Love Is Suicide, Death Is Silence

The Beginning

-Day One-

"Wake up fuckers, we're here!" Josh's voice rang through the tour bus, getting the attention of Moses, Dylan and Bob, who were either sleeping the trip away, or hidden in the back room practicing the songs we were playing for the setlist today. Obviously I was excited. And not just because of the tour.
I marched back to the large room in the back of the bus, finding Moses asleep on the couch, his bass slung over his shoulders like a backpack. I rolled my eyes, pulling his ear to wake him up.
"Ow! Lee, what the fuck was that for?" Moses grabbed the lobe of the ear I pulled, rubbing it. I placed my hands on my hips before gesturing towards the door.
"We're finally here, stupid. The Warped Tour is now in front of us. So get your ass in gear and get out there!" as soon as he heard the words "Warped Tour", he immediately jumped up from his seat and dashed out the door of the room and of the tour bus.
I walked back to the front of the bus to find Bob rubbing his head and Dylan sitting at the table eating a ham sandwich. He raised his eyebrows at me, smiled, and nodded, his usual greeting to me whenever I caught his gaze. I flashed him a wave and a smile back as I ran off the bus to try and find one of the other reasons I was excited for this whole thing.
I did bump into a few people while trying to find the specific tour bus I was looking for. There were so many of them! While looking, I bumped into someone rather roughly.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry." I managed to mutter.
"No worries, it's cool." I heard another female voice reply. Wait... I knew that voice from somewhere...
My eyes snapped open to find myself face-to-face with one of the reasons I was so excited.
"Krys!" I practically tackled my best friend, Krysta Cameron, the singer [screamer] of Iwrestledabearonce as I hugged her tightly.
"Hey Lee! How've you been?" she asked me. In case you didn't figure out, when people didn't call me Elise, they called me Lee. I shrugged.
"Well, I'm still alive and breathing, so I guess I'm doing good." I joked, cracking a smile as she did the same.
"I see. You trying to find you-know-who?" she asked, giving me a look that said, "Don't try and deny it, I know you are". I blushed in response.
"Yeah... so many fucking tour buses and not one of them so far is Suicide Silence's." I replied. Krysta laughed.
"It's actually just three ahead from mine," she pointed down the field to where I now could see the familiar logo gracing the side of the vehicle.
"Sweet, thanks!" I hugged her quickly one last time before sprinting towards the bus I was looking for. Now that I finally knew where I was going, I would have a better sense of direction.
I eventually reached the specific bus, knocking on the door and hoping someone would answer. I almost jumped when I heard a click from the opposite end of the door, and when it was fully opened, I was staring back into a face with familiar shaggy hair and a chest covered in tattooes.
"Holy shit, it's Lee!" Mitch Lucker pulled me into a bear hug, growling playfully as he proceeded to give me a noogie. After he was done messing up my hair, he ushered me in, as if he already assumed what I was here for.
"Hey Chris, your woman's here! Get out here!" I had to try and stop myself from running back there myself and tackling the fucker I had come to love. Not three seconds later, a figure stepped out from the hallway, wearing a blue t-shirt, baggy khaki shorts, and black vans sneakers. His straight black hair was gently grazing his shoulders and familiar brown eyes stared back into my blue ones. He then stepped forward, his arms spread wide as he embraced me just tight enough to tell me that he missed me. I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck as he rested his lips in my hair, smiling as he kissed the top of my head.
"Hey Elise." Chris spoke softly. I could feel him smile against my hair. I sighed as I snuggled into his arms, breathing in the familiar scent of sweat and alcohol. I was back where I belonged.

-Day Eight-

I smiled to myself as I heard the deafening screams and cheers of the crowd in front of me. Standing on stage in what seemed like forever felt so damn good. I could feel my palms getting sweaty as I gripped the microphone tighter in my hand, bringing it back towards my mouth to speak.
"You know, I don't think we've ever had an audience this fucking crazy before in my opnion, am I right?!" the cheers got louder. I grinned, turning to Dylan as he nodded to me, tuning a string on his guitar.
"Better get ready for this next song, 'cause it's going to blow your fucking minds!" I began, "This next song is called, Second Corpse!"
Everyone began to go crazy as Dylan and Josh began playing their guitars at lightning speed, Moses started picking his bass, and Bob banged those drums like no tomorrow. At my cue, I started to scream the vocals to my favorite song that the band had written.

