Status: updated as written!

This Is How We Do

Boys Raise Your Glasses

The next week flew by, and before i knew it, we were all sitting in a plane on our way to the Bahamas. Dougie was sitting next to me sleeping, no longer insisting on wearing a hood all the time since his hair is now a dirty blonde color that suits him very well, but not after we took just about a million pictures of him with the red hair.

Anyway, Dougie was sleeping next to me, leaning against the window with his arm around my shoulder, and I was leaned into his side, tired but not enough to go to sleep yet. Danny and Lexee were sitting across from us, he was sitting in the window seat and she was sleeping with her feet up on his lap. Tom and Tyler were sitting infront of us, Tyler had the window seat- after practically fist fighting Tom for it- and he was leaning on her shoulder, both of them out cold. Logan was laying on his side on the sofa with Brigid infront of him and his arm around her waist, both of them asleep.

I moved slowly and carefully, not wanting to wake Dougie, and looked behind me. Keighty and Harry were sitting next to eachother, and it was painfully obvious they liked eachother, but they werent dating yet. Though, in their sleep, they seemed quite the opposite of single. Harry was in the hallway seat, slouching slightly, and Keighty was curled up next to him with her head against his chest. His arm was around her wasist and his chin was resting ontop of her head, both of them smiling softly. I turned back around and leaned agaisnt Dougie lightly and his arm wrapped securly against me. Within minutes, I was out cold.

"Jayden... were here. You have to get up." Dougie said softly, kissing my cheek. I groaned and moved off him, then opened my eyes and looked around. I stretched out and got up, grabbing my bag and heading off the jet. Dougie grabbed my hand and spun me around to face him, then pulled me into him and kissed me. When he broke off, he grinned at me and we filed off the plane. We were staying in Atlantis, but right now, everyone was too tired to function, so we decided to sleep again.

Room assignments were made according to couples, much to Logans dismay when it came to me and Dougie. By the time we got to the room though, we both collapsed onto the bed and were, once again, out cold.


When we were woken up, it was bright outside. Nobody was tired anymore from sleeping for so long, so we all got changed into bathing suits and met in the lobby of the hotel.

"To the beach?" Harry asked. Tyler made a face.

"I dont like the beach, sand is weird. I think I'll go to the water park." She said.

"I'll stay with Ty, you guys go do the surfing lesson." Brigid suggested.

"You sure?" Logan asked. Both Tyler and Brigid nodded, so he looked at Tom and they both shrugged.

"In that case, lets go!" Lexee yelled, grabbing Dannys hand and pulling him out of the hotel. We all followed them and were at the beach after a few minutes. The hotel gives complimentary surf lessons (damn right they do, we paid enough money for the place), so we all had the same instructor. Her name was Riley Brynn, and me, Lexee, and Keighty didnt exactly like her. She was wearing a bikini that was a little too revealing, and the boys could hardly pay attention. Everytime she would turn around, they would look at eachother, elbow eachother, and smile at her. Oddly enough, Tom was the best behaved even though Tyler isnt even here. Dougie was next best behaved, but thats just because hes shy around people he doesnt know. He would still be a pig when she wasnt looking with the other three.

"Yo, asswholes, do you mind?" Keighty finally asked and they all turned to her, looking confused.

"Alright, so dose everyone think they can handle what they've learned so far?" Riley asked and their necks snapped in her direction.

"Absolutely." Danny smiled, earning a smile back from Riley. Lexee rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Alright then, why dont you take your coverups off and we'll go see how well you paid attention?" Riley smiled and turned around to pick up her surf board and the guys all grinned at eachother again and pulled their beaters off. Lexee, Keighty, and I exchanged looks then rolled our eyes and took our shorts and tank tops off, not even recieving a glance our way from the boys who were more interested in watching Riley. When she got her board up, she turned back to us. "Everyone ready?" She asked.

"Yeah." Harry answered, grinning. She laughed lightly at him.

"Then grab your boards and lets go." She said and started towards the water. The boys all turned to watch her.

"Dude, shes so fit!" Danny whispered loudly to Logan.

"No shit, I hadnt noticed." Logan turned to Danny, looking at him oddly. Lexee just looked at Danny, who looked over at her innocently.

"What? Shes hot!" He defended.

"Im going to murder him." Lexee mumbled.

"Join the club." Keighty mumbled as well as they grabbed their boards and followed her.

"Wouldn't it just be easier to kill her?" I asked, picking mine up and following them.

20 minutes later and nearly a million falls later, the boys finally figured out how to stand on the board while riding a wave. Due to their lack of attention spans, they kept getting distracted by Riley when she would try to help them. Lexee, Keighty, and I had it down our second try, so Riley wasnt helping us anymore. We were sitting off to the side watching the boys be pigs. Harry was the worst, and I felt bad for Keighty. Finally when Riley decided the boys were well enough ready to leave, she led us out of the water and we returned the boards and put our shorts back on. She asked Harry to help her put the boards away and when he came back, he was grinning widely.

"What happened, mate?" Danny asked, excitedly. Harry held up a piece of paper and smiled wider than possiable.

