Sequel: Broken Hearted
Status: Active

Will You Be There for Me?

Chapter Six

I followed behind him trying to ignore all the stares everyone was giving me. Some were shocked expressions, and others where suggestive winks, but either way I hated the unnecessary attention.

“You’re fine.” Shaun smiled as he took my hand in his to comfort me.

“Look at you two.” Mason laughed from behind us.

“What’s up Mason?” Shaun asked, letting go of my hand as we turned around to face Mason.

“What are you two up to?” Mason sang, like the nosey man that he is.

“Ice cream.” Shaun replied bluntly.

“Like a date?”

“Um, ya.” Shaun smiled nervously, playing with the back of his hair.

“Awe, little Shaun has a date.” Mason smiled ruffling Shaun’s hair. “And Alison got all dressed up, it looks nice.” He smiled sincerely.

“Um thanks. But I didn’t dress this way because we have a date. Chris said he’d buy me a new surfboard if I did this. Shaun just decided that since I’m dressed like this we might as well go on out date.” I explained.

“Either way you look nice.”

“Thanks Mason, you’re sweet.”

“No problem, make sure you two use a condom if you get down to the nitty gritty though.” Mason laughed before walking off.

“He’s so embarrassing.” I heard Shaun mumble as we walked off the ground of the Dew Tour, which was conveniently located near downtown Chicago.

“It’s ok Shaun.” I laughed.

“I guess so.” He replied with a smile, and I just loved how being made fun of light heartedly could easily bring him from over confident, to quiet and reserved.

The walk to the ice cream parlor was silent, not an uncomfortable silence though, but a comfortable one. It was really nice and soothing.

“What would you two like?” The girl behind the counter asked.

“I’ll have a medium vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone please.” Shaun smiled. “What do you want, I’m paying.” Shaun asked as he grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket.

“No, I’ll pay for my own ice cream.”

“No, I’m not going to let you. I’m taking you out, so I’m going to pay.”

“Fine, I’ll have the same as him, but chocolate please.” I smiled to the girl and she nodded with a smile.

“Chocolate is so bland.” Shaun joked.

“Vanilla is super boring. But maybe vanilla ice cream is a ginger thing.” I joked.

“Don’t make fun of my amazingness, Black.” Shaun laughed.

“What amazingness, White?”

“My amazingness to realize our last names are opposite shades, which therefore make us equally as awesome.” Shaun smiled causing me to jokingly roll my eyes before the girl gave us our ice cream.

Shaun paid for the ice cream and we made our way down to the beach.

“So what’s it like being a girl with only guy friends? Doesn’t it get lonely ever?” Shaun asked suddenly as we sunk slightly into the sand.

“It’s sick really. Even when I was little I wasn’t a typical little girl. I never wore pink, never wore dresses and skirts, wasn’t interested in my mom’s make up or barbies. All I wanted to do was play in the mud and eat dirt while collecting bugs. I was always a girl that hung out with the dudes. There’s no drama or anything so it’s really nice, but I kinda wish from time to time that I had a girl friend. Y’know, to talk about girl like things from time to time. But the pro’s outweigh the con’s so it’s no big deal.” I smiled, taking a small bite from my ice cream before we sat down in the warm sand just in front of the water.

“Girls do bring drama.” Shaun laughed as he took a lick of his ice cream and I stealthily pushed his ice cream in his face.

I burst out laughing when I saw his mouth covered in ice cream and he flipped me off, “That wasn’t nice.” Shaun smiled as he wiped his mouth and nose, completely missing his cheeks.

“You still have some ice cream on your cheeks.” I told him after I ate some more of my ice cream.


“Here, I’ll get it.” I laughed as I took my index finger and wiped off the ice cream from his left cheek and licked it off my finger, “The vanilla is really good.”

“I know, and thanks for that, is there anymore?” He asked.

“Ya, I’ll get it gain if you want.” I laughed.

“Sure, go ahead.” Shaun smiled and I licked the ice cream off his other cheek. “You licked my cheek.” Shaun replied in slight shock as he wiped his cheek with the back of his sweater.

“I know.” I smiled in accomplishment.

“You’re weird.”

“But you love me.” I joked.

“I have another question.” Shaun asked.

“Ok, shoot.”

“Why did you say yes to this date? And the truth.” He asked seriously.

“Because I really like you? I don’t know, you’re nice, funny, sweet, there’s no reason for me to say no unless I was stupid. Plus, you wouldn’t have left me alone until I said yes.” I laughed, eating some of my ice cream.

“You have chocolate ice cream all around your mouth.” Shaun laughed.

“Shut up.” I joked trying to find my napkin to wipe the chocolate off my face, before remembering I told the girl I didn’t want one.

“I’ll get it for you.” He laughed holding up his napkin, as if tantalizing me.

“Fine.” I smiled, looking at him through my bangs and I could feel the space getting smaller in between us as our eyes locked.

His hazel eyes were almost memorizing and I couldn’t turn away. They were begging for us to kiss and that’s exactly what happened.

His lips fit perfectly against mine and his free hand rested slightly on the back of my neck, pressing me closer to him. The same sensation went through my body when we kissed, like whenever he touched my bare skin, but a hundred times stronger. If I weren’t sitting I knew my legs would’ve given out, yet my free hand held onto his shirt like it was my life line, and that if I let go I’d plummet to my death.

Shaun reluctantly pulled away and he instantly looked away from me and at the ocean, his cheeks were turning red and I knew I was doing the same because I could feel my cheeks burning up.

“That was…”

“Nice.” I finished for him and I could see a smile tug at his lips.

“On another note, you don’t have any ice cream on your face anymore, and the chocolate tastes fantastic.” Shaun laughed, instantly turning an awkward moment into a comfortable silence.

We quickly finished up our ice cream yet still remained seated on the beach, talking and watching the sun go down.

It was weird for me to do this. I didn’t date much and when I did, it was never like this. I never sat on the beach watching the sunset, it never captured my attention, it just seemed like this really cliché thing to do, but it was nice. And I was glad I was doing this with Shaun, out of every boy in the world, the only one I wanted to be with at this time, was Shaun.

“You’re getting cold.” Shaun lightly laughed as he ran the back of his index finger over the goose bumps on my arm.

“Ya, that happens when you’re, like, half dressed.” I joked.

“Here.” Shaun said, handing me over his team Burton sweater and draping it over my shoulders. “I know it’s not an Element sweater or whatever, but I’m sure they won’t mind.” Shaun smiled.

I smiled back at him softly and he wrapped his arm around my waist as I rested my head on his shoulder.
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Short i know, but sweet :) <3

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