
Chapter 3

"Trina.. Trina.. Trina.." I hear a faint voice calling my name. Familiar voice.
"Look Vin! she's waking up!" Ela said (I finally recognize her voice)
"Where am I?" I ask weakly.
"Nurse's office idiot" Vin said
"What the hell happened to you? Right after you almost sucker punch Karl you just sat down and blacked out" She said showing worry in her tone. But I want to tell them that I have no idea on what's going on. Right now I just wanna cry, scream, and just let my emotions slip off. I was panicking awhile ago cause I don't know what's happening to me. But all I did is just lie down and stare at the ceiling. I just wanna be alone for a minute. Think. This happened before. When I was Eight. It was much worse than this one.

Flash back:
"Hurry up honey! It's First day of school to your new school." Mommy shouted
"But I don't wanna go, what if they don't like me, besides, Ela and Vin won't be there, I wouldn't have any friends" I whined. Ela and Vin was in a different school. My mom enrolled me to this new school cause she knew a teacher there that might help me with my studies cause I was having a hard time with my previous school (which where Vin and Ela are).
"You would, you're a nice girl." mommy encouraged."Were only gonna try this for the rest of the year, if that doesn't work, and you don't really like it there, you'll go back to your previous school and be with your bestfriends" mom continued
"You bet I'll go back " I said as I stamped my feet and head out. The year of my school days then are half over. So I only have to go to that stupid school for just another half.
We arrived.
"Bye honey."my mom waved
"Later mom" I answered
I got in. It was just a small school. Very different from my last school.
"Here goes nothing" I whispered to myself. I jogged down to my locker. (Mom already arranged everything before I got in. My locker number, my sched. Everything )
"0-5-4-8-6" I memorized.
"Hi!" A girl said. I almost jumped.
"Sorry to make you jumpy" She said "My name is MaryAnne by the way, I'm one of the welcoming committee for the new students " She continued.
''My name is Trina, nice to meet you." I said. then I continued "I'm not gonna stay here for long, just gonna finish the semester then I'm out"
After that, She just smiled then walked me around the school. She would be a nice friend. But I'm not gonna stay here for long though. The first bell rang, we said our goodbyes and she invited me for lunch. Good thing she did, cause I really don't want to spend my first lunch in a different school all ALONE.
The months passed by. I made really good friends with MaryAnne and the others.
"Hey MaryAnne!" I greeted.
"Can't believe its been four months already since you came here, I really wish you'll just stay here" MaryAnne said.
"You know that I can't. I promised my friends there I'll be back" Trina said gently.
"That's not fair! You also got friends here you know!" MaryAnne whined.
"I know, I know" I said "But I promise I'll keep in touch, anyway, we still got months left right? so, lets just enjoy it"
"Whatever, But promise to keep in touch or I'll go straight to your house and demand you to" She threatened.
Then we got to the comfort room. look at our hair if its still ok to look at. Then something happened. I suddenly felt my gut like in a tight loop. It just hurts so much. I fell on the floor. Good thing it was only me and MaryAnne. I curled myself. I really can't stand the pain. MaryAnne is helping me get up and sit on the side of the sink. She's talking to me but I don't have the will to talk just yet.
I look at myself on the mirror.Suddenly. BLANK. The pain is gone, but I can't see anything. I hear MaryAnne.
"Trina! what happened?!" MaryAnne asked.

"I don't know, where are you? I can't see you" I answered.

"Trina! talk to me! don't just stare at me"

"I am talking to you!" I shouted. Maybe she can't hear me.

"Trina! Trina!" MaryAnne shouted .Then another voice came

"I'm fine Mary Anne, I just need to settle down for a sec" The voice said.

Then my vision went clear. The one talking was ME. Why am I watching myself talking to MaryAnne? and why is she answering to her? can't she determine me from her? what the hell is going on? This is so confusing.

"What happened?" MaryAnne asked.

"Nothing, just a little pain in the stomach"

"Are you sure? do you feel ok?"

"Yup, better"

I can't believe this. What's going on?.
The day went by with a blur. I discovered that I could pass from mirror to mirror. I just have to focus real hard.

The last bell rang. Everybody's going out. I see ME approaching my locker. Now SHE's talking to MaryAnne. I can't make out any of their conversation. shifting from mirror to mirror is tiring. Can't concentrate. (I'm in the lobby window that's kind of mirror like. That's why i could transfer there.) SHE's saying her goodbyes. SHE walked past me.
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Comment! so i could make improvements in my ideas for the story