"She gave me her number. She wants me to call her later." He said, proudly.

"Hazza's getting some tonight!" Logan laughed and Keighty gritted her teeth.

"Your all discusting asswholes. Get the fuck over yourselves." She growled and left quickly. Harry watched after her for a minute, looked at the guys, then shook his head.

"Not worth it." He sighed and ripped Rileys number up, then ran after Keighty. When he caught up with her, he grabbed her wrist and turned her to face him. She pushed him off her and he tried to grab her again but she slapped him. They stood there for a few minutes and I couldnt tell what they were doing, but it was obvious they were yelling at eachother. Tom sighed and ran towards them. He reached them just before Keighty pushed Harry down and Tom wrapped his arms around Keight and they left. We all looked at eachother and quickly forgot about any previous intentions of yelling over Riley. We were more conserned about Harry and Keighty, so we all ran over to Harry who was sitting in the sand, the way he had fallen, looking out at the water.

"Mate, get up. Lets go back to the hotel." Danny suggested, holding his hand out to Harry. Harry didnt even look up from the horizon.

"Harry, you okay?" Dougie asked, kneeling next to his best friend. Harry shook his head slightly.

"Whats wrong?" I asked. Harry looked around at us, then back out at the water.

"She told me she loves me..." He said quietly. "But she said she doesnt want to because im an asswhole." He looked up at the guys. "What do I do now?" He asked.

"Dont look at me, I fail in the subject of girls. Look at them." Logan said, pointing at me and Tyler. Harry looked over at us, eyes almost pleading for help. Lexee sighed.

"It all depends really. Do you love her?" She asked.

"I never really though about it before... but now that I am... i think i do." He said. "No, i know i do." He said, still looking desprate for guidance.

"Then you go tell her that. You're usually great with sweet talk, so just tell her everything that you can possiably think of. But you have to tell her you love her too." I said. "And that you ripped up Rileys number. That will help alot too." I added. He nodded.

"When do I talk to her?" He asked. "She doesnt want to even look at me."

"Go now. Shes probably still with Tom, and he'll let you talk to her." Lexee said.

"What if shes with Tyler? Tyler will kick my ass!" He looked horrified.

"We'll come with you and stop Tyler." Logan shurgged, then thought about it. "Alright, well, we'll come with you and try to at least hold her back a few minutes." That made everyone except Harry laugh slightly.

"Alright, come on. Lets go." Danny said, pulling Harry up from the sand.


When we got back, Tyler and Brigid were still at the water park, so Harry took off running for the room him and Keighty were sharing.

"What was that, exactly?" Tyler asked as we all sat down next to the chair she was laying on.

"That was Harry going to tell Keighty he loves her." Lexee answered.

"AW!" Brigid cooed from the chair next to Tyler.

"Hes such a dork." Tyler laughed.

"What exactly are you doing?" Logan asked.

"Tanning. Im tired of being Casper." She shrugged.

"Casper is a friendly ghost. You are not friendly." Danny pointed out. Tlyer kicked his arm. "PRIME EXAMPLE!" He cried, holding his arm. I sat down on a chair that wasnt taken and Dougie sat down beside me. He took hold of my hand and traced a pattern onto the back of it lightly with his thumb, then leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Dont make plans for tonight." He whispered before he pulled away. I looked at him, confused, and he just smiled back.


I found out why I wasnt allowed to make plans later that day. Dougie had made arrangments for me and him to have a dinner-date at a fancy restruant a short drive from the hotel. When we got there, we couldnt even read the menu. It was in French, and neither of us had ever taken French.

"Leave it to you to plan a romatic dinner that you dont even understand." I laughed and he smiled and shrugged.

"How about we go get some McDonalds?" He suggsted, getting out of his chair and pushing it against the table. I stood as well, nodding, and followed him out of the restruant. Luckly, we werent wearing anything dressy and they only let us in beucase of us being famous. When we got in the car and headed for McDonalds, I looked at Dougie.

"How much did you pay for those reservations?" I asked at a red light. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Why does that matter?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I just think that its a waste of money since we just up and left." I answered and he smiled, but drew his attention back to the road. For the first time ever, I felt safe in a car with him.

When we got to the parking lot of McDonalds, he decided to answer me. "Jayden, it doesnt matter how much money I spend on you. The money means nothing to me, espically when your around. I have more import things to worry about then lossing a few bucks in doing something i wanted to do for you." He said. I smiled and he smiled back at me. "Is that a good enough answer?" He asked.

"No, but it means that Harry knows, so I'll just ask him when we get back to the hotel." I said and he sighed, but laughed.

"You know me too well." He said as he pulled into the 'drive though' lane.

"How is Harry? Did everything go right with him and Keight?" I asked, thinking back to earlier.

"Last I heard, Tom stayed in the room to make sure she didnt try to kill him and when he left, they were making out. So im going to take it things went well." He laughed in responce.

"Thats good. Harry needs a steady relationship." I said, thinking about all the random girls hes been with in the past year... most of them were weird as hell.

"Yeah.. what do you want?" he asked as we got to the menu board. We ordered our food and had alot more fun then we would've at some lame fancy restruant.