
Chapter 1

"Wake up in the morning feeling like a loser. Thanks KeSha" I muttered while I rose up from bed sleepily.

Hi, my name by the way is Trina and i hate my life sometimes. I'm only 15 years old, but I have a mind of a 9 yr old. My best asset is to annoy people.

So, about me, I'm probably just your average Joe in a way. I love music and to hang out.. A LOT. Oh, did I mention that I'm bi-polar? weird thing is, when I'm in the state of my "bi-polarnism" (if that's a word) it's like i don't remember a thing, but i do. It's like suddenly everything is vague but the next second I'm in another person's body and I'm seeing myself being my other self (I'm bi-polar remember. So i have two mes ) but I'm not sure if that's a reality or just a dream I suddenly have, I'm not really sure

"Faster Trina! your gonna be late for school!" mom called

"I'm coming I'm coming! sheesh!" I yelled

I jogged down the stairs.
Ate my food like a whirlwind just passed by it, said my goodbyes to my mom while i was still munching my food so it came out like "BRY MORM"

I ran to the car like my life depended on it. I can't be late AGAIN.

"You know that if you didn't made it a little faster, you'd be late again" my dad mocked

"Yeah dad, I know, just step on it" I said

And so he did. My dad just dropped me off to the gate of the school

"Bye dad"

"Good luck on your last week, have fun!"

"Sure will dad, see you later" I said as I waved good-bye

Then, I saw the 2 people in the world that I love the most apart from Martin Johnson( vocalist of boyslikegirls) and Chester Benington (vocalist of Linkin park). What? I love those bands. Is that a problem?

"Sup Trina?!" Vin said and waved at me like a salute.

"Sup Vin, Hey Ela" I said looking at Ela busy with arranging her locker (Ela's locker and mine is just beside each other, but Vin's is at the end of the corridor, so he make it a point to go to his locker earlier )

"Hey " she said, almost like a whisper

"Neat freak" I complained

"Got that right" Vin said

But none of that even took Ela to glance at us, she's use to it anyway.

Anyway, Ela and Vin are my two bestest friend ever in my entire life. We met when we were in pre-school. But my mom and Vin's mom are cooking classmates, so me and Vin known each other since birth (Literally)
Then Ela's family came, lived at our street two houses apart our own house. We became friends since then.

I opened my locker, got some books out,
I noticed Ela's done

"So, where are you guys going for summer?" I started

"Don't know, as long as I'm gonna have fun this summer, I'm good" said Vin

"Whatever" I said

"Look whose here" Ela said pointing at the end of the hallway.

"I don't really know why you girls gush over that guy" Vin said showing his irritation

"You're not alone" I said
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please give comments! so I could improve the ideas i have for the story!