Sequel: Broken Hearted
Status: Active

Will You Be There for Me?

Chapter Two

I woke up early today, a lot earlier than I usually do, and seeing my gold medal was a little surreal. Sure it wasn’t an Olympic gold medal or whatever, but it was huge for me, it just hasn’t settled in yet.

I quickly took a shower and did my hair after throwing on an Element shirt and their black skinny jeans they sent me a week ago. I pulled on a pair of Vans and put on some eyeliner before grabbing my Element board and setting it by the front door.

I made my way into the kitchen to find Jake, Zane and Chris eating out of my fridge and I rolled my eyes.

“Ya, you can eat what’s in my fridge, go ahead.” I laughed.

“Sorry.” They all mumbled, food in their mouth.

“S’all good. So why are you all here?” I asked curiously.

“We’re going to crash you and Shaun’s skate date.” Chris smiled.

“It’s not a date, and ok, why?”

“We don’t want you doing anything stupid.” Zane laughed as the doorbell rang.

“What kinda stupid, did you think I was going to get pregnant within the next few hours?” I shouted back as I made my way over to open the door.

“You got pregnant?” Shaun laughed.

“No, it’s a joke, but my friends are crashing our skate hang out thing.” I replied, not wanting to call it a date.

“Um, ok.” Shaun smiled, but it wasn’t his sincere smile, it was definitely a fake one. “You ready to go then?” He asked

“I thought we were using the skate park in your backyard?” Chris asked as he walked up to us.

“You have one in your backyard?” Shaun asked in awe.

“Ya, it’s only a tiny one though.” I lied.

“Tiny? IT’S FUCKING HUGE! It’s bigger than the on down the street!” Zane stated.

“You wanna see it?” I asked Shaun.

“Love too.” He smiled as he grabbed his skateboard off of the side of the house and I grabbed mine and he followed me to my backyard.

“This thing is huge dude!” Shaun stated in awe. “This is far from tiny!”

“Ya, Element built it for me a few years back before I was competing. I didn’t start competing ‘til I was 15, so they built me this when I was ten so I could train.” I replied.

“How big is this?”

“I honestly don’t know. I didn’t ask, but a few thousand square feet I’m sure.”

“Dude, you have every obstacle known to man, that’s sick.”

“Thank you, you can also thank my sponsor.” I laughed setting my skateboard on the edge of the pool. “Are you going to join me or not?” I asked.

Shaun smirked slightly before following suite and we took off at the same time. We spent hours doing trick after trick, we even made our own routine after we got bored of just skating, and he taught me a few tricks I didn’t know, and in return I taught him a few he didn’t know. It was amazing; every second I spent with him was the best second of my life. He made me laugh and smile and just overly happy, and I had never felt this way around a guy, ever. There was nothing about him I didn’t like. I especially loved his laugh, it was the cutest thing, but it wasn’t why I liked it, it was because whenever he laughed, this just jolt of electricity shot through his body making him glow, it’s just indescribable, and it could put anybody in a good mood. His emotions were contagious.

Shaun and I had taken a quick break from skating and were sitting on top of the half pipe, along with Jake, Zane and Chris when my cell phone went off.

“Uh oh, the jack ass is calling.” Jake mumbled and I shoved him to get him to quiet down.

“Put him on speaker phone.” Chris smiled.

“I always do, now shut up.” I replied answering my phone and quickly putting it on speakerphone.

“Where the fuck were you and why didn’t you answer my fucking text yesterday?” Gavin asked in an irritated voice, obviously trying to keep his tone down.

“Dude, chill, I told you I had a competition yesterday.” I replied.

“First, I won’t fucking chill, and second I don’t remember that ever coming up in a fucking conversation.” He replied angrily.

“That’s because you never want to talk about that shit-“

“Cause its fucking shit! Where the fuck are you anyway?”

“I’m at home.” I replied.

“You’re fucking skating aren’t you? Why the fuck do you spend all your time skating? What about us, that’s all you fucking do and you do it with your stupid ass friends on top of that.”

“Hey, fuck you. They’re my friends, thy have been long before you came along, and I spend all my time skating because I like to skate, I enjoy it, so what the fuck crawled up your ass and died.” I snapped as the guys muffled their laughter.

“They’re there right fucking on aren’t they? And don’t fucking yell at me you bitch! We wouldn’t be having this conversation right now if you weren’t so selfish that you can’t not skate for a fucking day.”

“Gavin; shut the fuck up! I’m not the fucking selfish one you are! It’s always about you! I’m fucking sick of your shit. You’re not even supportive in the slightest!” I replied, I was growing angry with him and trying to keep my temper down but I know I was going to blow a casket soon enough.

“I’m not supportive because it’s a stupid ass sport. Why do you skate anyway? It’s for guys not girls. Why don’t you start acting like a girl? If I wanted to date a dude, I would’ve!”

“You probably would’ve cheated on them as well.” Jake replied; he was clearly a lot more frustrated with Gavin than I was.

“Fuck you Jake! Why don’t you go get laid for once you faggot?”

“Gavin! That’s enough! Just fuck off already, I don’t want anything to do with you right now.”

“Good, you’re a fucking bitch anyway.”

“My ass she’s a bitch! You’re the asshole, Gavin.” Chris stated.

“You’re letting your friends talk to me like that, Alison?”

“Yes Gavin, ‘cause they’re right about you, and I’m stupid for not believing them. You treat them like shit constantly; I don’t want to date someone who treats my friends like that. They’re were my friends long before you came along and they will be long after you’re gone, so go fuck yourself Gavin.”

“I don’t have to, I’ve got Amanda for that.” Gavin replied bitterly before hanging up.

“What the fuck? Are you shitting me?” I asked to no one in particular.

“I hate to say we told you so, but we told you so.” Zane replied.

“Thank you Zane, thank you for being right.” I replied sarcastically before getting up and grabbing my board.

“You okay?” Shaun asked, after staying silent for a while.

“Ya I’m fine, I just want to keep skating.” I replied honestly.

This was just one of those ‘I need to skate’ moments. Whenever something like this happens, or I get really upset I have to skate. It keeps me calm and it helps clear my mind.

“She does this when she gets emotional, it calms her down and keeps her happy.” Zane explained.

“Ok, if it keeps her happy.” Shaun smiled, instantly making me smile and forget everything that just happened.

Not only could his laugh make anyone happy, but his smile could too, that boy was perfect.
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So i'm not getting very many comments and I would really enjoy it if you could all, or most of you, could comment. It makes me more pumped to write and it doesn't make me feel like no one likes it :(

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