Love Is Suicide, Death Is Silence

The Middle

-Day Seventeen-

I stood backstage, watching Suicide Silence perform on the Hurley Stage as I leaned up against an unused amp. My eyes drifted from Mitch, who was screaming the vocals to "Wake Up", to Alex, who was pounding the drums like no tommorow, then Mark and Dan, who were standing next to each other playing their guitar and bass.
Last but not least, my gaze fell upon Chris, his black hair flying through the air as he headbanged and played his guitar. This man was unbelievably gorgeous. Sometimes I just wanted to rip his shirt off and roam my hands all over his chest. He was way too sexy to not have anyone ravage him.
Man, I could be so perverted sometimes.
As I watched my favorite band transfer into playing their newest single, "Genocide", I saw Krysta approaching me out of the corner of my eye. She smiled, her hands on her hips as I turned to her.
"Hey. Enjoying the performance?" she asked me, gesturing onstage to the five males still performing. I gave her a look that said, "Are you kidding me?"
"Of course! And it's not just because the man I'm dating is part of the band," I laughed, giving her a toothy grin. However, what Dylan had said to me last night began running through my head.

"Chris may be cheating on you, and you may not even know it..."
"...He'll be the death of you one day if you're not careful..."

"Hey... Krysta?" I managed to voice, looking up at her as I tried to keep a straight expression on my face. She seemed to tilt her head at me.
"Yeah, what's up, Lee?" she asked. I had to resist choking on the words I was going to say before I eventually spoke.
"Dylan said Chris might be cheating on me," I started, pausing so I could try and hold back a tear as I finished, "And I don't know what to do."
I saw my dark haired friend bite her lip, as if pondering the words that had come from my mouth. I began to wonder if what Dylan had said was true, or if she was just trying to think of a legitimate answer.
"Well, to be perfectly honest, I think-" she was cut off by another voice calling my name.
I turned to see Chris running toward me, his guitar left on stage.
"Chris!" I ran to meet him. He then picked me up in a hug, twirling me around in the air as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist. "You were awesome!" I told him after he stopped spinning me so I could nuzzle his nose.
"Thanks, babe." he replied as he started kissing my face over and over, refusing to put me down on the ground.
"Chris!" I giggled as he eventually set me down, only to begin tickling me.
"St-stop that!" I laughed as I heard him chuckle along with me. After he finally stopped, he gently took my hand and walked off the stage, with me next to him. Krysta made an inappropriate gesture as I walked away with Chris. I simply smiled at her and gave her the finger.
While walking back towards the buses, we were soon surrounded by fans asking for Chris's autograph. He smiled, releasing my hand for a brief moment so he could do just that. I simply stood next to him, then turned to see a group of girls walking toward me. One of them, with vibrant red hair, stepped forward first.
"You're Elise McCready, right? The vocalist for Delirium?" she asked me. I nodded.
"That would be me."
She proceeded to take out a notepad and sharpie, handing them to me. "Could I have your autograph? You're my idol!" she told me with a smile on her face. I happily oblidged, taking the objects from her and scribbling my name like I always did and handing them back to her. After doing the same for her three other friends, one of the blondes tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey, random question- are you dating Chris Garza from Suicide Silence?"
I turned to my right to see that Chris was done signing his autographs as he walked over to me, resting his head on top of mine and placing his arms around me. I smiled at him, then turned to the girl again.
"Indeed I am," I replied, leaning up to kiss the black-haired guitarist on the cheek. "Indeed I am."

-Day Twenty~Two-

"You want a beer?" Chris asked me as he turned towards where I was sitting before opening his tour bus refridgerator. I shrugged.
"Why not? I could use it," I replied. He then reached in, grabbing two Budwisers before closing the door and sitting beside me. I rested my head on his shoulder as he opened the bottles and handed one to me. Chris looked down at me and smiled as I flashed him one back, caressing my cheek with his free hand.
"You're so beautiful, Elise... you know that, right?" he whispered. I nodded into his shoulder, my lips brushing against his neck.
"I'm well aware." I sighed. He then tilted my face up to stare into his soft brown eyes, that same smile still on his face. I soon felt my face leaning towards his, and his face neared mine before our lips touched softly in a gentle kiss. However, it lightly started to grow more passionate as he ran his tongue across my lips and I parted them only slightly to give him a hard time. I could feel him smirk as he fell on top of me and wrapped my arms around his waist, causing me to drop my guard only for a split second, but it was just enough for me to part my lips wider for his tongue to dart inside. I decided to get my sweet revenge by forcing his arms to find their way around my waist as I daintily sucked on his bottom lip. I had to stifle a giggle as I actually felt a pleasurable shiver find its way up from his throat. I then pursed my lips together and kissed him shortly, but roughly and pulled away. [Even though I didn't want to.]
Chris could only stare at me in bewilderment before he finally found his voice. "Oh damn... that was hot. Where did that come from and when do I get more?" he asked. I laughed, giving him another quick kiss before hugging him and snuggling into his chest.
"Maybe if you're a good boy, we'll see." I whispered in his ear. He smiled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me onto his lap.
"Then I guess I'll just have to be on my best behavior, won't I?" he replied. I nodded, all the while thinking about the situation from about a week ago.
"You'll definitely have to... because I'm still not sure about everything anymore."

