
Chapter 5

Another day. I hope it will be better than yesterday. WAY better. I walk in the school. Then BAM!.

"Hey Trina, heard 'bout yesterday" Andrei said
"Since when did you care?" I answered.
"oh, I don't, I'm just saying *smiles* " he quickly said.
"just so you know, I'm doing great. Just a little off, but I'm good. By the way, how's Ethan?" I asked. Ethan Caste, the older and better than him brother of Andraste Caste, the opposite of him. Kind, Gentle, Handsome in every way, has an Angelic face and voice. Just by looking at him makes your day complete. Just thinking about him makes you giggle.
"You're talking to me but you're asking 'bout my brother, real nice" He said sarcastically.
"I was just asking, he was really nice to me, unlike somebody I know" I said glaring at him. Ethan and I got close when I use to go to Andrei's house cause of the stupid project, he was really hospitable. He also helps us with the project sometimes, we got close cause when we use to hang out at Andrei's yard for the project, he's there too. His pretty tight with Vin, they use to have the same school for guitar last last last summer. When there are parties at their house, he entertains us, just the best, nothing like his brother. We still get to talk to him, but only once in a while. He has his own group, and we got ours. We greet when we see each other and Ethan and Vin still do some jamming sessions sometimes.
"Ethan's good, he sometime asks 'bout you, don't get your hopes up though, he would never go for a girl like you. He has TASTES!. Cause you know, there's girls,... then there's YOU." he chuckled.. I just punched him then went to my locker, his such a jerk. Although not as hard as want it to. He didn't even wince.
"Good morning to you too" He shouted laughing. I guess he didn't even feel the pain that i want to inflict on him. That just sucks. But he wouldn't ruin my day.

Ela is nowhere to be found, I'm guessing she's stuck somewhere. But I could see Vin running towards me. Waving like an idiot. I waved back.

"Morning! wow you're early" Vin said.
"Yeah, I know right? only four days to go dud! I could already feel the warm summer breeze" I said smiling. Then he chuckled. As if right on cue, Ela walked in. It looks like she's half-awake.

"Hey sleepy head, good morning" I greeted her with a smile.
"I'm so sleepy I could just fall flat on the floor and snore like a baby and wouldn't care what anybody would think" she said like she's complaining.
Then, Andrei walked over to us.
"Hey you guys doing somethin tonight?" Andrei asked. The three of us said none.
"Course you guys don't have anything to do tonight, you guys doesn't really have much of a social life, good thing I'm one of your friends, you 3 are nothing without me." Andrei bragged. Ela just rolled her eyes and Vin just mouthed 'jerk' (I'm the more vocal one) I said.
"Look, if you have something to say, just spit it out. Besides, we like to keep it private, and since when did you consider us friends? and if WE are friends, some friend you are." I said showing my irritation.
"Ok T. Geeze, just chill. I was just going to invite you three to my house tomorrow at 7 pm for the official opening of our new and improved renovated yard/garden. You three should come, besides, your parents would be there. My mom invited them. Wear dress for the ladies and some suit or anything decent for the men. Its just a semi-formal party." Andrei said like his announcing something from the radio. I was actually quietly waiting for the part where the announcer would say 'each sold separately' .
"Oh, and Ethan's there in case you're going to ask" He added.
"You guys coming?" I asked Vin and Ela. Both of them nodded and I was surprise that Vin even got that sparkle in his eyes that says his really up for this party. I didn't know he likes things like that. Well, some things may surprise.
"Fine I'm going too. Only because you're mom invited my mom and your mom's really nice. Also the fact that Ethan would be there is a good thing." I said quickly.

Maybe you're wondering why Andrei's mom is close to my mom and Vin's and Ela's. FIRST, when the stupid project with Andrei was happening, my mom use to pick me up and drop me off. Sometime she and mrs. Caste gets to talk to each other. As for Vin's mom, mrs. Caste get to spend time with Vin's mom during Ethan's guitar lessons. For Ela, Mr. Caste and Ela's dad are the one whose close to each other. They have been business partners for years.

