Status: updated as written!

This Is How We Do

Good Night My Love, My Best Friend

May 18th 2007- Junior Prom

"I cant believe you talked me into another one of these things." I sighed- loudly- as I walked down the stairs. I was wearing a dark blue dress that was sparkly. It came just below my knees. I didnt have my heels on yet; i'd kill myself on the stairs; but i did have light makeup on and my hair was curly and pulled back into a loose ponytail. When i got to where I could see into the living room, i stopped and smiled at Dougie.

"Hey there, beautiful." He smiled, walking over to the bottom of the steps to meet me when I got there. As i did, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him lightly. "You look amazing, as usual." He mused and kissed my cheek.

"So do you. I told you before, you clean up well. This time its even better beucase your hairs not purple." I smiled lightly and kissed his lips lightly, then let go of him and pushed lightly out of my way so I could put my shoes on. Its true, when he has help from either Harry or Tom, he can clean up rather well. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a blue dress shirt that didnt match my dress but at least it was blue. Of course, he had to add his own little touch by wearing a pair of DC shoes, untucking the shirt and unbuttoning the top two buttons, and leaving the tie in his room 'accidentally'. But that was typical of Dougie.

"Yeah, well, I was weird." Dougie shrugged, smiling, as he messed his hair up so that it wasnt neatly brushed to the side.

"Was?" Logan asked, amused, as he walked in from outside.

"Do I have purple hair anymore? No. Wish we could say the same for Mr. Skunk..." Dougie replied, looking at me and pointing at Logan. He's had blonde highlights in his dark brown hair since he was in 7th grade. Everytime they fade, he asks me to re-dye them for him.

"Leave my sexy hair alone, Poynter." Logan laughed.

"Stop it, I want to leave before Brigid comes over from your place and attacks with the camera. Plus, this gives us a chance to hang out for a while until the dance starts." I said. The dance started in two hours, so we figured to dodge Brigid, we'd get ready early and leave. So far, it was working.

"You got it babe." He smiled, helping me up. Once I was off my seat, he wrapped his arm securly around my waist and pecked my cheek. I hugged Logan quickly and we went out to the car. Dougie wasnt such a bad driver anymore, but I still insisted on putting my seatbelt on and overexagerating whenever he would start driving by gripping onto the arm rests. He rolled his eyes, smiling at me slightly, and continued driving.

June 13, 2007- Junior's last day

"What do you mean your going on tour until October?" I asked, looking at Dougie. He sighed and leaned his head back against his locker, pulling his knees closer to his chest.

"Fletch decided that it would be a good idea for us to go on tour over the summer. Tickets sold so fast, we had to book more dates. Ended up going into October. School said that was the most school I could miss, so thats where it ends. I dont want to go though." He complained, slamming his head back. I sighed and sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. It was oddly quiet due to the fact that Juniors were the only ones in attendence today, and we mostly all keep to ourselves.

"When does this tour start?" I asked, afraid of the answer. He hesitated, making me even more afraid.

"June 20th is our first show in Manchester, so were leaving the 19th." He said after a minute.

"Dougie! Thats in 6 days!" I cried. He closed his eyes.

"I know, i know. I told you already, I dont want to go! I cant just leave the guys high and dry for a bassist, no matter how much I want to stay in London with you. Im sorry, love." He said quietly, shifting. I picked my head up off his shoulder and faced him and he sighed and kissed me softly.

"Its not your fault. I know that. Im sorry for freaking out over it." I said after he broke off. I leaned my forehead onto his, looking him in the eyes. A small smile graced his face.

"I'll make it up to you. I swear to god I will." He said, pecking my lips again. I laced my fingers with his and he shut his empty locker and pulled me off the floor. We headed down to the Auditorium for our last day of school assembly, then dismissial. The speach started out the same as it always does, the whole 'dont give into peer pressure while your away' and all that junk, so I quickly tuned it out. Plus, Dougie drawing patterns onto my hand was quite distracting. If you looked over at us, though, you would never know that either of us were distracted.

Once we were dismissed, we hurried out of the place, happy for summer to have finally arrived. As we walked home, Dougie pulled his iPod out and started blasting Miss Murder by AFI. I made a face and took his iPod from him and put Lose It by Cartel on and he grinned and pulled me into him by my waist. When he got me closer, he kissed the side of my head lightly. We walked to the guys house, only to find it empty.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, confused. He smiled and threw his bag to the side, walking over and sitting on the sofa. He patted the seat next to him, so i threw my light bag at his and joined him.

"They had a meeting for the tour." He said. "They wont be home till 7." He said. I glanced at the clock. It was just after 11. "So, we have some us time." He said, shifting to face me. I smiled and he leaned towards me, stopping inches away from me. He pushed my side bangs behind my ear and kissed me lightly, breaking off quickly. "I love you, Jayden." He said.

"I love you too, Dougie." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning towards him, kissing him. Then someone cleared their throat, making Dougie break off and have a mini spaz attack. We both moved away from eachother quickly and looked up at Tyler.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Dougie asked, his voice cracking at a countertenor octave. I smiled at his tone and he shot a playful glare in my direction, so I avoided his gaze.

"I stayed overnight, dumbass. You were downstairs when Tom asked me if i wanted to stay." Tyler looked at him oddly.

"Well why are you still here?" Dougie asked, trying to keep his voice from cracking again, subconcious of it now.

"Becuase Tom didnt wake me up when he left. I just got up. Why are you sitting on the sofa making out? Shouldn't you be in class?" Tyler shot, glaring at Dougie.

