Sequel: Broken Hearted
Status: Active

Will You Be There for Me?

Chapter Nineteen

“I think Scotty and I are this close dude.” Mason laughed, holding up his hand and putting some space in between his index finger and thumb.

“Oh really?” I asked, completely aware of how wrong he was.

“Ya, I think he’s going to dump her soon. Especially after your fight with her yesterday, I think we’re close!” Mason exclaimed in excitement.

Mason and I were currently sitting in my living room watching TV with Scotty, who left us to go food rummaging in the kitchen.

“Nick and I are dating.” I stated bluntly and out of nowhere.

“What? Why!?” Mason exclaimed, acting as if me dating Nick was going to ruin his master plan of breaking up Shaun and Ashley.

“Because Shaun has clearly moved on and I need to too.” I replied simply.

“Please don’t tell me you’ve given up! I know for a fact Shaun hasn’t.” Mason pleaded.

“Shaun called me a bitch yesterday, I think he’s over me dude.” I replied.

“He didn’t mean it! You really think he meant that?”

“Yes, ever since Ashley came into the picture he’s been blowing me off for her. If Ashley had said that to me three months ago, he would’ve been all over her to defend me, now he doesn’t even give a shit about me. He could care less; it’s all about her now.”

“He gets just as annoyed with her as any of us do.” Scotty sated from behind us, his mouth filled with chips.

“Is that so?” I replied nonchalantly.

“Oh yeah, he gets pissed off with her nagging hardcore, just because he called you a bitch and is hanging out with his girlfriend, doesn’t mean he’s over you, he’s far from over you.” Scotty reassured.

“How do you know?” I snapped.

“Calm down there girlie, and I know because whenever I talk to him, the first question he asks me is how you’re doing and if I’m chilling with you any time soon. He asks just so he can talk about you, and whenever he does he talks about you like you’re on this fucking pedestal, it’s insane. He still loves you, he’s just with Ashley to try and get over you.”

“Why the fuck would he though if he knew I felt the same fucking way?! I don’t get it!”

“Why are you with Nick instead of doing something about it?” Scotty retorted.

“Because I can’t do anything about it, only he can.” I whispered.

“You’re stupid.” Scotty sighed.


“Dude, he’s waiting for you to make the next move. He made you wait two months for him, like he waited for you, now he wants you to make the next move. He wants you to show him you really do love him, not that you’re just saying it because everyone else wants you two together. God you’re slow.” Scotty replied, rolling his eyes.

“How in the fuck do I show him without it looking like he’s cheating on his girlfriend?” I asked.

“Well, your birthday party is tomorrow night.” Mason laughed.

“Oh yes, because being drunk is an excuse.” I replied sarcastically, crossing my arms.

“Well, when you’re drunk you just kinda spill everything.” Scotty laughed.

“Ya, I know.” I laughed along with Scotty.

“It’s so weird to think you’re going to be 18, yet you’re still so young.” Scotty smiled as he patted my head.

“Dude, you’re fucking 19. You’re a year older than me.” I replied.

“Ya, the only one thinking she’s young is Shaun, ‘cause he’s fucking 20.” Mason laughed.

“Dude, he is old!” Scotty replied, acting as if he just had a huge, life altering, revelation.

“Ya dude, he has been for a couple of months now.”

“Who’ll be coming to your shindig anyway?” Scotty asked.

I sighed heavily, “I don’t even know, everyone I guess. And by everyone, yes I mean Ashley shall be attending as well, much to my dismay.” I replied, rolling my eyes.

“Dude, she doesn’t have to come if you don’t want her.” Mason replied.

“Shaun won’t show up if she can’t come.” I replied quietly.

“Was that Shaun or Ashley who said that?”

“None of ‘em said it, it’s just pretty obvious, y’know? Plus, I kinda feel bad for what I said to Ashley the other day, it was kinda harsh.” I replied.

“It was, but it was a wake up call she clearly needed. I know Shaun called you a bitch, but Ashley is far worse than you are. She’s just a bitch ‘cause she wants to be, you turn into a bitch when you have to be.” Scotty replied.