"Whatever T-rex, as long as you and your friend look decent tomorrow" Andrei said. Then he walked out the scene and came back to his group. 'T-rex' was Andrei's nickname for me, Trina, since I'm always pissed off by him and he likes it when I'm like that. I never approved it.

After that conversation with Andrei , the rest of us just went on with our lives. Talked about anything about everything. Go to class in time when the bell rings.

When the last bell rang, I met up with Ela in the main lobby of our school. Vin took off with his mom cause his mom called and told him that he has nothing to wear for the party tomorrow night. So he just let it go and didn't protest that he doesn't care.

"Hey Trina," Ela said. Then I nodded as my 'hi' to her.
"I was wondering if you wanna talk about what happened yesterday?"
I was a little taken aback with her question, I never thought that she would bring it up. I'm guessing that she took the puzzled expression in my face as an answer,
so she continued "I was just worried about it, if it was getting worse or something. You usually talk about it. I didn't believe at first, but somehow I knew it was true. So, I'm really worried about you. You are my bestfriend after all" She said. As if she's explaining things to me. As I digest every words that she said, I thought that I'll let my guards down and just let my bestfriend to comfort me, I can't handle it alone anyway
"Thanks for not thinking like I'm just making things up, cause I'm not. Believe me, I don't even want this " That's how I started. Along our way back home, I told her everything that I felt. Everything that I see. Everything that went through in my head. Every question that I had.

Both me and Ela reached home about 6pm. The sun's ready to set. No one is home. Sometimes, I really hate being an only child, it sucks. No one to play with or to make my slave. (it depends if we're close, I won't make him my slave)
I just fixed myself a dinner. Whatever is in the fridge will do. So I watched some cartoons. I don't remember the title of the show. I'm not really into T.V. I eventually got bored and just tuned in MTV. They're playing Love Drunk by BoysLikeGirls. Sweet. I finished my food early, good thing there aren't any homeworks, its the last week of school for crying out loud! I just listened to some music then before I know it, I'm out. I didn't know I was THAT tired.

I think I'm dreaming. I don't know why, but I just know that I'm dreaming. I'm in this place, like a garden, a garden that is so vaguely familiar.
Wait, I already dreamed about this place. Although its like a different place entirely. It has a beautiful fountain in the middle of it. Its just so huge. There are chairs everywhere, as if their expecting guests. Its very fancy and elegant. The bushes are trimmed perfectly. There is an arch. I went rhrough it and I found a maze-like type of garden. Although I bet you wouldn't get lost. Its not that big of a maze, just a few twists and turns. It has a few benches, probably if you get tired or something. There are bushes of rose everywhere. But not as if it was just thrown there, but as if it was planned to put the roses in this and that.

I went back to the first garden that I saw. As I was exploring the wonderful garden, I was startled to see a man. He looks like a teenager. Maybe my age. His just staring at me. So I just did the same. Somehow I remember him as the man in my last dream. I never noticed he has a necklace. A gold necklace. It looks elegant, antique. Fit for a Prince maybe. He smiles. The sweetest smile I've ever seen. He looks familiar. And a lot similar to someone I know, I just can't seem to point it out.

"Huh?" I muttered loudly, I was awaken by the roar of the engine of mom's car. It turned off. I looked at the telly and saw the music vid of Stolen by Dashboard Confessional. I turned the T.V. off and grabbed my plate and put it in the sink. Mom opened the door. I saw her then I kissed her good night.

I'm in my room. Change into my jammies. I lay on my bed and remembered my dream. I wonder if it means anything. Suddenly I'm asleep. But this time, it was a dreamless sleep.
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Done for chapter five! sorry for the slow update...
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who do you think Trina would end up with?
Ethan or Andrei...?
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