our way into my backyard to sit on the edge of the halfpipe.

“Don’t you love the nickname I gave myself? I’m getting bored of The Flying Tomato.” He laughed.

“I think Shaun of Shaunalot is a bit of a mouthful though.” I laughed.

“Maybe, but I like it.” He replied and I knew he was smiling. “So, when do you want to skate? ” He asked suddenly.

“I’m free tomorrow. I can’t next week ‘cause I need to train for the Dew Tour.” I replied.

“Going to the Dew Tour too? I’ll see ya there, and I’m free tomorrow. You live close to Carlsbad at all?” He asked.

“Dude, I live in L.A. It’ll take a good hour and a half, two and half hours with traffic.” I replied.

“Well I’m in L.A. right now ‘cause of the X Games, I could just rent a hotel suite for the night and meet up with you at your place if you want.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I smiled and quickly gave him my address.

“Alright, it’s a date then, see you tomorrow.” He said happily before hanging up.

“Ooh! It’s a date!” Zane laughed.

“It’s not a legit date, he was joking.” I replied, hoping I was right.
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Another chapter!!! :D Hope you enjoy it, 'cause i'm enjoying writing it!

And sorry if the whole X Games thing is wrong.... i don't get it here :(

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