
Chapter 2

*At the cafeteria , Lunch*

"Save us a seat Vin" Ela called

"Sure thing"Vin said

Me and Ela are lining up for some food. Fortunately, our school have some good food. As I walk I noticed HIM again. I use to be his partner for this stupid project in History. By the way, the guy we were talking about is "Andraste Caste". His this handsome, tall, funny, white, goofy, athletic type of guy. Dreamy right? NOT! especially when you get to know him. His also annoying(yes, more annoying than me) he has this weird name, but I guess that gives him plus points for the Ladies. Disgusting.

Enough of him, I mean, I'm having a great lunch with my best friends and nobody can ruin-

"Hey ladies" Karl said (some bully at school)

"What do you want Karl?" Vin asked

"How 'bout some lunch money? I'm pretty hungry" the Jerk said

"Shut up Karl, Bullies are so over-rated, get lost I'm not in the mood for your stupidity. Believe me, I have had enough of that inside of me, so please" I pleaded

Damn, his blabbing about being so hungry and since we are nice people we have to prove that we are and give him some money. Seriously, I'm not in the mood, if only i have the guts to punch his face and let him taste my fury. My eyes drifted off to someplace else. Then it shifted back to Karl, his really getting on my nerves right now. His holding the collar of Vin's shirt I'm really going to punch him. Any second now.

"KARL!" I shouted. He seem to be startled, even I'm startled with myself. Half of the caf is looking at us right now.

"Here take this. Just do us a favor and get off our backs" I said pulling out some bills just to make him shut up.

"Now that's what I'm talking about" the Jerk said. Took the money and started to walk away

"What are you doing T? you're just giving him money to make him shut up? that's why he keep on bullying others cause he know he'll succeed." Ela said

Right now I just really want peace and quiet. But I'm still angry with Karl, his just a few steps away, I could really just march toward him and sucker punch. Like I'll have the guts. Psshh!
I look out of the window, drifting off my mind from it all. Then I saw my face. I kinda feel dizzy.

Everything went black. It's like the lights were suddenly turned off.

As quick as a blink. I'm awake again. But it still seem like I'm dreaming.

I willed my eyes to open. Then I see this girl. Standing in front of the big dufus. She seems really angry at him. If I were Karl, I'll probably start running by now. She looks like she could send an Alpha Lion back to his mommy crying. She seems so vaguely familiar.

Something really weird hit my head. I squinted my eyes. That's why she looks familiar

She's ME.

I can hear them. But they can't hear me.

This could never be JUST a dream. There's too much coincidence.

Where am I?

I look around. I can see the whole caf. I look back.

"Whoah!" I muttered, though no one can seem to hear me.

I'm staring at the outside of my school. Where the cafeteria window I was looking at suppose to overlook if you take peek . I tried to move. Nothing happened. It's like the only movements I can do is to turn around. I'm trapped in a mirror.

"Okay, calm down, Just concentrate. You can go back. Be calm. Look at what's happening right now before you react. It's okay, Be calm" I chanted to myself, just to calm me down.

I looked back at the caf. I see ME again.

"Give back that money!" I shouted ('I' as in her, the one who isn't trapped)

"You gave it to me willingly" Karl backed up

"I was just playing with you Freak" I yelled back.

Vin tapped my shoulder and murmured "Let's just go Trina, Its cool, we'll just won't let that happen again."

but I (who isn't trapped) just shrugged his hand off.

"Give me the money KARL" I snarled

I guess he saw the look in MY eyes that I wouldn't say no for an answer.

"Fine! here!" He said. showing defeat in his voice.

'I' snatched the money out of his hand.

"Never! Ever! come to see us AGAIN just for this" 'I' shouted waving the money.

Then Karl just walked away.

Ela and Vin looked really worried. Cause believe me, the only moment I stand up and "fight" for something like that, is when my cousin almost killed my little cute bird when I was in fourth grade. It wasn't even close with what happened just a minute ago. Then we marched down back to our table.

"What was that? you really look mad" Ela said. Worry in her eyes

"Hey, you ok?" Vin asked, tapping my shoulder.

I just remember, I'm trapped.

I NEED HELP! I wanna scream for them! I wanna scream.

"Help! Help! I'm over here! The real me!" I screamed like my throat's gonna come out of my mouth.

"Help! please! Vin! Ela!." I shouted. "Help..." My voice fainted.

I think I'm gonna faint.

"Help... Please... Help..." I murmured sleepily. I fluttered my eyes. It's closing.. It's...closing.. Open your eyes Tri....
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Comment! so i could make improvements in my ideas for the story