Journal Entry 214

Word Count - 640

24 July 1969

This afternoon, as I was reading my book I got to thinking about what I had heard on the radio the other day. Whilst cleaning, a familiar voice came on the news. I had only heard snippets of what was going on and apparently it was the commander of the Apollo 11. Yes, that’s right they’d actually gotten one of those rocket contraptions in space. This time they were going to land it on the moon, instead of orbiting it as they had before. Well, all this talking about them landing on the moon and such got me thinking. Thinking about well, him and my birthday about 2 years

“Where are we going?” I asked, giggling as he tied a blindfold around my eyes.

“Hush. You’ll see.” He whispered in my ear. I could hear the smile on his lips as he grabbed my hand and pulled me forward. I stumbled a few times but each time he caught me and regained my balance.

“Michael,” I whined after a few minutes of walking, “You know how much I hate surprises.”

“Oh hush, Carolyn. We’re almost there anyhow.”

“Fine. But this better be good.” I smiled jokingly. We stopped walking and he muttered something about not wandering off and everything was almost ready. All I could hear was rustling and the chirping of the crickets in the warm summer air. The rustling stopped and I could hear Michael approaching me again. He untied my blindfold and before me I saw a candle lit picnic under our tree beside a lake. I gasped in amazement, tears of excitement threatening to fall.

“Oh, Michael,” I cooed. He took my hand and led me to the blanket. We sat down and he pulled out a small cake with candles. He lit them and began to hum ‘happy birthday’. Here’s where the tears started to fall. Michael finished humming and he wiped the tears away with his thumb. I inhaled, making a wish and then blew out the candles on my cake.

“Happy birthday, Carolyn.” He smiled, cutting a slice for me.

Hours went by and we talked and laughed and ate the other food he’d prepared for my birthday. It finally got too dark to do much other than lie under the stars. My head was on his chest and I was listening to his heartbeat. It was quiet until Michael spoke.

“Wouldn’t you love to go up there?”

“Where?” I asked

“Into space. I think it’d be beautiful.”
“You’re crazy, Michael. There’s no way that’d be possible.” I giggled slightly at the notion of somehow travelling into space.

“It could happen. You just have to be open minded, Carolyn.” I smiled and he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

“You know, I love you, Michael, and all you crazy ideas.” I laughed into his chest. I heard him chuckle slightly before responding,

“You know, Carolyn, I’m glad because I’ll love you to the moon and back.” I smiled at this, rolling my eyes a little. I pushed myself up so I could kiss him. Our lips connected and we shared a short but passionate kiss.

“Just keep telling yourself that,” I responded sarcastically, laughing again at his ludicrous

I guess I regret laughing at him and his dream. I regretted it more when he opened the door to our apartment and pulled me into a kiss.

“I was right.” He whispered as we intertwined in a hug.

“Hmm?” I mumbled into his chest.

“It is beautiful up there.” He laughed heartily.

“I’m sorry I missed it,” I laughed along with him.

It was when he pulled me into a second kiss that I realized that he had meant what he said. He did love me to the moon and back, and he meant it literally too.
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Hmm well, I suppose I should include that Apollo 11 was the first NASA spacecraft to land on the moon. It did so on July 20, 1969 where commander, Neil Armstrong said his famous but apparently incorrect "One small step for man.." line. It landed on earth July 24, 1969. The crew included Michael Collins, command module pilot and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., lunar module pilot.