"Today was our last day, oh smart one." Dougie shot back. Tyler made a face and jumped at him, but then stopped. Of course, Dougie didnt see that and he squealed and pulled his legs to his chest. Ty laughed and Dougie pouted and glared at her. I couldnt help but laugh quietly. "You, keep your mouth shut, Powers." He said, glaring at me, but not as hard as he glared at Tyler.

"Whatever, smartass. Im just leaving anyway. Keightys probably throwing a fit right now anyway." Tyler shrugged, walking over to the door.

"What, no sarcastic comment?" Dougie asked. Tyler shrugged and left. It was quiet for a few minutes, then Tyler yelled in the window.


Dougies face couldnt have gotten redder than it was in that moment. I giggled, but I knew that my face probably matched his. "I really hate her sometimes."

"Eh, you get used to her. Espically when you live with her on a bus for months at a time." I shrugged, smiling.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Dougie asked, obviously awkward after Tylers comment. Remind me to murder her later. He turned back to face the TV and grabbed the remote. "Im sure I can find something on TV that you would..." He trailed off as I kissed his cheek. "You dont care?" He asked, confused.

"Like I said, I got used to Tyler. Shes Tyler Kiba, she has to cause distruciton of some sort. Just dont pay attention to it... though thats when it usually gets worse..." I mused and Dougie laughed and pulled me into a kiss.

His hands found their way to my waist and mine latched into his hair, twirling it in between my fingers. After a while, his hand tugged on the bottom of my Aerocrombie shirt. I sighed and broke off and Dougie groaned.

"Im sorry. Im a dude, I cant help it. Lets just watch a movie." He said, picking the remote back up. I smiled, remembering I put a beater on under my shirt this morning, so I pulled the t-shirt off. He looked at me, extreamly confused until he realized i had a beater on. "Tease." He pouted and I smiled.

"Shut up." I smiled, leaning in to kiss him. He pressed his lips together, making them a straight line. I pouted. "Dougie..." I whined and he smiled again, trying to keep the straight line. Since he wouldnt stop being petty, I smiled and kissed his neck. He sighed and pushed me away, looking at me oddly.

"Dont do that. I'm leaving soon. I dont want to have to miss that too." He said. I sighed and nodded, but he smiled. "Now, lets stop making out and actually watch TV or something. Just incase we happen to have anymore interuptions." He said. I nodded and laid out on the sofa with my head on his lap. "You love making things hard for me, dont you?" He asked, running his hand though my hair softly. I smiled and nodded and he laughed and put a movie on.

Neither of us paid much attention to the movie. Dougie had manuvered us so that he was laying behind me on the sofa with his arm around my waist. I was leaning back against him, and he was really quiet- the scary kind of quiet Dougie is whenever something is wrong or hes thinking.

"Hey Doug?" I asked. I felt him jump lightly, then lean his head against mine. "What 'cha thinking about?" I asked.

"Just the future. You know, no matter what year i try to picture myself in, your always right by my side. Not that I want to, but I cant even imagine my life without you. I think that might be the real reason why I cant remember alot before Freshman year." He mused. I smiled at how cleche he was without trying.

"I see you though my entire life too, Dougie. I cant see any of us with anyone other than who were with now. Tyler and Tom balance eachother out so perfectly its weird to think of how they functioned without their other half. Danny and Lexee are both weird but they can be normal at the same time. Logan and Brigid are so in synch they can practically read eachothers minds, its creepy but cute at the same time. And Harry and Keighty might be the newest couple, but their deffinatly not going anywhere anytime soon. Their too smitten with eachother to tell how they work with eachother, but Harrys the perfect gentleman and Keighty needs a little order in her life. Shes a little out there without him." I said, actually taking the time to think about everyones relationships.

"What about us? Whats our strength?" Dougie asked, pulling me closer to him. I snuggled into his chest from a better angle and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Our strength is that were both so weird and random we understand the things that make no sence to other people. And were not petty and overprotective and jealous." I named off. There only a few of the things about us.

"And theres the fact that we love eachother no matter what everyone thinks." He said. I raised my eyebrow and turned in his arms.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well, Jordin doesnt like us dating. Logan didnt like us dating. Danny tried to talk me out of us dating when we first started. Tom disapproved of it for a while." He named off. My eyes got wide.

"Danny and Tom! Really?" I asked. This was the first I've head of this.

"Danny thought that I wasnt serious about you. He didnt want me to hurt you, beucase then hed have to hit me. Tom thought it was a bad idea for all of us to be dating girls from the same band, beucase if one couple broke up, it would always be awkward." Dougie explained. "But it all turned out alright." He smiled and kissed me lightly.

"What time is it?" I asked. We've been laying her forever and this is NOT the same movie that was on when we put the TV on. This is deffinatly at least the third or fouth movie since then.

"6:33." Dougie answered.

"Holy crap." I laughed. We'd been peaceful for so long i didnt even realize that much time had gone by.

"Im kinda tired now. Not getting yelled at in school made me tired. I usually get screamed at in first period, so it wakes me up. None of that, so Im wiped. Lets go to bed." He said. I groaned, but sat up and let him pull me upstairs. We laid down in the bed, ontop of the blankets, and he wrapped his arms around me securly, pulling me into him. Our position mimicked our previous one on the sofa, but Dougie didnt care.

"Goodnight my love, and I'll hold you one more time until tomorrow." Dougie sang quietly. I smiled and slowly fell asleep, not really caring that it wasnt even 7 pm.