
Chapter 6

I woke up pretty early today. 30 minutes before the usual time that I was suppose to wake up. I sprang out off my bed and got my towel. As I was marching to the bathroom, I smelled mom making breakfast. I smiled to this thought. Somehow in the back of my mind, I just knew this is going to be a good day. I brushed my teeth then took a shower. I dressed for school. I went down and went to the dining area of the house. I could see that mom's done.

"Here's your breakfast honey" Mom said as she puts down a plate of eggs, hotdogs and rice.
I smiled sweetly at her as my answer. As quickly as she places the plate in front of me, I stuffed my face with my food. (What?? I like to eat. Sue me.)
"Aren't you early today?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, cool huh?"
"Yeah, anyways, I bought you a new dress for tonight's party. It’s in the living room"
"Really? You don't have to. But thanks mom, you're just the best*smiles*" I didn't ran to the living room like other girls do. I'm not really a dramatic person. By the way, if you noticed, I didn't complain about my mom buying me dresses. She just knows what I like, although we don't have the same taste in clothing.
"Did Andrei already invite you to the party?" Mom asked.
"Yeah mom. He even invited Ela and Vin." I said. I didn't notice, but dad was already in the dining area munching his own food.
"Are you finish?" Dad asked. Then I looked down on my plate. It looks like somebody licked it. Then I realized that I was really full.
"Yeah dad, I'm good"
He took his cue and kiss mom goodbye. I did the same. Then we went to the car and dad drove me to school. I said my goodbyes to my dad. I caught up with Ela while entering the school.
"Hey Trina, What's up?"
"Nothing' much...by the way, have you found anything to wear?"
"Yeah. Mom bought me this amazing dress! It’s a pink cocktail dress. It has like a ribbon under my boobs and it’s a tube. But I'll be wearing a three fourth black jacket and a pair of black lacey heels. How 'bout you? Do you have a dress yet?" Ela said while she and I are taking some books for our class.
"Yeah, my mom bought me a new dress too, but I haven't seen it." I said plainly. Out of nowhere Vin came.
“My mom bought me dark blue polo-shirt and dark jeans, I’m just gonna pair it up with my black sneakers” Vin bragged.
“Who asked you?” Ela said. Then we all laughed.

*At home after classes*

I opened the door. I went to the living room. I saw a paper bag.
“This is probably my dress” I whispered to myself. I opened it. Then I saw it. It looks great. Just a simple black knee length dress with V neck and a waistline.
“Thanks mom, you’re the best. *smiles*” I uttered to myself.
After that, I took a bath again and blow-dried my hair. I just combed it to its natural straightness. I looked at the clock and see that it’s almost 6:00. I got exactly 30 minutes to spare. Vin’s going to pick me and Ela up. Ela first, then me. He said he’ll arrive at 6:30 more or less. I’m staring at myself looking at the mirror. I’m not really into make-up, so I’ll just probably use some powder and some black eyeliner. I did exactly that and I just combed my hair and clipped it sideways to the right. I stand up and straightened my dress. Checked myself up if there is anything more that I would want to do. Suddenly my phone rang. It’s Ela.
“Hey Trina. Vin’s here. I’m just gussying up. Bye!” was all that Ela said. She knew that she had to be fast cause Ela’s house is just a few houses from hers. As if right on cue she heard Vin’s horn honking. She ran as fast as she could, but not too fast she might tire herself, she doesn’t want to sweat her dress before she even got to the party. Vin honks again and she took a last minute check. She went out of the door and locked it. Her parents have the key to it if ever she decides to go home late or have a sleep over with Ela.
“Jeez! What took you so long?!” Vin asked waving his hands for it to be more dramatic.
“Oh shut up. Just drive already” I said while opening the back door. Ela was sitting in front. Which I don’t really mind. Oh, and Vin’s driving a Mercedez. I just don’t know what model, I’m not good with cars.
“Yes your majesty” with his fake British accent. I just smiled at that but Ela laughed on how hideous Vin’s accent is. We rode along nicely. There are some silence at a time but not awkward. Besides, boyslikegirls is roaring off Vin’s radio. Before we knew it, Vin was driving in front of the Caste’s house. I saw my parents’ car at the far end. I hope this would be a great party. It looks like it anyway. We made our way to the inside of their house. As soon as I came in, I saw him there. Ethan, handsome as ever, maybe even more, wearing a polo-shirt and dark jeans with leather shoes, it would’ve looked stupid with just anybody, but he isn’t just anybody. I smiled at the thought.
“Hey Trina, you look awesome tonight” Ethan said. I giggled like an idiot, but I think he likes it, he even smiled “Hey Ela, hey Vin” he greeted and glanced at them as he said their name, but looked at me after. They both nodded.
“Party’s outside at the garden, lets go” he said half leaving and motioning us to follow. So we did. We went outside, I saw Ela’s parents on one side, talking to other people that I don’t know, elder people. I wonder where my parent are. Anyway, Ethan led us to their garden, its renovated so I guess I wouldn’t recognize it like before.
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I'm sorry it took so long..
i really suck at updating.. anyway..
sorry its kinda short too..
got a lot in my plate right now...
anyway...hope you guys like it :D

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