“Ya, I don’t see why Shaun likes her, she’s like the kinda girl he would’ve never went for a year ago. She’s annoying, I don’t want her around just as much as you do.” Mason reassured.

“I know, but she doesn’t realize though, that what she’s saying is upsetting people and that she needs to chillax. I have a feeling she’s actually really nice, but she’s too conservative for my taste.”

“Well, you can apologize tomorrow, but I bet it won’t last long when you get hammered and she starts nagging at you for drinking and not ‘acting like a lady’.” Scotty replied, imitating Ashley when she accused me of not being lady like.

I shrugged my shoulder’s lightly, “I suppose, but we’ll have to see what happens.”

“Is Shaun coming for sure then?” Mason asked,

“He should be, I told him to come and bring Ashley along after I apologized to him about everything.”

“Dude, I don’t think he’d miss her birthday. He’d have to, legit, be mad at her to not show up.” Scotty replied, reassuring not only me, but Mason as well. “So, what exactly is up with Nick and you?” Scotty asked, quickly changing the subject.

I bit my lip lightly before looking straight at him, “We’re dating?” I replied with a question.

“Ya, why? Why are you dating him instead of trying to get Shaun to dump Ashley?”

“Because I’m not a cold hearted bitch, and Nick has been asking me for a while now so I said yes.”

“Ya, last I checked Shaun had been pretty much asking for months, and you turned him down each and every single time.” Mason replied, clearly unimpressed with my decision to date Nick.

“Ya, but then Shaun moved on so I’m trying to too. And it was different with Shaun.” I replied, mumbling the last half of my sentence.

“ Oh ya, that’s right you were in love with him and scared to be with him.” Mason sighed, rolling his eyes.

“Dude, shut up, you’re not helping the situation.” Scotty retorted.

“The only situation there is; is Alison dating Nick. Alison, you need to dump him before your party tomorrow night if you want Shaun back, because seeing you with Nick hurts him a lot more than you think it does.”

“Why should I dump Nick after three days, and Shaun shouldn’t have to dump that snow bunny after two months?” I exclaimed.

“Because Shaun wants you to do something about it! He doesn’t want you moving on and dating someone else!”

“I don’t think he wants me doing anything! He has clearly moved on and doesn’t give a shit about anything I do; he’s to preoccupied swapping spit with his little girlfriend.” I replied sourly.

“Oh my God, you’re being so difficult and blind! He’s only with her to make you jealous so you’ll fucking do something about it. And trying to knock her out isn’t the kind of thing he was looking for either.” Mason replied flatly.

“Well it’s not working. And he doesn’t act like he wants me to do anything, he’s always taking her fucking side, he’s being a nuisance!” I sighed heavily, completely frustrated with the current topic and just wanting them to shut up and leave.

“He took your side for a minute when you refused to skate without a shirt on.” Scotty shrugged, laughing lightly to lighten the mood.

“Whatever, don’t fucking believe me.” Mason replied bitterly as he stood up and stormed out of my house.

“Dude, you need to listen to Mason; he’s the one talking to Shaun about you all the time, he knows what’s up.” Scotty explained.

I sighed heavily and hunched over to let my face fall into my hands, “I know, I know, but right now I just don’t want to hear it, I’ll deal with it all when the time comes.”

“Well that time will be tomorrow, so you need to think of something now to try and get him to dump that psycho bitch, she’s becoming really annoying.” Scotty laughed.

“I know.” I smiled, sitting up straight once again.

“Alright, well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled, hugging me lightly before leaving the house to follow Mason.
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Alright, I know this chapter kinda sucked and didn't have anything significant in it, but i have the next chapter all planned out and such, and it's going to be intense haha :P
And this story is coming to a close!!! :'( I'm thinking I'm going to end it by chapter 20, but fear not! There will be a sequel! :D

Thank you sooooooo fucking much for all the comments, i really appreciate it! Seriously, thank you so much! haha You're all fucking awesome!