Eyeing the second corpse in front of me,
You have no clue what I've started
I'm a killer at its finest calibur,
Do you dare to disturb my universal slaughter?

At the small break in between the vocals, I turned my head slightly to see Krysta and Chris watching me from offstage. Krysta flashed me a thumbs-up and Chris waved at me, smiling. I nodded at him, only because it was the most I could do without hiding the fact that I was dawdling during the song. I brought myself back to focus to continue.

Give me your blood, give it all to me,
All of hell shall bleed for me!
I'll suck the wounds from your body
and devour your pain inside!
Slaughter the corpse, drill your brain,
Gorge the dead, I want seconds!

I ran around the stage after that little part was finished, grabbing a handful of "blood" that Bob had prepared about two nights ago specifically for this song, throwing it all over the crowd. My hands began to look like I was just involved in a murder, and to add effect, I proceeded to smear it on my white tank top and tripp pants, looking like I just survived The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

You'll soon be dead, pulverized to the ground,
Your flesh in a pulp, come and get seconds!
Soaked in blood I watch you writhe,
Not a care in the world I have for the dead!

I could feel Chris's eyes on me as I let out the final scream.

I will die for no one,
I will shred all that remains of you,
and let the demons inside judge me
for what I've done in life!

The crowd went wild as I turned the scream into a growl. I let it all soak in. This was my life. And I fucking loved it.

-Day Fifteen-

"Guys, the john's plugged up and I have to piss!" Josh nearly began to whine, dancing around the bus while holding his pants. Dylan and I began to laugh our heads off while Bob starting mocking him. Moses wasn't paying attention, considering he had just gotten new headphones for his iPod and was blasting it loud enough so that Bring Me The Horizon's bus could hear it. [And they were about two buses ahead of us.]
After a while, Dylan tapped me on the shoulder and ushered me to follow him to the back room. I oblidged, only because whenever Dylan wanted to talk about something with me alone, it was important.
He shut the door and sat down next to me, letting out a long sigh before voicing the following question, " long have you been dating Chris, again?"
I raised an eyebrow, slightly curious as to why he had asked that, but let it slide for the time being. "About two and a half years, I guess. Why do you ask?"
My shoulder-length brunette haired friend shook his head lightly, as if I misunderstood something. However, I really wasn't sure what he was really trying to get me to say.
Eventually, he spoke again.
"How do you know he's not doing anything behind your back?"
My jaw almost dropped to the floor as I turned back to him in astonishment. What the fuck did that mean?
"Wha... what are you talking about, Dylan?" I managed to ask without my voice wavering. He turned to me, his eyes soft.
"Exactly what I mean, Lee. Chris might be cheating on you or something, and you may not even know it."
I couldn't look at him as I turned away, in fear of that if I said something, my voice would crack. The only thing I could do at the moment was choke back a sob as tears fell from my eyes. Dylan turned my body to face his, placing his hands on my shoulders.
"Sorry for telling you all this shit. I know I may seem like a dick right now, but..." he sighed when he heard me inhale sharply, another wave of tears falling. He picked me up and cradled me into his chest, holding me until I stopped crying and eventually fell asleep.
Dylan carried me over to my bus bunk, placing me gently in the bed before covering me with my handmade Cradle Of Filth fleece blanket. He could only stare at me as I slept.
"Sorry, Elise... but with Chris, you never know." he whispered as I turned in my bunk. He reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of my face as he walked away.
"He'll be the death of you one day if you're not careful."
♠ ♠ ♠
[Note: Second Corpse is a song by my band, Delirium. However, in real life, Bob and I switch places-he's the singer and I'm the drummer.]