Sequel: Broken Hearted
Status: Active

Will You Be There for Me?

Chapter Three

“Oh Alison! You have a very lovely visitor!” Zane shouted as he barged into the house.

That boy was so loud, I was in my room changing and I heard him all the way on the third floor. That boy could make himself heard loud and clear in a room full of toddlers screaming their lungs out.

“I’m sure I do, I’ll be down in a second!” I shouted back as I quickly pulled a shirt on.

I had just finished blow-drying my hair after dying it, because I felt like I needed a new look. After getting rid of Gavin, it felt necessary to move on. My hair was now jet-black and the under layers were a vibrant hot pink while my bags were a dark yet vibrant shade of purple.

I grabbed my board from off my floor and brought it with me downstairs to see Zane and Shaun waiting for me downstairs.

“I thought you were going to Carlsbad today?” I asked Shaun.

“I missed you to.” Shaun laughed.

“Sorry, hi.” I smiled.

“I like your hair Alison, it’s pretty rad.” Zane stated.

“Why thank you, I rather enjoy it as well.”

“Skating today are we?” Zane laughed.

“Ya, Bam called later last night, he’s in town with the rest of the Jackass crew and he wants to visit and come skate. It’ll be interesting to say the least.” I joked. “You guys can tag along if you want.” I offered.

“We’d love to!” Zane said ecstatically.

“That’s pretty badass that you skate with Bam.” Shaun laughed.

“Well, we’re on the same team, so it makes sense y’know?” I replied with a smile.

“Did he say what time?” Zane asked as we made our way into the living room to kill some time.

“Not really, and plus if he did, he’d either be really late or really early.” I laughed just in time for the doorbell to ring, “Or he could be here now.”

I made my way to the front door to be tackled in a hug by Bam the minute I open the door.

“Pip-squeak!” Bam yelled once he relieved me from his hug and closed the door behind him.

“Margery!” I shouted back with a grin.

“You promised to never call me that.” Bam exclaimed.

“You promised to not call me pip-squeak!” I contorted.

“But you are one.” He grinned.

“Am not.” I pouted, turning on my heel and walking back into the living room.

“Bam here?” Zane laughed as I sat on the couch next to Shaun.

“Indeed I am, fucker!” Bam smiled sitting next to Zane and giving him a nuggy. “And who’s this ginger?” Bam laughed.

“I’m Shaun.” Shaun smiled, showing off his incredible white teeth.

“Shaun White? The Flying Tomato? Dude, you’ve got some serious skill.”

“Thanks, although your show was badass when it wasn’t cancelled.” Shaun laughed.

“So, is anyone else coming, or is it just you?” I asked Bam.

“Johnny and Steve-O are coming later, but we can just start skating now.”

“Let’s get to it then!” I smiled enthusiastically, jumping up and going to grab my board from next to the front door.

“I didn’t bring a board with me.” Shaun admitted shyly, ruffling the back of his hair.

“Follow me then, you guys can get started outside, we’ll be out in a bit.” I said to Bam and Zane as I led Shaun upstairs to my room.

“Choose whichever one you like.” I smiled, opening my door to reveal a wall full of skateboards.

Shaun looked at my wall in awe before choosing my Furious Element board, one of my personal favorites.

“Nice choice, that’s my favorite, well on of my favorite.” I smiled as we exited my room.

We quickly made it downstairs to find Bam and Zane ripping it up furiously.

“I bet we can take ‘em on.” I stated.

“I agree.” Shaun smiled before we hopped on our boards skating as fast as we could and pulling off the most complicated tricks we could possibly do without killing ourselves.

“Stop showing off!” Zane shouted from on top of the halfpipe.

“You’re just jealous!” I shouted back as I landed on the pavement next to the pool.

“No, you’re just showing off.” Bam joked as he hugged me from behind.

“Bam, let me go.” I asked as I struggled to release myself from his grasp.

“Can do.” He replied in a tone where I knew he was smirking and devising up a plan in his head to let me go, yet make me look foolish at the same time, and that’s exactly what he did.

Because of our considerable amount of height difference, he was capable of pulling off my shirt over my head with ease.

“Dude!” I screeched, only causing Zane and Shaun to look at me with, not really petrified but shocked expressions before blushing then laughing.

“Trust me, you don’t need this.” Bam laughed as he held my shirt over my head so I couldn’t reach it. “No, you will not be getting your shirt back.” He said with a smug smile before skating away, “Someone hold her back.” Bam laughed and before I knew it Shaun had his arms wrapped around my torso; his skin against mine quickly sending shivers down my spine.

“Did you just get cold?” Shaun laughed.

“Shut up, your obnoxiously warm.” I responded before I tried thrashing around to make him let me go, and thanking God I had decided to wear my one bra that fit properly and didn’t let my boobs fall out with the slightest movement.

“Ok, you can let her go now!” Bam shouted after he tossed my shirt up a tree, high enough where the branches at the top of the tree got too fragile to support my weight.

“Asshole!” I shouted, flipping him off as soon as Shaun let me go.

“If you can skate for a full hour without a shirt on, I will climb up that tree and retrieve your shirt for you pip-squeak.” Bam smirked.

“It’s on Margery.” I smirked back and our skating session continued uninterrupted.

That was until I found myself pulling down Bam’s pants before he hopped onto his board to go down the halfpipe, ultimately resulting in him just sliding down on his ass.

“Payback’s a bitch, I know.” I laughed, breathing on my nails and shinning them on my jeans.

“I have to admit, that was a decent one.” Bam laughed, pulling up his pants before climbing up the halfpipe.

“Alison! Where in the world is your shirt young lady?!” Johnny shouted from my patio that connected to the pool, with Jake, Chris and Steve-O standing next to him.

“Bam put it up a tree.” I stated blatantly.

“Dude, you’re married, and she’s not even legal.” Johnny laughed.

“I don’t mind. It feels nice. It’s airy and more aerodynamic.” I laughed as I took a step backwards, bumping into Shaun’s knee because he was sitting on the railing.

“Sorry dude.” I said quietly.

He only smiled softly before setting his hands softly on my hips. I felt a shock of electricity shoot from his fingers and through my skin making my spine tingle again. It wasn’t the shock of electricity like in the sense he literally shocked me, but whenever he touched me I could feel a bolt of energy running through my veins.

I didn’t know why this happened but I shrugged it off and blamed it on the fact that I was half naked.

“Your skin’s really soft.” He whispered in my ear as his thumbs stroked my sides softly.

“Um, thanks I guess.” I replied, a bit taken back and unsure of how I felt about his straightforwardness.

“I was thinking, we should go out for some ice cream or something, just me and you.”

“Are you asking me out on a date, White?” I laughed, and smiled as a pink tint rose to his cheeks.

“I guess like a date, only if you want it to be. I mean, you got rid of your boyfriend, so it’d be ok ‘yknow?”

I smiled softly at how he could easily go from super confident to nervous as he continued rambling.

“I guess we could go on a date, but I don’t know you all that well yet.”

“Then what better way to get to know me?” He smiled.

“Hey, Alison! Stop flirting with Shaun! If you want your shirt back you need to keep skating!” Bam shouted from the other side of the halfpipe.

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off before Shaun let me go as I grabbed my board and continued skating.
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Shaun's a little flirt ain't he? haha :P

So I know this chapter isn't that huge.... minus that little bit, but I thought it'd be fun and I didn't really want the whoel romantic relationship start yet, it's too early haha ;P

Anyway, enjoy!

COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE PLEASE!! I only got three comments and I would adore to have some more please :) Even if you only have to say you really like it or good job or whatever, I'd like it :) i just want to know if everyone is enjoying it or not.