I Do


The fact that it was raining outside should have put everyone's mood off. It didn't though and Jared felt his left eye twitch again. He felt stuffy, his suit too tight in all the wrong places. His hair was a mess, the humidity to blame if you asked him. He was sweating, which was anything but new for him but to be sweat soaked while it was pouring down rain outside just sucked. It was his wedding day and so far, it sucked to be Jared.

Looking up at the clock on the wall, Jared swallowed hard. The wedding was scheduled to start in ten minutes and for the life of him, Jared could not shake these nervous feelings. His brother Jeff had told him it was just a case of the last minute, pre-wedding jitters but the knot in Jared's stomach said something entirely different.

They'd had it planned now, for weeks and with the day finally here Jared felt like he was going to be sick. He was happy, excited but nervous as fuck.

A loud knock on the door to his room sounded and caused him to jump in surprise. When Jensen poked his head inside, Jared smiled, all his nervous worries and fears suddenly gone.

“They're ready for you, Jay.” Jensen smiled and Jared felt his stomach flip flop.

Jared nodded at Jensen, straightening his back and rolling his neck.

“Okay, Jen. Let's do this.” And when Jared smiled, all was right with the world.


Jensen felt sick. Everything about today just screamed mistake. He knew it. Hell, he's even overheard Jared's sister talking to their mother about how huge a mistake her brother was making. If Jared's mother agreed, Jensen didn't stick around to find out.

Weddings were supposed to be happy occasions. The joining of two souls who loved each other and-Jensen stopped his thought process. It was too damn soon and the entire situation didn't sit right with Jensen. But he'd kept his feelings on the whole situation to himself. Jared was his best friend and he'd be damned if he screwed up what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life.

Just because Jensen was in love with Jared, didn't mean he had to ruin his friends life. Jensen wasn't that kind of person, no matter what the fan base said. So, instead of confessing his undying love for Jared, Jensen had just smiled through the announced engagement, the wedding plans, the tux fittings, the bachelor party and now he'd have to stand up beside of Jared and be his best friend while he watched him make this worst mistake of his life.

“Hey, Jensen,” Jeff Padalecki called to him. “Think you can grab Jared and then get your asses up to that alter?” When Jeff raised an eyebrow at him, Jensen could only sigh and nod his head.

Five minutes later and both men were standing in front of Jared and Genevieve's family. Their friends from the show had shown up as well and Jensen smiled at Eric, who sat a few rows back on Jared's side of the church. When Eric grinned at him, Jensen suppressed a scowl. No need to anger the man in charge of his career, not now anyway.

Standing behind Jared, Jensen watched his friend fidget. He never was one to feel comfortable dressed to the nine. Even when they were supposed to, Jared usually always showed up in jeans and a tee-shirt. Jensen usually just sent a mock glare in his friends direction, secretly wishing he could have done the same.

So yeah, Jensen was in love with Jared. His best friend of what felt like his entire life but had really only been the last six years. It was hard not to love someone like Jared, the carefree person that he was. And the fact that Jared was basically sex on legs just added to it. Jensen knew he was built nice, he'd been told so often enough that he'd finally started to believe it. But one look at Jared without a shirt on and Jensen felt a stirring in his pants. It was something he'd lived with for the past few years, loving Jared from afar. He supposed he was used to it by now.

“Dude, Jen, snap out of it man, I'm about to get married!” Jared's sharp whisper in his ear sent chills down Jensen's spine. Shaking himself from his thoughts, Jensen looked up at Jared and smiled.

“Sorry, man.” Jensen offered but left it at that.

Jared cocked an eyebrow at Jensen but turned back to face the pastor when the wedding march started.

Jensen felt like he'd been sucker punched when he watched the doors to the church open wide and Genevieve begin to walk down the isle. Why did she get to have Jared's love? She hadn't even know him long enough to be able to say she truly loved him for who he was. It made Jensen's chest ache knowing that she'd be the one lying in Jared's bed tonight and probably for many years to come.

Keeping the scowl off of his face, Jensen forced himself to smile. It wouldn't do for everyone to see him glaring at Jared's soon to be wife. Hell, it was Jensen' own fault for letting Jared get away in the first place. When his friend had admitted to being bisexual Jensen should have told him then, about the feelings he had but being the stubborn ass that he was, Jensen didn't and now it was too late.

When Jared turned to smile at Jensen, before turning back to watch Genevieve finish making her way down the long isle, Jensen felt his heart flutter in his chest. That smile was one he'd only been privy to as of late and it always had the same affect on Jensen, a tightening in his chest when he realized that smile wasn't for him anymore.