-Day Twenty~Four-

[No One's P.O.V.]

Krysta knocked on the door to Suicide Silence's tour bus after her band's performance. She had been thinking about what Elise had asked her nearly a week ago, and wanted to confront a certain guitarist about the situation to find out if it was real or not.
Luckily for her, the man she wanted to see had answered the door. Chris looked surprised, but he wasn't so taken aback because he flashed her a small wave.
"Hey, what's up?" he asked. Krysta paused before she spoke, exhaling heavily before looking up at him.
"We need to talk."


[Elise's P.O.V.]

"You guys have been fucking amazing! Thank you all for coming, and keep rocking!" I screamed to the crowd as they erupted into another wave of cheers and applause. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and didn't pay much attention to the fake blood soaking through my attire as I walked offstage with the boys following behind me. I could hear Bob let out a sigh.
"Man. Now that we're finally done for the day, I'm going to go and get myself hammered. Anyone want to join me?" he asked. I let out a laugh as Josh raised his hand.
"Fuck yeah, count me in!" the two slapped each other a high-five and ran off in another direction. Moses left to walk back to the tour bus, which left me alone with Dylan.
"You fucking rocked that last song, Lee. That was just... whoa!" my brunette guitarist friend started waving his arms all over the place as I tried not to laugh hysterically.
"And you, with your guitar, mister. What the shit was that?" I followed up his statement with one of my own as I began to play rather shitty air guitar. He then joined in on the laughing, slinging his arm around my shoulders. Dylan was like a brother to me, so I didn't mind most of the small affections he showed me.
"Well, I'm going to follow Moses. I need myself something to eat. Catch you later" he waved to me as he walked off.
I decided to go and find Chris. Walking off in the direction of his tour bus, I found myself literally colliding with Mark Heylmun, Suicide Silence's other guitarist, on the way there.
"Oh, hey Mark. How's it going?"
"Pretty good, actually. Looking for Chris?" he asked me. I nodded. "He's actually back at the bus with Krysta Cameron. I have no fucking clue what they're doing, though."
I pondered what my best friend and boyfriend could possibly be doing before thanking Mark and started walking again. When I reached the bus, I simply yanked open the door and walked to the back room, only to hear two voices conversing with each other. I only caught some lines of the conversation, but it was enough for me.
" good. Thanks, Krysta."
"No prob. I'm always here if you need me..."
I then heard a rustling of bodies, and from what I registered, I couldn't help but start to tear up. Chris really was cheating on me... and with my best friend, at that? It was too much for me to bear. I kicked the door and ran away, my sobs hearable thoughout the bus as I ran back towards mine.
Dylan was right.
I should've just listened to him from the beginning.
No reason for this to continue, I guess...


[Chris's P.O.V.]

"He would really say that?" I asked Krysta. She had just told me that one of Elise's bandmates had said that I was probably cheating on her, which I would never do. The brunette in front of me nodded.
"Yeah, it looks like it's taking a toll on her, too. I can see a little hint of doubt in her eyes whenever she's alone. I don't really know what Dylan said exactly, but yeah."
I let my gaze wander to the ceiling. Hopefully Elise still believed that I really was faithful and would never to something like that to her.
"I'm definetly going to talk to her. Telling her this would most likely lessen the stress on her, letting her know would be good. Thanks, Krysta."
She gave me a smile. "No prob. I'm always here if you need me to talk to."
I then gave her a quick, thankful hug, only to hear a bump from the door and sobs coming from the opposite side, as well as quickly receeding footsteps.
Elise heard us.
And she might've taken it the wrong way.
"Oh, shit."
Krysta saw the look on my face and immediately thought the same thing as I opened the door and raced to find Delirium's tour bus.
What was she going to do?
How much misunderstood misery did I just cause her?


[Elise's P.O.V.]

I sat on the floor of the bathroom, my knees bent up to my chest while my head was buried in my arms that rested on my legs. My body was coiled up in a fetal position as I sobbed to myself. I stopped only for a second to eye the razor blade on the sink counter, then bringing my wrists up to my sight.
Why not?
I slowly got up, shakily grabbing the blade with my hands and sitting back down on the floor. Holding the blade to my left wrist, I asked myself if this was really the right thing to do.
Honestly, I didn't care. One of my main reasons for living betrayed me, and I didn't mind anymore.
I cursed under my breath before slamming the blade down on my wrists numerous times. I winced, but didn't pay attention to the pain. I was already in enough pain as it was.
I saw my vision go blurry before I felt my skin turn pale and cold. I looked down at my arms to see long, deep cuts across my wrists. Blood oozed from them like water from a creek.
It didn't faze me one bit.
I exhaled heavily before I eventually blacked out, my vision going dark and my body falling to the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Note: If you haven't figured out already, Chris is really the only one who calls Elise by her real name all the time. Another thing- I'm not a cutter, and I've never been a cutter, but I thought it would fit the plot.]