Jensen was sure the pastor had started speaking already but the words he uttered just landed on deaf ears. He didn't want to hear their vows and declarations of love. It hurt too damn much. Feeling his eyes filling with tears, Jensen tried his hardest to blink them away.

By the time Jensen realized that the entire church had gone deathly silent, it was too late. Looking past Jared, Jensen tried not to gasp out loud when he realized that Genevieve was looking him dead in the eyes.

“Um...” Jensen had no clue what was happening and it seemed like no one else did either.

“Always were slow on the uptake, weren't you, Jensen?” Genevieve asked as she raised her veil. She was smiling and it worried Jensen.

Stepping around Jared, Genevieve held her hands out to Jensen. Standing up on her tip toes, she pressed a sweet, almost caring kiss to the side of his mouth.

“You take care of him, Jensen.” Genevieve whispered, his eyes all knowing. “None of this was ever for me, you know. He planned it all, for you.” Stepping back, Genevieve tried not to laugh at the look of pure shock on Jensen's face.

“Jared, what? What is Gen talking about?” Jensen managed to ask, his tears closer to falling now.

“Thought you were the smart one, Jens.” Jared smiled, so wide that his dimples took up most of his face.

“I...” Jensen's eyes were wide because, no he did not understand one bit what was happening.

“Did you honestly think I was going to marry Genevieve when I'm so completely in love with you that I can't see straight?” Jared asked, his voice calm and even.

Jensen gasped. His eye wide as his tears finally fell. When Jared dropped down to one knee, Jensen was sure he was dreaming because no way was this real. No way had Jensen ended up this lucky.

“”You're my best friend, Jensen and I love you.” Jared smiled. “How you never picked up on it, I'll never know. Its why I came out to you when I did, you idiot.” Jared chuckled.

Jensen suddenly felt like he was in an old episode of the Twilight Zone because no way was Jared saying what he'd only ever heard him say in his dreams.

“So, Gen helped me with this whole thing. It was mostly her idea anyway. Danneel helped too.” When Jared mentioned his own soon to be wifes' name, Jensen jerked his head around and looked at his friend of almost eight years. Danneel was grinning at him, tears shinning in her eyes as she nodded at him.

“I um, I'm not trying to sound presumptuous or anything but I'd hoped...” Jared stopped and took a deep breath. Still down on one knee, and holding Jensen's hand, Jared continued. “I see no reason for us to be apart. No one cares Jen, if we're together. Hell, the fans want it.” He laughed, his eyes crinkled at the edges. “So, what all of this means is, what I mean is, Jensen Ross Ackles, will you marry me? Today? Now?” Jared looked up at Jensen, his eyes full of hope.

“Yes!” It was out of his mouth almost before Jared could finish asking.

Jared grinned as he stood up and pulled Jensen into his arms, hugging him tight.

In a church full of stunned family members, not so surprised friends, two extremely happy fake fiances and Eric Kripke, Jensen and Jared said their 'I Dos'. With grins the size of Texas on both their faces, Jared gripped Jensen's face in his hands and kissed him, long and hard, in front of God and everyone.

“Wow,” Jensen said, his eyes wide as he looked up at Jared. “Talk about one hell of a first kiss, Padalecki.”

Jared threw his head back and laughed.

“That's Padalecki-Ackles. Or Ackles-Padalecki. I think we can work that out later, oh husband of mine.”

Gripping Jensen's hand in his, Jared led them both down the long isle of the church.

There were shouts of congratulations, whispers of surprise, cat calls and silent stares. And then there was Eric Kripke, arms crossed over his chest as he watched his two lead actors walking out the double doors of the church.

“I am not gonna be the one who tells the network about this one!” He called after them, a smile forming on his face.

Outside of the church, Jared smiled when he saw that the rain had stopped and the sun had actually decided to come out. Pulling Jensen into his arms, he pressed a kiss to his lips.

“Sorry it took so long, Jen.” Jared whispered against his lips.

Jensen smiled.

“Pretty sure I'd wait forever for you, Jared.”

Wrapping his arms around Jared's neck, Jensen depend their kiss. So what if they'd done it all backwards. They were in love and Jensen was exactly where he'd always wanted to be, in Jared's arms. From where he was standing, Jensen had just gotten his happily ever after and if that made him the girl in the relationship, Jensen was pretty sure he could live with that.

“I love you, Jared.” Jensen said, his lips still pressed against Jared's.

“Love you too, Jen.” Jared tightened his hold on Jensen and kissed his new husband deeply.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Yeah, so I only wrote this to make me and my twitters girls happy. No disrespect to either Danneel or Genevieve. We just strongly believe in J2. Lol So yeah, comments would be lovely.